RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (Full Version)

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megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (9/4/2013 13:29:29)

Guys, let's just leave it. For my part, I get what Anti is saying: he thinks there were better entries out there, but not that the ones picked were bad or anything. I can see that. If I was unbiased I don't know if I would have picked my entry.[;)]

Although Anti, I do feel it important to ask: Bias is a major aspect of artist's work sometimes. For example, I see my own work as the best and most deserving entry even when I logically acknowledge the superiority of others designs. So I must ask you think: Do you think, honestly speaking, that your entry was better then the ones picked, or is there some bias there? Note that I mean no disrespect by the question, because I think your entry was also deserving of a position there.[;)]

Antithesis -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (9/4/2013 13:30:22)

I'm not forcing it on anyone, I'm just letting the higher-ups know that they need to find a new system or they're going to leave many unhappy. It has to be fair. There really shouldn't be accommodations.

I'm going to leave it there since obviously my observation is bothering you. I apologize for any offense I may have caused, but the fact that more than one person has made this same complaint means that there needs to be some thinking done about the way the contests work.


Cyber doom5 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (9/4/2013 13:31:09)

i kind of feel like the big artists didn't enter this time so im regretting not entering the contest

blackshocks was the only one i think that belonged in the finals


Entry 1: The fallen angel queen- Like the concept but feel that it could have been more regal, and majestic, the way i view it is that it is just an anime chick with wings and a blue dress - not to special

Entry 2: Mana Golem- IMO it is the first golemesc character we would have, stone golem dosnt really look like a golem, and i love the idea of ancient living machines

Entry 3: Squid electric thing- i have no clue what the heck this thing is , how it even got picked is an amazement to me it looks like it was drawn in microsoft paint, it has no backstory which im almost positive is a rule for the contest. again completely amazed that this even made it in, so many good artists and backstory writers were robbed by this making it in to the finals.

Entry 4: Chained Angel- im going to look past the fact its just light fairy with with just scribbles and angel wings added on, i like the concept ive had the same idea before, i think if the artist had taken a step back they could have done an actual drawing

These are my opinions if you are offended im sorry im just speaking my mind

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (9/4/2013 13:33:13)

There are no accommodations. The staff chose entries based on originality. Both criticisms came from entrants who didn't make it to voting so I think their criticisms are based on biases.

Antithesis -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (9/4/2013 13:34:24)


As pretentious as this sounds, I do have a strong bias for my own entry. I've been practicing writing for a solid ten years, since I was tiny. I also have a strong bias for other entries, and as stated before, I don't understand how Asuka and Redingard's entries didn't make it in.

@The Jop

That's why the archangel got in. Yeeaaappp.

DISCLAIMER: I liked the angel entry a lot, just that it isn't exactly in the "original" category

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (9/4/2013 13:35:22)

Two angels did get on, but I think the writing entries were some of the more original compared to other entries I've seen. Lots of gods and fallen heros.

Mondez -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (9/4/2013 13:35:31)

If they add more categories then it puts more work on the overall team meaning there would be 4 winners for future contests which is not bad for us, but time consuming for Nulgath and Revontheus. I believe future contests should be switched up from time to time like this to have more variety every time.

Psaw, heroes are overrated. Villains need to have more light shined on them.

Antithesis -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (9/4/2013 13:39:03)

@The Jop

There were lots of gods and fallen heroes, yes. But if you mean to tell me that this is unoriginal, then I'm going to have to disagree. Asuka's was highly original and also extremely well written.


I'm just gonna agree with everything you say, lol. I'll just say I look forward to the next contest, since I've already finished my entry for it.

Cyber doom5 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (9/4/2013 13:39:23)

if they split the art category into traditional and digital it would actually be the same work load since its that same artists just catagorized differently

Mondez -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (9/4/2013 13:43:39)

Nulgath does both art and animation while Rev just does the art hence more workload for Nulgath in the end which is not bad, but derives from the actual OS work because animating Flash is not easy especially when you look at Necrosis's 5 hit animation or Pumpkinlord's 5 hit.

Asuka's was the best angel entry I read in a long time. I thought he would be in the finals.

Cyber doom5 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (9/4/2013 13:45:25)

i was refering to the contest categories

he dosnt animate all the finalists does he

Antithesis -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (9/4/2013 13:45:39)


That's why I'm so upset about the way things turned out D: There were entries like that, which for some ungodly reason didn't make it in

ND Mallet -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (9/4/2013 13:47:30)

The main reason Asuka didn't win is because Nulgath is already well aware of how people would react to that. There were already tweets on Twitter right after he entered along the lines of "Better not enter, Asuka's entering and he's a tester for OS." He has full right to win, but a good deal of people would have felt cheated because of his title, regardless of whether it helped him or not.

Cyber doom5 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (9/4/2013 13:47:59)

im unsure should the winners be offended that they were not good enough to make it as the best entries

megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (9/4/2013 13:49:43)

Cyberdoom: Again, little bit hurt by that.[>:]

Antithesis -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (9/4/2013 13:49:52)

Mallet's logic just shattered my heart into itty bitty pieces, cause you're absolutely right ;_;

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (9/4/2013 13:50:04)

We better not speculate on why Asuka wasn't chosen. I don't want to offend Nulgath or the people whose entries were chosen. My main problem with the story was that there was no climax or conflict, just a story about a girl fighting unless there was some subtext I missed.

You can say my entries are terrible all you want as long as I get a character in-game.

Mondez -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (9/4/2013 13:51:57)

Maybe Nulgath will be making it hence this:

After seeing all the talented work produced for these contests, I've decided it might be interesting to start creating more characters based on player suggestions not in the contests. This way even suggestions that don't make it into the contest still have a chance to be chosen and put into the game. Good luck everyone!

If players were saying that (they had no right to) and because of a possible outburst is why Asuka wasn't chosen, but if Nulgath liked it enough that he would make it then that would be two different things hence it could still possibly be a win-win situation.

Antithesis -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (9/4/2013 13:55:02)

Decided to vote for Megakyle. Good luck to the people that made it, and also go take a look at my entry for next contest~

ND Mallet -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (9/4/2013 13:56:31)

I'm just going to stand up, brush off the dirt and set to working on the next character for the contests. What's the point of arguing who's entry is good or bad? If anything, your attitude towards this could easily affect your chances of winning next time around. No one wants to vote for that guy who spent last contest bagging on other players because he thought he was better(this is NOT aimed at anyone in general nor do I have anyone in mind).

Resk -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (9/4/2013 13:56:54)

@ Cyber

My chained angel wasn't supposed to be an art submission, which is why it's frinkin terrible :p


megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (9/4/2013 13:59:04)

Anti: Thanks![:D] I know I will never give up on creating Gentleman characters for these contests. I don't have a idea for one right now, but that's won't stop me for long! MY TOPHAT IS THE HAT THAT WILL PIERCE THE VICTORY![:D]

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (9/4/2013 14:04:55)

Sneevil Overlord Gentleman, who wears and controls boxes.

megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (9/4/2013 14:09:55)


Welp, time to get to work. It's going to be a sort of parody idea. Anyone who reads the Discworld series, think back to a certain suit...[:)]

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (9/4/2013 14:15:53)

Alright, so voting is finally underway. Hopefully this means we'll see a game release in a week or 2. Just in time for Friday the 13th and Pirate Day xD

Rev wants to release Jono and Brutus, and I'm super excited about that. Not to mention Pirate!Rev!
How about you guys? Thoughts?

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