RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Ash -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (10/14/2014 19:33:35)

You'll have two options with the Guardian Blade. The new art and the old art. They will both have the same stats and be in the same shop where you get the current blade. There won't be two versions of the armor though as we are not making two class entries into the database at this time.

The armor should be color custom, but until the issues with it are fixed I'm not saying yes or no.

VJ -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (10/14/2014 19:37:41)

@ Ash
thanks for the reply Ash as that has been something I was wondering as I really do like the new Armor skin regardless if it can be color changed.

and from my point of view I must say one of the most impressive updates to any armor skin that I can/will have access to :)

ShimmerSoul -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (10/14/2014 19:38:25)

VJ: It's planned to be fully CC. Ninja'd by Ash. ;p
Guardian's one of my favorites, despite being one of the hardest to train. Guardian Dragon ate my face so many times. XD I still use it to farm on occasion for its Rage skill. Its offense can get pretty impressive with Keen, rage, and Summon GD. Plus, Redshift>repeat makes it actually kind of not-terrible. :p I do like its old appearance a lot, but I also look forward to the art update. Cronix's rendition of Guardian is just perfect to me. Dem shield bashes. :D

VJ -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (10/14/2014 19:46:04)

@ ShimmerSoul
aye, I like using it in wars or if I am bored. but I do agree about the training.
it is what makes it well worth it and how fun it is to use even if it wasn't fully trained.

I just wish more was trainable like it.

It was one of the lest boring and not as bad at repetitive training.
I kind of wish that the DLA was as fun as this armor was to train.

Mystical Warrior -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (10/14/2014 21:17:55)

I originally use Guardian class 90% of the time, the only reason I use Paladin class recently is because the Guardian class barely cuts it to extreme boss battles for me

The only issue I really don't like with the new armor is the animation of the "call guardian ghost" which really lags alot for me, I hope it isn't as laggy when its released in-game

VJ -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (10/14/2014 22:08:24)

@ Mystical Warrior
True, the Guardian Armor isn't up to par when it comes to those types of boss fights, still can't deny it looks much better though as it comes into its own and separates it from its AQ counter part and giving it a truly unique DF feel :)

Mystical Warrior -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (10/14/2014 22:14:43)

With its revamp, the skills may come in with some new effects that it can hold itself better in extreme boss fights at least, and I totally agree on the point of the class having its unique DF feel, the only thing I worry about concerning its artwork is that the face I use doesn't fit well with the art update, since looking at the preview, the face used is kinda on another level than the ones we can use in-game

VJ -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (10/14/2014 22:19:11)

@ Buddy Handleson
don't worry everything will be fine.
though I am glad to know that with the revamp the armor can truly hold its own.

going to have to 'test' it once it is in game ;)

one more thing, is the Helmet part of it or does one have to buy it?

Mystical Warrior -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (10/14/2014 22:22:36)

it would be nice if the helm was part of the new artwork itself, like making it toggleable similar to how some helms and capes in AQ armors work

VJ -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (10/14/2014 22:26:20)

@ Mystical Warrior
aye, also seeing as it fits so well with it.
I like how the face plate gives way to show the face(Well most of it, lol).

Ash -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (10/14/2014 22:37:29)

You will have to buy the helmet separately. Unlike AQ where it's all built in and you can't swap out between all manner of helms and capes, they have to be setup a certain way and that doesn't leave room for toggles.

Mr G W -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (10/14/2014 22:40:18)

I wonder if this class will have something "special" like a passive or a trigger, considering how it is obtained. I know these won't be given randomly otherwise they become way too common and not unique.

Maybe a small bonus when used with the guardian blade? If i recall on early release you needed the blade to use some of the skills though it was eventually removed.

VJ -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (10/14/2014 22:43:15)

@ Ash
that's fine with me, as I look forward to getting my hands on the helmet as much as I am the new armor.
by the way will the helmet add any bonus to the armor?

just wondering that's all.

Mystical Warrior -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (10/14/2014 22:43:30)

@Ash that is sad to here, but even so, seeing that it goes well with the armor I guess buying the helm separately ain't so bad. Question though, will the helm be CC also? I mean if it wasn't it will kinda lose its "fitting effect" if the armor was CC and the helm doesn't match, this may also open some creative possibilities for future releases

Mr G W -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (10/14/2014 22:44:51)

Dragonlord helms/wings are color custom so it is not exactly impossible to make the helms/cape color custom as well

Mystical Warrior -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (10/14/2014 22:45:59)

@Mr G W is that so? then that is really great to hear, even looking forward to the update more than ever now.

DarkDevil -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (10/15/2014 3:01:16)

@Ash , what do you have in mind about the class tier ? which class would it be on par with ?

do you see it as a defensive or offensive class ?
i think it would be defensive, as AQ style is usually defensive (we can reach 98% protection in AQ, and some monsters need the "chop till you drop" strategy) and the shield and the name points to that.

and most importantly, is the Guardian dragon getting new jokes ? i kinda liked the match one, hope it is fixed in the update.

DarkLore -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (10/15/2014 3:52:34)

Ash? Can we get some way to refight the Guardian Dragon quest? I loved that one despite its difficulty. Could you maybe program a way for us to replay it since it was the last Guardian skill we obtained?

VJ -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (10/15/2014 4:31:42)

@ DarkDevil
however the GA is different here, it is almost 100% assault style armor.
the ECCLA has more defensive capabilities than the GA does, lol

from the looks of the skills, it seems to keep the DF touch now complete with its all new look.

Vellup -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (10/15/2014 4:35:59)

So is the Guardian Blade quest broken or something? I keep trying to do the quest (and I've tried different browsers), but I always get an "error loading scene" message, and I get sent back to the character screen. I did some research, and it seems like the Willowshire quest it tries to send you to is rare. So I guess that means it's impossible to even begin the quest.

I mean, it's not like Guardian armor is super pivotal or endgame quality, but it's kind of disappointing to be blocked out by something like that…

Mystical Warrior -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (10/15/2014 4:38:56)

@Vellup That, or you haven't verfied your Guardianship properly yet, otherwise, you'll just have to wait until it gets fixed, maybe it will be once the update to the class is released

Vellup -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (10/15/2014 5:21:13)

I don't think I'd have been able to get the armor in the first place if it wasn't verified properly. It's not a huge deal--I was just doing the quests for fun, as my stats don't make good use of the skills--though I'll keep an eye out for if it's ever fixed.

Mystical Warrior -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (10/25/2014 7:09:11)

Now that the preview for the revamp Pumpkin Lord armors are over, I hope the next preview would be the Guardian Class, since it is way due for its preview of its revamp, IIRC it wasn't even changed the moment it was released way before

Ash -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (10/25/2014 10:16:59)


@Ash , what do you have in mind about the class tier ? which class would it be on par with ?

2 but like PL it's getting a tad bit more since it's a "special offer" class.


do you see it as a defensive or offensive class ?
i think it would be defensive, as AQ style is usually defensive (we can reach 98% protection in AQ, and some monsters need the "chop till you drop" strategy) and the shield and the name points to that.

Hybrid since DF doesn't offer the same type of game play as AQ in some senses.


and most importantly, is the Guardian dragon getting new jokes ? i kinda liked the match one, hope it is fixed in the update.

It might. It's one of those things where if I have extra time to add in more I will.


So is the Guardian Blade quest broken or something? I keep trying to do the quest (and I've tried different browsers), but I always get an "error loading scene" message, and I get sent back to the character screen. I did some research, and it seems like the Willowshire quest it tries to send you to is rare. So I guess that means it's impossible to even begin the quest.

It shouldn't be rare. You should be able to still access the quest going into old Willowshire. I'll try and check it this week but between the next Mogloween quests here and in MQ it might not happen this week.

Mystical Warrior - There is no set schedule for these revamps. They happen as I get them done. I'm still trying to get help getting one of the art issues fixed so that's holding it up. It may be done for November and it may get pushed back till next year. These aren't a part of the normal releases, so whenever you get one it's a joyful occasion, not one you track on a calender.

Mystical Warrior -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (10/25/2014 10:23:29)

@Ash That is sad to here, but worth more the wait so as long as it functions well and no bugs. I wonder if that art issue has something to do with the laggy skill haha

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