RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Mystical Warrior -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (5/8/2015 10:43:16)

@crabpeople In most cases, the only skill you won't be using to much is the Guardian Shield when it comes to normal battles, since Vortex is enough to give you a 1 turn defense while buffing your damage. Not to mention Spiral Carve is a great defensive skill given that you have 3 tries to stun (since each hit tries to stun) the monster if they have immunity to stuns, dunno if its supposed to work that way though since its kinda OP IMO.

LouisCyphere -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (5/8/2015 10:48:20)

Thanks Ash! I understand your priorities. Anyways, you have done a wonderful work on this class and the others so thank you again.

Shadows Morgenstern -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (5/8/2015 13:14:41)

Nevermind Awethur's power flowing through the new guardian class, I'm pretty sure it flows through Ash and his time management skills. RL Chronomancer confirmed.

Lordk0z -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (5/9/2015 13:22:49)

Just did the new Yulgar quest and I have a mostly non-spoiler thing to mention.

It seems the Guardian's face doesn't work well with smiling.

GreenGuy23 -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (5/9/2015 13:29:08)

@Ash will there be a way to switch out the current Gurdian Blade for the new one, or will we just have to buy the new one?

Mystical Warrior -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (5/9/2015 13:29:52)

@Lordkoz Already pointed that out some pages back, like when the character is supposed to be frowning or smiling its like he has a moustache or something, if you guys want to see what I mean, you can try doing the final quest in tomix saga since that cutscene has alot of close up on the character face.

@GreenGuy Ash already said that the new art will have a separate item in itself with static damage, so yea, you will have to buy the new Guardian Blade separately, here's the quote and link to it:

There's going to be two versions of the weapon in the shop. One, with the old art, that has the old random ranges. The NEW art will be a totally new item with static ranges so that you can choose which type of range you want. I wanted there to be options and since this class already had the weapons I can give a second option now.

GreenGuy23 -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (5/9/2015 18:45:48)

Would it be possible to lower the mana cost or give an extra hit or something for Awethur's Power? It's kind of a useless attack if you don't hit the 1%.

EDIT: Nevermind.

Azan -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (5/9/2015 18:48:48)

It's 150-250% damage if you don't get PWD. This means you'll always do more than normal attack damage and may do more than 2x normal attack damage. I think it's very good as it is.

Shadows Morgenstern -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (5/9/2015 18:52:53)

@Greenguy23: It's far from useless as Azan pointed out, full power attack with crit is a LOT of damage if you haven't gotten it yet. Full power I mean the 250% attack not Awethur's power.

GreenGuy23 -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (5/9/2015 19:01:16)

Aaah I didn't know it was doing extra damage. I thought it was doing just an average amount of damage.

Spidercliff -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (5/10/2015 4:03:04)

Love the class. It looks sexy. The art style, the color depth, and the shading are all professionally done and marvelous. Really shows how far the game's design has come when you compare older art with more updated art.

One thing though, the chat bubble for getting your mana back kinda ruins it. I understand it's good to have some way of letting someone know how much MP they got back but the chat bubble is just too simple in that it stands out compared to the armor, it's skills, and the environment. I suggest making it like Chronomancer's Mana Steal attack in the same way that shows how much mana you got back. This is only a graphics/text suggestion, I think the skill itself is fine. Although, it might be nice to have it deal like 20% damage to HP and the rest remains the same. Guardian from what I'm seeing in this preview is very mana heavy so gameplay wise it's nice to "last hit" a weak enemy that has like 1-30 HP with a mana regen move, again such as Mana Steal.

DD.CLYDESTER -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (5/10/2015 10:55:46)

Overall, the class has a nice defensive and offensive hybrid stats. It makes battle with bosses a little longer but more fun since you'll really have to use most of the skills. lol so 10/10, thanks ash :D

Btw, just a suggestion, is it possible to make the shield have a blocking sound whenever the monsters miss or whenever we parry or block? :)

lordmastersupreme -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (5/10/2015 15:20:11)

Is the guardian blade getting a revamp too?

Ash -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (5/10/2015 15:36:50)


One thing though, the chat bubble for getting your mana back kinda ruins it. I understand it's good to have some way of letting someone know how much MP they got back but the chat bubble is just too simple in that it stands out compared to the armor, it's skills, and the environment. I suggest making it like Chronomancer's Mana Steal attack in the same way that shows how much mana you got back. This is only a graphics/text suggestion, I think the skill itself is fine. Although, it might be nice to have it deal like 20% damage to HP and the rest remains the same. Guardian from what I'm seeing in this preview is very mana heavy so gameplay wise it's nice to "last hit" a weak enemy that has like 1-30 HP with a mana regen move, again such as Mana Steal.

The way that Chronmancer does it is not the ideal way to actually show stuff. It can be done but I can attempt to adjust it over to that. Also no to the HP hit. Not if it's to retain as much Mana Healing as it is right now. The point of the skill isn't to be a last hit, it's a direct mana drain. You're not targeting health at all but the foe's mana.


Btw, just a suggestion, is it possible to make the shield have a blocking sound whenever the monsters miss or whenever we parry or block? :)

I'll look and see. No promised as that can end up tricky to do properly.


Is the guardian blade getting a revamp too?


There's going to be two versions of the weapon in the shop. One, with the old art, that has the old random ranges. The NEW art will be a totally new item with static ranges so that you can choose which type of range you want. I wanted there to be options and since this class already had the weapons I can give a second option now.

This was quoted on this same page. Please make sure to at least check the current page and the previous page as most likely what you want to know has already been asked if it's art related.

Frost Moglin -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (5/10/2015 15:37:25)

@lordmastersupreme: It won't get a revamp, but a new version with ranges like 60-60 will be added in addition to the current ones
Edit: Ninja'd by Ash

lordmastersupreme -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (5/10/2015 15:45:48)

Thanks ash and frost mogiln ^^. And sorry for asking it again without reading everything.

Im glad to finally use guardian to battle strong enemies, it is the class that most transcends my personality. I also feel better with its hybrid aspects.

Mystical Warrior -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (5/11/2015 0:44:35)

Looks like the jumping shield crash animation is back for the Guardian Rage skill, now it really gives off a finishing hit like feel, although it would also be cool if the shield push animation was retained and adding the jumping shield crash at the end. Although I'm still well satisfied all in all

DD.CLYDESTER -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (5/11/2015 2:17:18)

Thanks Ash :D oh and lastly, will the guardians get a special title in their character page just like doomknight or nah? :)

Snakezarr -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (5/11/2015 3:23:16)

Hey ash minor nitpick but the old armour had plus 5 light and dark could that be added back?

LouisCyphere -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (5/11/2015 4:14:17)

Time Core Edge and UDASoE can now freely switch elements! Thanks Ash!!

Brasca123 -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (5/11/2015 8:04:55)

thanks for constantly hearing our suggestions and fixing all broken stuff ash, you're the best!

Ash -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (5/11/2015 9:02:17)


Thanks Ash :D oh and lastly, will the guardians get a special title in their character page just like doomknight or nah? :)

Not that I'm aware of. If it wasn't stated at the armor's release then it most likely won't be done now.


Hey ash minor nitpick but the old armour had plus 5 light and dark could that be added back?

That's on the original Guardian's armor slot in the DB. What you're using to test is a completely different slot. When I replace the old version's file with the new version's file in that slot then you'll get that.

Lordk0z -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (5/13/2015 5:18:52)

This is probably too late, but it seems bacon isn't the best pick for the Dragon's element. The original Dragon's element "Harm" is regularly not affected by resistances. While bacon is fairly uncommon a resistance, your average rose manahunter takes half damage.

Wouldn't a element less common like "Good" and "Evil" be a better pick considering it's rarity?

dragon_monster -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (5/13/2015 5:34:03)

Or void or nothing?

Mystical Warrior -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (5/13/2015 6:04:30)

Well the general knowledge for the Guardian Dragon's breath attack is that nothing can resist it. So the best element will the one used by the Grand Master Sword, since that has no classification, so no monster can resist it except if they have the All resistance.

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