Everything for Credits: Overdone (Full Version)

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Xendran -> Everything for Credits: Overdone (5/21/2013 17:30:35)

Yes, i know you want to give the appearance of being fair to everybody, but that does not mean every piece of equipment has to be buyable with credits now.

Almost all gear is pure art, which is perfectly fine to sell for varium-only as long as they don't have exclusive cores in them.
The equipment that looks especially amazing should be varium-only, as it gives more of a reason to buy it, but does not negatively effect free players in battle.
This goes with the whole idea of cosmetics. People pay very good money to look unique or awesome.

Cosmetics like this are the CORE of what successful microtransactions are, and for anybody who is going to argue against this, look at almost any mmo or moba with microtransactions. Especially LoL.

Where does LoL make its obscenely huge amounts of money? Skins.
What are uncored armors and weapons in epicduel? Skins.

Mother1 -> RE: Everything for Credits: Overdone (5/21/2013 17:43:33)

I personally have nothing against this idea Xendran, however some non variums or even varium players who don't have anymore varium would scream foul due to omega being you can get any and all items (other then phase promos) for credits.

caser5 -> RE: Everything for Credits: Overdone (5/21/2013 17:56:45)

Better cosmetics are the only thing one should be able to obtain with varium. (Supported)

DunkThatOreo -> RE: Everything for Credits: Overdone (5/21/2013 18:12:42)

I've been wanting this to happen since the day of omega. Varium lost all of it's appeal for me when everything became buy-able with credits.

Supported [:D]

goldslayer1 -> RE: Everything for Credits: Overdone (5/21/2013 18:14:03)

i agree.
alot of the new art that gets put in the game is being sold for credits.
it should be so that varium players get better quality art over non vars.

this is just another example of "good idea, bad implementation" (the idea being equality between vars and non vars)

hijinks -> RE: Everything for Credits: Overdone (5/21/2013 19:46:54)

Well, what would you guys do to better implement Equality between Varium and Nonvarium?

goldslayer1 -> RE: Everything for Credits: Overdone (5/21/2013 19:53:19)

not allow non vars to get varium quality art via credits.
powerwise all items would be the same, but non vars get lesser art quality for credit gear.

Noobatron x3000 -> RE: Everything for Credits: Overdone (5/21/2013 19:59:00)

Firstly I'm all for equality. And i completely agree that the gap should be virtually none exsistant between payer and non payer.

However did i use to pay when it p2w -yes

Would i ever now -No

If this idea was implemented even more so i wouldn't i don't care if I'm equipped with a basic club and basic Armour long as it gets the job. This is a personal opinion however i suspect its an opinion in the majority in the ED player pool.

So i don't see the point in this, way i see it your going to upset the f2p restricting what they can buy. And your going to remind the old p2w bunch just how little they're getting for their money. (This is assuming anyone still pays.)

ambien -> RE: Everything for Credits: Overdone (5/21/2013 20:25:21)

how soon u forget l am blowen away again if you remb players ed is and will always be a pay game. it started out as 1 and l hope it stays pay to play. if people get mad well quess what u do not have to play.

l think varium players should get a little better items the credit players. l have always supported varium pays for items. l said when omega will be releaes people will be mad the non varium players will be because it will cost them alot of credits for varium items, an no one belived me. now they are mad.

no game is free to play their is always a pay part of online games. l do support the staff of ed for varium that can still be gotten. and if you can get varium then u will pay the price in credits that is close a varium price.

l do not mind spending 45.95 for 12k in varium or 19.95 0r whatever it cost some times if l want the items l will spend the money.

always the syfy[:)]

goldslayer1 -> RE: Everything for Credits: Overdone (5/21/2013 20:39:12)


l said when omega will be releaes people will be mad the non varium players will be because it will cost them alot of credits for varium items, an no one belived me. now they are mad.

u weren't the only one to bring that issue up before omega came out.

many issues were brought up before omega came out
- the lowering of HP/ep
- the change to "F2P"
- the removal of NPC wins
(and many more)
and now players left or are leaving because of these reasons.

Scyze -> RE: Everything for Credits: Overdone (5/21/2013 22:21:00)

I was going to suggest that some items should be Varium worth only so we still get a chance to be better than others.

Xendran -> RE: Everything for Credits: Overdone (5/21/2013 22:30:53)


a chance to be better than others.

This is 2013. The devs are well aware of the state of the industry and know that Pay2win doesn't fly anymore.


The statement that people avoid p2w games is extremely true these days.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Everything for Credits: Overdone (5/21/2013 23:13:53)

and the players that have already bought varium weapons with credits?

Xendran -> RE: Everything for Credits: Overdone (5/21/2013 23:18:00)

What about them? No need to remove items from them that were purchased well within the limits of the game engine.
It's kinda like they went rare, but instead of being fully rare and gone, they're simply Credit-Rare and can only be purchased with varium from now on.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Everything for Credits: Overdone (5/21/2013 23:23:22)

Hmm... seems fair enough.

This will let people buy more varium.

And it will never be p2w because it is only for cosmetics....

I like this idea as long as the varium price for a max weapon is around 500

RageSoul -> RE: Everything for Credits: Overdone (5/21/2013 23:55:13)


Xendran -> RE: Everything for Credits: Overdone (5/22/2013 0:18:25)

Speaking of which, ED could actually benefit from advertising on sites with "No More Pay2Win!" on the ad to help attract players again. A lot of people steer clear of ED because of its P2W reputation.

Mother1 -> RE: Everything for Credits: Overdone (5/22/2013 0:25:22)

@ xendran

even with promo's coming out in a year for all if they keep making gamebreaking cores like Azreal's will was when it first came out even if available in a year the game is still just that pay to win since you paid for a core others can't get for a year.

Xendran -> RE: Everything for Credits: Overdone (5/22/2013 0:32:39)

Yeah, i know that the game is still pay2win. If they can fully remove the P2W however, they would get more players with this advertising.

I actually consider boosting P2W as well but there's no chance of them getting rid of it.

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: Everything for Credits: Overdone (5/22/2013 3:53:28)

yup, i strongly support allowing only paying players to get items with quality art, since varium doesn't give you much power ingame apart from saving time on getting things, promo items should also be available in-game but for a big price( 2.5k-3.5k varium only).

promo package/package items=/=ingame varium currency are completely different matters.

martinsen5 -> RE: Everything for Credits: Overdone (5/22/2013 4:11:04)

I support varium weapons that are mainly cosmetics, but just as strong as every other weapon IG. However, they should not include unique cores or anything the like that would give the players an advantage. Quite frankly I don't understand why it hasn't been like this the whole time in ED, and especially after Omega. If you look around in other MMOs, you will see that cosmetic items are greatly appreciated among players who are P2P, whereas the F2Ps don't mind seeing as they don't give P2P the upperhand. In other words, supported. [:D]

About advertising F2P, this is something I really hate. I've played many games with the years that advertise for being "entirely" free to play when they're not. One game, called Spiral Knights sold expansion packs (containing exclusive mission levels) on Steam, meaning the whole game isn't free to play. Yet the game still advertised about being entirely and completely free to play, which in all honesty is very misleading. Another example is Wakfu, which has Free to Play written all over their website, literally. In this game you get to play in the starter zone / AKA the tutorial, for free. To access the rest of their game, you'd have to pay for a subscription. Now, I know you were talking about pay to win and not pay to play; So if ED were to advertise about not being P2W, even with all these promos coming out with cores unavailible to the rest of their playerbase, it'd be a big fat lie. [8|]

Xendran -> RE: Everything for Credits: Overdone (5/22/2013 4:14:13)


So if ED were to advertise about not being P2W, even with all these promos coming out with cores unavailible to the rest of their playerbase, it'd be a big fat lie.

I mean after they fix the current p2w situation.

Thylek Shran -> RE: Everything for Credits: Overdone (5/22/2013 5:29:02)

Im still using the pretty ugly Cardboard Crusader because I dont want to spend like 26-40k credits
for a new armor with cores. I just dont play enough anymore so that this is a big bunch of credits
to me. The credit payment option is expensive enough to make the varium option attractive
for people that are willing to pay real money.

I dont have a problem for varium only textures if this would help the game. This was also a
suggestion by myself long before Omega to remove powerfull varium items for more PVP fairness
and instead to offer the varium customers something different and exclusive. At least we now have
alot textures to choose from and are no longer stuck with the same armors because they were the
most powerfull and a must have. Like Cardboard Crusader was in the past for credit players that
missed the Limited-Rare and expensive Harbinger Husk or didnt wanted to buy it.

Amors are also a battle equipment category that is lacking far behind weapon categories in
quantity so that new and better looking armors sure would make the game more attractive.

Remorse -> RE: Everything for Credits: Overdone (5/22/2013 9:24:17)

100% agree,

One thing I do not understand is why ED took away the Exclusive cosmetic side of varium weapons.....

Yes the free to play advanatge was once unfair and massive but why make all varium weapons have a credit option when they have already brought the stats down to the same standard....


I think they should revert the credit option on all varium or once varium items and for the luky NON varium out their that got a once varium item with credits can considerate a gift.

If this game wants to make money they should look to cosmetic and NOT! overpowered Promo packages supped up with overpowered or balance ruining cores.

I play leage of legends now and it living proof cosmetic style premium is a perfect way to set out EDs weapons.

-Remorse Less.

axell5 -> RE: Everything for Credits: Overdone (5/22/2013 9:34:19)

no, im ok with the idea of the var shortcut and not if someone is rich= BOOOM autowins

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