RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.16 (Full Version)

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Synner -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.16 (5/24/2013 18:05:19)

The 3 cooldown of the new skill of merc is fine

Noobatron x3000 -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.16 (5/24/2013 18:09:35)

No just your defenses and chance to connect a blow increase anc chance to block increase with dex who needs those huh?

Ranloth -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.16 (5/24/2013 18:10:22)

Dex is a defensive stat, glad you've noticed. Also, AS received indirect nerf as well with the Crit change which is why you keep saying AS > rest, but Dex gives you defence instead. The switching just gives you Stun on the 2nd tier instead of having to have Multi then Stun.

caser5 -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.16 (5/24/2013 18:22:31)

Oh great now I can't count on surgical striking any class...and atom smasher still gets blocked a fourth of the time...

Trae -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.16 (5/24/2013 18:40:58)

I caved and bought the exile promo pack hope the exile war chest is worth it

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.16 (5/24/2013 19:32:22)


I love this update :D:D:D:D:D

Ranloth -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.16 (5/24/2013 19:41:24)

My internet sped up which is nice and did one fight with the new Atom. It's quite nice, but I drained 19 EP and regained 15 EP, IIRC. I wonder how it works. It's like Assimilation but no damage here and Mercs cannot really have as much fun as TMs do with Assimilation + Reroute combined. The lack of damage and possibly cut regen on block balances it out great. Now onto my CH to see the buffed SC.

Kd -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.16 (5/24/2013 19:52:47)

Are the weapon cores doing the increased damage yet? (i.e.-more to legion scum if you are an exile)

Scyze -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.16 (5/24/2013 20:31:34)

I like the update! Mercenaries got stronger in my opinion.

I think it would be clever to not buy the promo pack. The Weapon's available in-game and all you're really going for is the chest which I presume they added so it is appealing. This is my opinion so don't get put off that much! :)

Trae -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.5.16 (5/24/2013 20:38:12)

WHAT!! the weps are available in game NO!!!!!!'

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: =ED= May 24th, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.16 (5/24/2013 20:49:14)

MAX Static smash is insaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaane. No energy cost and at max does 40-50 energy steal

Noobatron x3000 -> RE: =ED= May 24th, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.16 (5/24/2013 21:12:45)

^ I'm so going merc on my lower level alts I'ma farm me some juggers <3

Bloodpact -> RE: =ED= May 24th, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.16 (5/24/2013 21:40:18)

sounds like mercs got a much deserved buff, but at what cost ...

Will the crowds scream nerf or buff?

Scyze -> RE: =ED= May 24th, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.16 (5/24/2013 21:55:48)

This Skill has made me perform better. I don't necessary think it's OP because I only get 20 Energy back.
So now you guys are mad that Mercenaries are good? Wow!

How is that even possible?

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: =ED= May 24th, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.16 (5/24/2013 22:46:11)

it is a good thing that the promo is available in-game so that those who has tons of varium in their inventory could get it without buying another batch of varium, the bad thing is that it is also available for credits, that's a mistake IMO.

Scyze -> RE: =ED= May 24th, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.16 (5/24/2013 22:48:57)

Yeah, I think that's a good mistake. Also, it's ridiculously expensive.

Bloodpact -> RE: =ED= May 24th, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.16 (5/24/2013 22:57:35)

yeah I made a point to include its excessive price in another thread bought ppl hoping to much from the box.

I'd honestly be happier if there was also a sword in there... maybe in my next life... OR MAYBE ITS IN THE BOX! >:D

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= May 24th, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.16 (5/24/2013 23:34:50)

@ trizz

if they mad this promo available only for varium non varium would be crying foul saying "the staff promised all items would have a credit price and now they are making varium only item again!"

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: =ED= May 24th, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.16 (5/25/2013 0:04:29)

Strength builds malicious

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= May 24th, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.16 (5/25/2013 0:51:50)

% for the return can be toned down, nothing else. Mercenaries got the deserved buff. It may be better than Assimilation but it doesn't deal damage and depends greatly on Strength for the drain. Besides, it's not as OP in Merc's hands than it would be for any other class. They don't have offensive debuff (Malf/Smoke) nor passive EP/HP regen. Intimidate and HA, that's all. And who can afford to get max Atom, max HA and use leftover points for a decent build?

TRizZzCENTRINO -> RE: =ED= May 24th, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.16 (5/25/2013 0:59:23)


@ trizz

if they mad this promo available only for varium non varium would be crying foul saying "the staff promised all items would have a credit price and now they are making varium only item again!"

they shouldn't even complain since it is a promo item in the first place, if the staff made it purchasable ingame for varium only then it is for varium user's convenience, no-one would keep buying 10k promos all the time just to get the newest promo items, especially if they already have lots of varium in their inventory.

if they made items with better art for varium only then players shouldn't complain since every item that's sold ingame is basically the same apart from looks.

Scyze -> RE: =ED= May 24th, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.16 (5/25/2013 1:22:17)

@Mother1, (I was going to post this before but I had to do something.)
Look, since EpicDuel is an Artix Entertainment game, the game needs to be what Artix really wanted; you work hard to get the good stuff. In EpicDuel, it was different. Now, it's slowly heading towards that place.

It doesn't matter if people complain if they are only Varium worth, they should be thankful that they are able to get good gear which they couldn't before. Don't think I'm saying since I've got Varium, I don't.

kittycat -> RE: =ED= May 24th, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.16 (5/25/2013 1:50:16)

I personally think this update is a bit nice, except the plasma bolt reduction is not strong enough and there are still crazy support builds out there dominating the battlefield.

Midnightsoul -> RE: =ED= May 24th, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.16 (5/25/2013 3:04:03)

Honestly, balance should stay somewhere like this. I don't any major changes. It's pretty good how it is.

kosmo -> RE: =ED= May 24th, 2013 - Patch Notes - 1.5.16 (5/25/2013 8:34:30)

sorry i have a question, can someone tell me which is the tipe (energy or phisical) of the new cores?

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