RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Commentary Thread (Full Version)

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Stephen Nix -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Commentary Thread (6/28/2013 23:09:34)


Vote C for a one of the DF warmongers to make an appearance and beat up the Rose members

Hehehehhehehehe! I am playing both sides of the coin in this showdown, why not!!!!

Also Thank you Gin, corrected!

Frost Moglin -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Commentary Thread (6/29/2013 4:43:31)

I've been starting to make a war story and I also have made 2 poems. If you want to appear in the next part of the story, tell me.

Arthur -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Commentary Thread (6/29/2013 4:54:27)

Stephen, it's always a pleasure reading your dialogues. Saying that they are hilarious would just be an understatement, a crime punishable by the Shrink Ray.

Keep up the brilliant work, Enemy of a Thousand Guilds.^^

flashbang -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Commentary Thread (6/30/2013 14:54:10)

Hey deatharrows I vote for option A!

deatharrows -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Commentary Thread (6/30/2013 20:37:02)

Ok now to make the next chapter. Never mind, only two people voted... I need more votes.

BraveSirRobin -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Commentary Thread (6/30/2013 21:11:32)

@deatharrows Between B and C...Id pick B(where the cats leap out and attack everything.Also its awesome that I am inlcuded in a story.

Gingkage -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Commentary Thread (6/30/2013 21:34:07)

I don't get it. Why did Faerdin destroy the Clawkin camp? Maybe I missed something because I'm tired, but that doesn't make much sense to me.

If the 'Poor' result ends up happening, I might just have to write a reaction story to that.

Caststarter -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Commentary Thread (7/1/2013 0:08:22)

@Gingkage: Well I think it is rather because you know... he is captured and forced to do it.

Also nice job Fae and to all of you.

Anyways... I kept my promise. You beaten my WPM challenge and now I write. Comments and criticism accepted.

Cataclysm -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Commentary Thread (7/1/2013 3:07:24)

So, I went ahead and posted my story. I see most everyone doing the same kind of story: One focusing around their character, the hero, whose prowess is combat and unmatched. But, as I was raiding today, a stray thought struck me: What of the other soldiers? Surely we aren't fighting the ENTIRE war by ourselves. That's just preposterous. We very likely have a fighting force to match the Rose's. Not to mention the Rose is almost entirely human soldiers as well. They're just faceless, generic enemies we fight or fight beside. And yet, this struck me... So as I warred, I looked at the characters I was mowing down so freely and it struck me. What about them? That's the focus of my story here. Not some glorious soldier whose talent in war would make Ares envious, not a soldier whose cunning would make Athena jealous, not a soldier with an agility to make Hermes furious... Just simple soldiers. Ordinary, faceless, nameless foot soldiers. I gave them personalities, backgrounds, histories... They remain the same as they ever were, without a name and without a face, serving only as simple infantry in a war they may or may not have wanted to partake in. I wanted to explore the possibilities for these unknown soldiers, the myriad of faces who fight for us and against us. After all, not everyone's reasons for fighting can be boiled down to "Magik iz evul, atak!" and "Roez iz evul, atak!" Everyone here has their own stories to share. These soldiers have nobody to tell theirs, though. Well, until now, anyway...

I hope you enjoy the beginning part of my story, The Faceless.

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Commentary Thread (7/2/2013 8:16:13)

@Cataclysm: My story would be about "bystanders". I'll post it once the Rose front gets to 25%.

Anyway, a quick notion on your own story.

She fought against them simply because the Rose did not recruit adventurers, but the rebelling groups did.

The Rose does seem to recruit adventurers or at least pay them as can be discerned from the adventurer on the path to Swordhaven in Book 3. Other than that it is a fantastic addition.

deatharrows -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Commentary Thread (7/2/2013 16:03:49)

Ok I made part two of my story. Read it if you want.

Thank you for merging the post faerdin :) I didn't know that the double post rule applied to posting to posts in this thread.... that sounded confusing and weird.

Stephen Nix -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Commentary Thread (7/4/2013 11:51:34)

Part 2 of the story is now up....featuring two APR members. Next story will have Assa and Deatharrows involved..maybe more don't know yet.

Cataclysm -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Commentary Thread (7/5/2013 20:12:37)

Just posted Part 2 of The Faceless. I'll probably conclude with the next part.

I hope you all enjoy the continuation.

Razen -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Commentary Thread (7/6/2013 0:04:44)

Well, I got up a short war story. I'll leave it to you to find out who the main character of it is.

Stephen Nix -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Commentary Thread (7/7/2013 1:40:56)

Part 3 is now up, featuring Deatharrows and Assa! Next story will involve two members of the dark knights and a huge fight between Stephen nix and Raharu! Coming relatively soon!

Gingkage -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Commentary Thread (7/7/2013 9:39:49)

Loved part 3, Nix. Particularly the Snickers commercial pun. Though I do wonder what that last link was. It was broken for me.

Stephen Nix -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Commentary Thread (7/7/2013 10:36:06)

The link was the Snickers works for me...try here

Gingkage -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Commentary Thread (7/7/2013 12:33:44)

My favorite Snickers commercial! :D That just made me love that bit even more. I think I know what happened. I think my computer started freaking out when the url had 'https' in the beginning of it. I removed the 's' and it was just fine.

The Odor -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Commentary Thread (7/7/2013 12:41:57)

Miran: I really liked those, especially the last one. Good description of the Rose.

Raharu95 -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Commentary Thread (7/8/2013 22:54:48)

Here is for your story Nix ^^ a bit of corrections I could make for Part one 'v'


Raharu Ydra: Well I might as well take my time to read this card here.
Raharu Ydra: *reads out loud*

"Assignment 47, meet up with a mercenary for The Rose, named Stephen Nix.
Do not let him pass by you. He is very dangerous and he will more than likely not be alone.
Take caution and start setting up a zone for yourself to make sure you have the field advantage.
Set up traps nearby so you have a chance of getting an early hit on him.
Make your way back to base when it's over! Good Luck!"

You forgot Raharu's accent on this three words here~


Raharu picks up his scythe and rushes towards the ManaHunter in a jousting charge. When the ManaHunter makes his way towards the warrior he slides in a mud puddle and starts to lose his balance. At the same time Raharu steps in the mud and his scythe flies in the air, but just so happens to land on top of the ManaHunter. As the slain hunter lays on the ground motionless, Raharu stands up and after tripping two more times, finally walks towards Stephen Nix.

I know it classified as a Scythe weapon in the game, but as the name suggest, this is actually a glaive X3


Raharu holds his spear in the air with water as this warrior was not so simple. For he has a deep past dabbing into the powers of water magic. While all of this is happening, Nix continues to waddle towards him and eventually just as Raharu is prepared to throw the scythe, Stephen takes the scythe out of Raharu's hands and tosses it aside. He then headbutts Raharu, and as the young warrior holds his head in pain, stands back three paces and freezes Raharu on the spot.

You called Raharu's weapon two different things here XP


Raharu Ydra: Just give me one more chance! I mean, you haven't even seen the Vurr-Men side of me get into action!

This one was my fault. It is actually VurrMan, not Vurr-men as I sent it to you >_~

Besides that, hehe, I liked the first Part ^^ It was honestly Humorous~ Also, I meant Ydra to be a last name for Raharu. but I never told you that, so it is not problem that maybe you put it up too much in each of his dialogues.

Part 2 Critique~


Raharu Ydra: *reads sign* Before you hero is your challenge. The game is simple, without destroying the turret about 100 yards away, your objective is to get past it. Be warned, this is no ordinary turret for it shoots out magic bolts at you with precise aiming. You need to focus and think how to get past this turret and make it safely to us on the other side to our base. Good luck!

Missing accents here~


Raharu takes out his Glaive of the Orb and summons a small tide of water to circulate around the scythe, however the circling only lasts for so long until Raharu yawns and the water is thrown onto Saphier by accident.

glaive, thought you could say scythe weapon instead.


Raharu Ydra: *looks at the dragons that are now within 5 feet* Umm, guys, there getting closer!

I believe you meant to write they're or they are, and the accent is missing 'v'

Raharu starts to get flustered, but focuses on the task and before the next 3 dragons approach, Raharu's scythe glows bright green and he points that end at Break as the enchantment begins to glow over Break's body.



Raharu steps forward. A bit wary, but charges with his scythe, he approaches the first dark dragon and focuses till his scythe turns blue. The dark dragon breathes dark fire but the blue scythe summons around Raharu a shield which blocks all the dragons attack. Raharu, then steps forward and jumps at the dragon and slays the beast down. An ice dragon picks up Raharu and soars with him on his claws in the air, Raharu commands his body to go red and with his scythe. He breaks free from one foot of the ice dragon and flips himself to land on the ice dragon's back and stabs it with his scythe.

Glaive, Glaive, weapon, Glaive,

on that last one, I think it would sound better if you wrote "And stabs it with the edge of his blade" :3, otherwise, is glaive again ^^'

As the ice dragon crash-lands into a cliff, a red and blue dragon fly towards Raharu. Raharu's scythe turns purple and he throws it past the dragons and as they move closer to him, the scythe returns and slices through each dragon. Raharu catches the scythe and lastly turns it bright yellow. He takes a few steps back and points at the ground as the two dragons walk towards him, the dragons fall into a giant pit in the ground. Raharu then jumps in and slays each dragon. Slowly he picks himself up and gets out of the pit, alive. He then starts to walk back towards Break and Saphier.

Glaive ^^'


Raharu Ydra: I can't tell you how helpful this training session was!

accent 'v'

Well that was an enjoyable read. I seem to be making progress at an unbelievable speed XP

More Critique coming soon 'v'

Stephen Nix -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Commentary Thread (7/8/2013 23:38:07)

Alright I got some of your corrections thus far......still working on continuing that

Edit: Ok done with part 2's corrections, now part 3 for me is interesting n what you think with the transforming ability I threw in.....

Not a problem, I do plan on finishing off the story over the weekend! I got an email from Dart so I got more info to run with, thanks for appreciating the story!

Raharu95 -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Commentary Thread (7/9/2013 2:36:43)

Critique Time!

So far, I gotta thank yah Nix for giving me the chance of having you write a story based on me ^^. I did not found spelling mistakes this time, thought I may have overlooked something.

I honestly am liking the story. It charm and humorous, and I like the way you made my character talk without knowing much about him ^^ You did not do bad at all on that department. There are a few things that could be improve~ For one thing, you could have given a bit more description to the heroes. Unless I missed something, you only mentioned them by name, so I just have to imagine how they look like all on my own XP

While I think the story is moving too fast, that probably intended, so there is not complain there.

Also... My character is A VurrMan, VurrMan. Not a Human who can transform into one XP But to tell you the truth, I do like your take on it~ Though... it seemed odd to me that Assa and the Gargoyles talked about the shape-shifting as if where something they where already aware off without someone having told then first. And if someone did told them first, It was not mentioned X3.

Keep doing a good job Nix 'v'

Cataclysm -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Commentary Thread (7/12/2013 18:13:24)

Part 3, the conclusion, is up now. Apparently some people thought I'd ended it at Part 2 but I hadn't. Oh no. I had plans for another part. The conclusion's fairly short, but I think it'll suffice. I got across everything I needed.

And so ends the journey of The Faceless. I hope you've enjoyed the ride. I know I had fun writing it - very different from what I normally do, but so very enjoyable.

Stephen Nix -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Commentary Thread (7/19/2013 0:55:33)

The ending is now up, enjoy whomever is still around. Lol!

Faerdin -> RE: =DF= Dragon Rose War Commentary Thread (7/19/2013 18:26:29)

I have finally finished my war story as well.
Congratulations to all who participated in the war. We have everything to be proud of. ^_^

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