DarkDevil -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (8/3/2013 6:09:18)
what about this : the guardian class is not made as it should be it should focus on both mele and magic power where now someone with 200 INT and a magic weapon will have all skills full powered while somone with 200 str or dex will have only half the power or nearly so i was thinking that all skills MUST be locked to type where 5 skills should be mele and 5 should be magic and the two hybrid and 2 utility skills where no skill should require a turn to use without dealing damage but will deal low damage without requirements. on top of that the current guardian relies only on 4 skills which are guardian rage which is OP due to 1200% stat damage and 3 turns cooldown and second is guardian dragon and 3rd is the keen and last is the stun so i didn't think about changing skills but to make them more usefull. so here is what i got so far i will be updating this post everywhile and discuss with everyone here about how it could be balanced as the values and things WILL be changed as they are just starting factors , stat damage is high on most of skills cus it will rely on two different stats so there will be consequences Guardian Dragon Guardian Dragon Attack Mana Cost: 30 Cooldown: 15 Element: none Attack Type: Pierce Effect: summons guardian dragon doing 4 hits of none Element at 100% critical. damage : first hit does 25% weapon damage 0% stat damage , second hit doing 50% weapon damage 0% stat damage , third hit doing 75% weapon damage and 0% stat damage , fourth doing 100% weapon damage and 0% stat damage. comment: this hit will do 5 times your weapon damage at an increasing pattern but it will deal no stat damage at all and the mana cost makes it handy for low and high leveled and high cooldown , also none element makes it unboostable as armor doesn't have any damage boost skill. Mana Strike Attacks MP instead of HP Effect: attacks dealing 100% weapon damage and 200% stat damage to the enemy MANA. Mana Cost: 5 Cooldown: 0 Element: As weapon Attack Type: mele Guardian Rage Might 12 slashes Mana Cost: 15 Cooldown: 4 Attack Type: mele Element: as weapon Effect: 12 hits of 10% weapon damage and 50% stat damage each comment: yes i am locking it to mele this is the first warrior skill in the class , also nerfed stat damage and increased cooldown so it will not be reliable anymore but another skill. Weaken Enemy does -50% for 2 turns Effect: Attacks the selected opponent once for 100% weapon damage 100% stat damage and lowers the opponent's boost with 50% for 2 turns Mana Cost: 30 Cooldown: 8 Element: As weapon Attack Type: mele comment: this skill would rather be the only defensive skill on the warrior side so it will only receive basic stat damage to avoid abusing of Str on the other side it will only take effect for 2 turns while having 8 turns cooldown makes it unspamable either it will reduce your opponent damage by a turn so mana cost is also high. Triple Attack Available after a successful Double Attack. Effect: Requires the last hit of a Double Attack to have connected to unlock. Does three hits of 60% weapon damage and 120% stat damage Mana Cost: 15 Cooldown: 0 Element: As weapon Attack Type: mele Double Attack Available after a successful Attack. Effect: Requires the last hit of any attack to have connected to unlock. Does two hits of 60% weapon damage and 120% stat damage Mana Cost: 10 Cooldown: 3 Element: As weapon Attack Type: mele comment: if you looked at those carefully they are taken from warrior cus no warrior can fight without his double and triple strike but as you can see both are locked to mele and have different values that they are now more stat-dependant than they used to be which is to increase the power of the warrior using it yet they also increase weapon's power making it also usefull for a mage using it too. Guardian Shield +80 Block and parry ,25% crict for 2 turns Effect: Sticks sword in the air and the Guardian Crest lights up in front of you, giving you +80 on Block and parry and 25% crict for 2 turns Mana Cost: 15 Cooldown: 5 Element: N/A Attack Type: N/A comment: i added parry to it since guardian should block and parry and also added the keen effect to it , 80 block and parry will give you 50% defense and the 25% crict will only last for 2 turns actually nerfing it yet making it more usefull. Attack Effect: Runs towards the enemy and hits it once for 100% weapon damage and 150% stat damage Mana Cost: 0 Cooldown: 0 Element: As weapon Attack Type: As weapon comment: not sure about making its stat damage to 200% but as stats are spread it would make the ordinary hit weaker so this one gets it up since it only receives 1 stat boost from the weapon. Red Shift Cool Downs reduced by 4 Effect: Sticks sword in the air, a yellow aura appears reducing All your Cooldowns by 4 Mana Cost: 50 Cooldown: 14 Element: N/A Attack Type: N/A comment: yep increased its effect by a turn cus it takes alot of mana. Guardian Blast Guardian Blast of Fire Effect: Aim hand at the enemy and shoots a flame resembling a dragonhead at the enemy doing 2 hits of 40% weapon damage and 100% stat damage each also applying a dot of 100% weapon damage and 300% of stat damage over 3 turns. Mana Cost: 20 Cooldown: 10 Element: fire Attack Type: Magic comment:yep i added the burn on this one and made it do normal weapon damage it will do 180% weapon damage for somone with no INT while doing 400% stat damage for somone with int and cooldown increased to prevent spam Multi Attack Hits all enemies with Energy wave Effect: Sticks hand in front of the enemy and launches an energy wave at each enemy, doing 100% weapon damage and 200% stat damage on each hit Mana Cost: 10 Cooldown: 2 Element: as weapon Attack Type: Magic comment: multi hit double stat damage for int relying , uses weapon element to makes it more usefull. Guardian Heroes Summon the ghosts of fallen guardians Effect: Run towards the enemy and sticks hand in front of the selected opponent. A small group of Guardian ghosts appears and storms through the opponent, dealing 1 hit of 150% weapon damage and 400% stat damage to the opponent. Mana Cost: 25 Cooldown: 4 Element: Darkness Attack Type: magic comment: a skill for mages to spam contains high stat damage for int relying but costs alot of mana which soo much stats won't hold. Light Strike blinds target with a light ray Effect: Charges short, weapon lights up and then shoot a light beam at the selected opponent for 120% weapon damage and 240% stat damage and applies a -30% bonus to enemy for 3 turns. Mana Cost: 20 Cooldown: 10 Element: Light Attack Type: magic comment: i added the distract on this one and increased stat damage but also locked it to magic so it won't be that usefull without INT. Guardian AWE Guardian's AWE stuns for 2 turns Effect: attacks enemy (prefered a big light blast) dealing 100% weapon damage and 200% stat damage and, if it hits, applies Stun to the enemy for 2 turns Mana Cost: 15 Cooldown: 10 Element: As weapon Attack Type: magic comment: 2 turns stun and 10 turns cooldown double stat damage to balance the defenses of both warrior and mage. Guardian Ultimate Strike Unleash the Ultimate power Effect: this will be a totally new skill you charge at enemy slashing it with the sword then with the other hand blasting the opponent. its damage should be 140% weapon damage and 350% stat damage on each hit while one will be mele other is magic. Mana Cost: 60 Cooldown: 15 Element: as weapon Attack Type: mele , magic. comment: this will be the ultimate guardian skill what makes it so is that it uses both STR and INT in the same attack which means it is not as strong as it looks unless somone could reach 216 INT and STR it will just be another skill that deals moderate damage and also it has a very high mana cost making it unspamable it will be dealing heavily 900 damage assuming both hits crict and you got 216 INT and STR with 80 dpt weapon and it will cost 60 mana so it isn't really that strong. but i am not sure about its balance its good for early and late but too costy. please when you are making it don't use the player's weapon but instead make him summon keen in his hand and attack with it so it will seem more of a guardian. i know the values and stuff might be unbalanced so post your oppinions on how to make it balanced.