Stomach Ache Splashy (Full Version)

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Stephen Nix -> Stomach Ache Splashy (8/2/2013 22:59:31)

Stomach Ache Splashy

Location: The Weaponsmith's Apprentice

Level: Scaled
Element: Water
Damage: Scaled
Damage Type: Melee

HP: Scaled
MP: Scaled

Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0
Defenses: Melee: Scaled, Pierce: Scaled, Magic: Scaled, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0
Offenses: Crit: 2, Bonus: Scaled, Boost: 0%

Resistances: Immobility: 65, Energy: -30, Fire: -30, Ice: 30, Water: 200

Attack Type 1 - Splashy leans its head over and bites you for one hit of 100% Melee Water damage
Attack Type 2 - Splashy's mouth opens up and it bites you for two hits of 100% Melee Water damage (Only occurs at 50% or 25% HP)

Gold gained: Scaled
Experience gained: Scaled


  • Berzerker rage depends on how much percent you have taken off from its HP, if it's below 50% you get the regular berzerker attack which reads, "Splashy goes into a berzerker rage"
  • If Stomach Ache Splashy's HP is below 25% the attack will become a mega berzerker attack which reads, "Splashy goes into a mega berzerker rage"

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