Prize Codes (Full Version)

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8x -> Prize Codes (7/27/2013 11:56:03)

Make them time limited.

SKRALL213 -> RE: Prize Codes (7/27/2013 11:58:05)

I too support this. This Prize code expired in 5 seconds. The thing with these codes are that they only have from 3 to 150 and they go way to quick and a time limit would be perfect.

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: Prize Codes (7/27/2013 12:04:14)

There are some back fires to this plan though..... it will give a big advantage to peoples alt accs. They will try and get them on there other accounts thus giving them time to get it for each account.

Solution is to
1) make sure only one account out of the other alts cannot get it
2) make sure it is only one IP per user in the game. Who knows how long it takes for you too change your IP. 3 mins minimum?

So if you get prize codes on one of your accounts and try another account and get it; it will not work because you already used it on that IP.

SKRALL213 -> RE: Prize Codes (7/27/2013 12:12:54)


That could work. As in if your on one account and get it that account cannot have it for another character. Like make it one each or make it so you have to wait a minute to re-log in to your account.
Either way I agree with both the ideas.

ACW0 -> RE: Prize Codes (7/27/2013 12:21:12)

Personally I like the current way it is done.
It's more fun for me at least to race on over to the guard bot and just hope I was fast enough!
And this is coming from someone who has narrowly missed as many codes as he has received~

Lord Noonien Soong -> RE: Prize Codes (7/27/2013 12:24:46)


They could make the code last 5 minutes, that seems reasonable enough [:)]

Mother1 -> RE: Prize Codes (7/27/2013 12:28:18)

Not supported.

Limited quantity + ultra rare = Very few of them being given. It was already said by the staff that they only want to give out a certain amount of the item and not exceed that amount not to mention unlike the none code ultra items (with the alpha weapons being the exception) you had pay for those ultra rare where as these are free.

If you miss it better luck next time.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Prize Codes (7/27/2013 12:29:39)

Wait, this means that if every player in ED was looking on Nightwraith's twitter, then it could be possible for every player to get an Ultra-Rare item. Oh, sure! Why don't we just let Titan add free weapons to our inventory while we are at it!

Not Supported

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: Prize Codes (7/27/2013 12:38:00)

I think you should test it from a range of 15-30 seconds then! It just finishes after like 5 seconds which is absurd. Atleast you should test and try this before you fully release it. You can see how many people have that specific weapon if this is launched. Am I right devs?

CN2025 -> RE: Prize Codes (7/27/2013 18:37:29)

make it last for 5-7 mins and unlimidted or atleast 300 per code

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Prize Codes (7/27/2013 21:58:55)


5-7 mins and unlimidted

Ok seriously.....if this was implemented we might as well just be given free weapons straight away without having to input a code. Never unlimited.


atleast 300 per code

Now increasing the quantity I can support.

SKRALL213 -> RE: Prize Codes (7/27/2013 23:16:36)

Now a minute would be a good time limit because it gives every one a chance at least and it doesn't last long. These codes (As said by allot of players already) don't even last for one second and time zones don't help since players could get the code before everyone else could see it.

I also do agree with Duel Thrusters on the 2nd one. 300 items in a code is fair.

Sam2000 -> RE: Prize Codes (7/27/2013 23:18:11)

imo the entire game has gone to crap after Delta. My only mistake was getting varium in Omega. And the only thing we can rely on to be actually fair is the Prize codes and the ED team is still messing that up painfully

AQisFuN -> RE: Prize Codes (7/27/2013 23:29:48)

^ Don't post like that.

I don't support this. I think Ultra Rares should stay Ultra Rare. So only a few players have it. I stayed up just for today mornings code. And I believe I was the first one to get it. The code expired in 25 seconds. For 150 people (I think). So if a code would last for a minute or two, 400-1000 people would easily have it.

SKRALL213 -> RE: Prize Codes (7/27/2013 23:32:25)

^ That's because they announce and tell us when they are giving a code and don't let it be a surprise. Once one word is given by the devs and all who have twitter jump to the nearest city guard and wait there till the code is given.

Lycus -> RE: Prize Codes (7/28/2013 9:10:27)

First off, anyone who simply posted 'Supported' or 'Not Supported' have had their posts deleted. Posting that is NOT helpful what-so-ever for us, since you could be supporting or not supporting the idea for all the wrong reasons, we do not know. If you support or do not support the idea, we do want you to post your opinion, but if you want to help, explain why you feel the way that you do and give some real feedback that can be worked with.

Secondly, this is a good idea to an extent, it cures the issue of some prize codes being used up within half a minute. At the same time, prize code items are limited quantity items, not limited time items, since it adds a lot more value to the items. This change would devalue the items a bit, since those who get it are not quite as privileged, as everyone online following the developers around the time of the code, especially when announced would have one, even if they were in battle, or not even on their computer (find out on phone, then have time to go to computer, turn it on and get the item all in 5 minutes).

Yes it is going to mean less people are unhappy because they missed it, but it also means it is no great achievement to get it, it does not mean nearly as much. People will always complain when they do not get an item, this has been seen by the fact that every time a prize code is given out, at least one person who does not manage to get the items comes on here and suggests something that means they will be able to get it. It is human nature to want to get everything possible and to be angry if you do not manage to get it. This is proven by the fact that last time we had a big code day on NW's twitter, we had an issue with people getting duplicate items through the different codes (something we very much wanted to fix as soon as it was pointed out, and are looking into ways to do so) - some people actually complained after that they only managed to get five items from the six codes. Now that just shows that no matter what, people will be unhappy if they do not get something, even if they have got everything possible before - one miss and they do not like it.

At the end of the day, you will get some, you will miss some. Maybe we could bring a time based system in, but if we did, we would likely do some limited quantity items, some limited time items, for variation and so the limited quantity are still just as valuable. Not everyone can be pleased, since as seen here, some people want the system to stay the same, others want time based - a split would be a good compromise. I know some will come back and say 'those who want it to stay as it is are those who have got items in the past, so they are bias' - fair enough, but most the people who want a change are those who have missed items in the past, so to an extent they also are bias. Therefore, a mix to me would be the perfect compromise.

8x -> RE: Prize Codes (7/28/2013 9:50:20)

I completely agree that prize code items should be hard to get, but a code that expires in less than 12 seconds is just ridiculous. Half of a minute would be enough so that anyone who is determined enough can get the item and the item still keeps a certain degree of rarity.

I honestly don't care about codes and achievements anymore, but the fact that a code expired in less than 12 second the one time that I actually happened to be on twitter is simply annoying and stupid.

ED is already boring enough and these... Ehh, forget it. There is no point in bothering to finish this post.

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: Prize Codes (7/28/2013 13:26:14)

Supported because firstly:

It makes alot of people angry & upset that they don't get it. And when they do not get in a row (such as me); it will just make them quit which I know ED does not want. Actually ED does want to lose players; as a matter of fact; I would say they are losing more players in Omega then in Delta. Go ahead ED and make people quit. Let them rant to you everyday which you eventually ignore & then a sudden....someone quits/retires. I know After like 6-15 seconds of trying to get the code; I do not get it which eventually leads to time consuming. How does it lead to time consuming? Well actually I wanted the moose sword; so I had to give up my time not to watch a film from the cinema with my friends. I waited and waited; as it came out I missed it by 6-7 seconds which just annoyed me (tried all 5 codes). Now if there is a code where I have an opportunity to go out and explore the world; I'd rather go out now because it is just impossible to get a code which finishes in a quick amount of time.

Secondly I support because if the first x people to get it within a time range of 15-30 seconds; then it is a good thing.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Prize Codes (7/28/2013 22:54:01)


And when they do not get in a row (such as me); it will just make them quit

That's the lamest excuse I have ever heard. It is almost as if you are saying that the Codes are the core purpose that people play ED.

Prize codes are supposed to be hard to get. Hence why they are tagged as Ultra-Rare.

Sooo if they are time limited, we need to draw some lines.

1. The time limit is 30 seconds
2. Randomly any day of the week at any time
3. At most a 1 minute warning, or no warning at all.

Mysterion. -> RE: Prize Codes (7/28/2013 23:03:16)


This change would devalue the items a bit

Like anyone even cares.

I have to support this idea.
Currently, if you have slow internet you have ZERO chance to get a prize code.
Making them time based would be much more easy for people like me.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Prize Codes (7/28/2013 23:13:13)

Yea, now with a 10 minute warning, everyone who would be currently online in ED will instantly receive a Prize in their inventory -.-

This idea basically says to screw prize codes and JUST GIVE EVERYONE FREE WEAPONS. It will be better if only a few people EARN these weapons through nimbleness of the hand.

I have have to play ED on low quality, no idle animations, and on quick animations just to actually be able to play the darn game. That's how slow my computer is. And see, I've actually been able to obtain 2 prize codes. Slow internet =/= excuse.

Mysterion. -> RE: Prize Codes (7/28/2013 23:21:03)

^ Actually, I was already standing at a city guard waiting to copy paste the code.
But due to MY INTERNET being slow with loading the tweet, it expired.

Think about others and not only yourself.

Mother1 -> RE: Prize Codes (7/28/2013 23:23:56)

@ mysterion

Apperantly the staff cares about this otherwise they wouldn't mention it.

Also you have to remember the staff is GIVING AWAY ULTRA RARE'S FOR FREE! Ultra rare's are suppose to be hard to get and time limiting them with tons of warning = a ton of people getting the item which defeats the purpose of the item being ultra rare.

Mysterion. -> RE: Prize Codes (7/28/2013 23:26:32)

You know aswell as I do that the 'Ultra-Rare' tag means nothing.
Remember the Ten Year Titan?

Everyone got it for free, even those who didn't do squad, so yeah, ultra-rare means NOTHING, except some rarity points.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Prize Codes (7/28/2013 23:28:58)

I have been thinking about others. That's why I suggested to make it a larger quantity, without having a chance that EVERY PLAYER IN THE WORLD OWNING THE WEAPON.

Plus, I stand at City Guard too, and unless your computer was made in 2001, you really don't have an excuse.

Ten Year Titan was a gift from AE. That is an exception.

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