RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (Full Version)

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Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (8/24/2013 18:22:12)

I think we will get a release next week.

Mirai Hoshino -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (8/24/2013 18:24:53)


"With it set to release soon, all hands have been put onto the Omni project to make sure all goes well. This means other releases will have to be delayed till then."

Sounds like no more updates until Omni is finished to me.

Cyber doom5 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (8/24/2013 18:27:22)

so we get a whole month before releases.....nice.....
well looks like our next release is probably gonna be a birthday release

hard to believe its been almost a year and we have almost the same amount of features we started with

DANG just bought a earth card pack

1-515 def

good pack

Redingard -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (8/24/2013 18:33:28)


You must be mad if you honestly think that.

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (8/24/2013 19:12:04)

Seeing as you said "It's nearly a year since it began and we still haven't received many features" I am going to assume it was a year since Alpha testing started.

XP and gold didn't exist in the beginning of Alpha, they were added later.

Evolutions didn't come until later aswell.

Bosses were a new thing, they are stronger than the usual monsters you would encounter.

New characters is always a good thing.

Soul gems added during the beginning of beta aswell.

Oh and I forgot to mention the tournament aswell.

Cyber doom5 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (8/24/2013 19:19:03)

im talking about since beta started since its been nearly a year since beta began

and we got nearly no new features in beta

also does anyone else feel like once you capture a character you have a higher chance of finding it again in the wild

because since i captured my first AFZ ive encountered 2 others

im almost positive that pumpkin lord came out during the end of alpha and it cost sg so that is false

and the tournament was an event not a new feature the ability to track pvp wins has exisited since alpha

and i didnt say new characters were bad

sith lord 456 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (8/24/2013 19:35:16)

@shaxi - phone/tablet

can you tell me the specifics by any chance? i have an iphone 4, would it be possible to run oversoul/aqw with minimum lag on it?

also, im in the market for a tablet, can you tell me which tablet you use? please dont tell me its those pricey ipads [:o]

@Char - @shaxi


Char -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (8/24/2013 21:32:21)

@Cyber: SoulGems, where released at the very beginning of Beta, all Alpha Testers got Six SGs for testing and anybody else could get another Six SGs by confirming their e-mail. PumpkinLord was one of the Characters released at the same time. It was also one of (if not the first) to have SG evolution.

@Sith: I think you could, run it on an iPhone 4, you might have to set the settings to low though

shaxi -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (8/24/2013 21:49:04)

YOSHA! Caught a Poison Drake while lvling monk at Bottomless pit. Lvl 19 atm.


I run it on 2 devices excluding PC.
First one is my android smartphone, runs it fine.
The second is an apple ipad 2 tablet. Runs smooth on it also.

On both it runs SO MUCH faster than PC.
Also on Ipad, it has a theater feature where it specifically highlights only the gamescreen.

Puffin Browser (Free) version.

Cyber doom5 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (8/24/2013 22:06:01)

Hmm that's still only 5 features in a year

kreem -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (8/24/2013 22:33:59)

@feature discussion

5 is still plenty in my book mostly since CC and evolving characters take a lot of time so very few honest playing people can get everything that they are dishing out without paying the big bucks. Even if you do you still need to play 10+ hours a week.

Cyberbeast10 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (8/25/2013 2:03:47)

Oversoul is in a tight spot, right now. Having switched to bi-weekly releases, then delaying one of those? Then, these past few months had nothing but mostly characters and a CC for another element, which is no where near amazing considering the present power creep making the need for CC diminish, that and CC is still not flexible. Overall, the game's progress has been less than satisfactory for a multitude of reasons.

BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (8/25/2013 3:53:43)

@cyberbeast CC would have to be more flexible for multi-character battles(You choose 2 characters and can switch between them in battle) because I don't want Fire CC for my PL.But I do think the CC for each element was necessary because without it, it would feel incomplete without all of them.

Mondez -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (8/25/2013 4:47:37)

CC had to be limited because the server cannot handle the stress of making every character's deck have removable cards because with the present amount of characters we have would cause unnecessary game breaking lag to the server so making CC the way it is was the only way.

Truthfully I knew a delay was bound to happen because Omni is a huge project and a big hurdle for the AE team so if its successful then expect a awesome mobile version of OS in the future.

Lemonus -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (8/25/2013 6:21:09)

I'm still hopeful for OS, but many people here aren't.

There's always a way, what if they were secretly hiding a game feature to surprise us after all of this?

bei4 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (8/25/2013 6:26:51)

COME ON don't lose hope OS is not going to stop only a delay i never have seen in AE that a game is stopped and i think that OS is not the kind of game that would stop , one week delay isn't that bad and now we have a week tho train and suggest chars so calm down :D .

to be honest now i am happy with the delay i have a chance to get more fire cards now.

The Stranger -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (8/25/2013 6:35:07)

Bei: It's not about OS shooting down's more like players leaving .. i mean i entered aqw once and i asked about OS and they already were saying that it's lacking diversity and they don't really want to try ..

Balu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (8/25/2013 7:06:50)

OK guys, this stops now! Since the past 4-5 pages all i`ve seen is complaining, flaming staff members, trolling, attacks, a spread of unfounded rumors regarding a soon to be OverSoul death or a halt in releasing updates...based on one week delay in regularly scheduled updates!

By now you should know that this type of forum behavior is not allowed and won`t be taken lightly by the moderation team. Remember the Oversoul General Discussion Forum Rules and post accordingly.

Giving criticism is fine but it must be in a polite and constructive way. Also remember that any discussion related to your character entries, past, present and future goes in the Character Suggestion Discussion Thread.

Kind off disappointing that the discussion went the way it did and unfortunately some will soon receive a Warning PM from me. Any further conduct that comes into violation with the forum rules will result in more Official Warnings being given. ~Balu OS GD AK

jayk the pikachu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (8/25/2013 9:18:25)

My Current OS Contest Story Ideas

1.Based on The Birds and the legend of Prometheus
Eagon Leon
2 and 3.One is based on a song that i know and the other is based on a anime character
Just Somebody and Kuro Shiro

I still have a few more to come...
HINTS:4-Cult and 5-A Old Man with a Box

Cyberbeast10 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (8/25/2013 12:32:41)

Mondex@: You misunderstand when I said that CC was not flexible. I didn't mean that its inflexibility was due to not being able to remove cards as that would mean characters could literally become copies (although at this point, some characters already are or are so close to being that), rather what you could do with that was limited.

Fire CC, put it on fire characters. Ice? On ice. Having one of each element is nice, but I was disappointed they never bothered to put in any sort of Energize, Neutralize or charging cards (and if you say that would break certain characters, they could have always made nerfed versions). This is what I meant. You have no initiative to put say...Ice cards on a light character because light characters lack the efficiency to do it regardless of what you have. This is the reason I feel CC has not reached its potential yet, because of the lack of making CC cards that allow other elements to use them. The only element that can work with others is dark and that is only because the CC included Enpower.

So with that said, I do hope Nulgath takes the time to upgrade current features, add features to improve battle quality and starts adding more evolutions like they did with Trainee instead of adding new, more powerful characters. There are characters that need evolutions. CC needs to be more flexible. Shops should have Artifacts (otherwise shops are the same as "new characters"). There needs to be encouragement to PvP or remove the monotony of Oversoul's gamplay (You could remove it by PvPing, but what incentive do you have?), there needs to be more reason to capture characters, quite frankly a lot of things could use improvement and I hope Nulgath gets to that when Omni ends.

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (8/25/2013 12:44:45)

I don't think card customization should have been introduced at all, let alone be made to be more flexible. I would have preferred if you could only strengthen a character by leveling it up and evolving it, not paying for new cards. Any character can use any card from card series and SG-users get a huge advantage through all the extra gold from X-Boosts and Soul Gem packs. Players without X-Boosts can get, what, 10,000 Gold a day with high level characters? The more you're able to customize your cards, the more different characters become just armors.

Cyber doom5 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (8/25/2013 14:36:22)

im just going to put it out there that we all thought were going to get a limit on the amount of characters we could posses and that never happened

i remember people saying that the server wouldnt be able to handle so many people loging in with so many characters

well you obviously have no faith in the programming skills of our creators

i want full CC were you could completely take out a deck and put new cards in it

also i like the idea of like when you defeat a boss for the first time that when you posses it you get like a special card only they posses and on the second attempt you can posses the actual character

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (8/25/2013 14:43:09)

Why do you want the ability to remove and add any cards you want from a deck? Then you'd only need maybe one character from every element. It sounds like that would really ruin much of the game, and card customization as it as now already ruined PvP for me, which is basically half the game.

Char -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (8/25/2013 15:24:30)

@Jop: I agree, I'm thinking there should be a power limit on cards. For example, Apprentices can only use certain cards, veterans can only use certain (More powerful then apprentices) cards, so on and so forth.

@Cyber: Actually, When OS gets a bigger playerbase the server will not be able to handle so many people logging in with so many characters. Unless they make some incredibly drastic changes there will have to be a limit to the characters one can have. After all, you technically could play the game with only one for each element.

Also, full CC would ruin the game. I can just see people stacking their decks full of empowers and sacrifices.

The Finnish Phoenix -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 130 - READ THE FIRST POST (8/25/2013 17:11:12)


YOSHA! Caught a Poison Drake while lvling monk at Bottomless pit. Lvl 19 atm.

Dude awesome!


Also, full CC would ruin the game. I can just see people stacking their decks full of empowers and sacrifices.

It's sorta interesting to theorize about though. Like, a deck that was ALL Sacrifices could be stopped without too much difficulty. Assuming Level 20, you could not lose so long as you put up 1200+ in defenses/heals, for which the charge requirements can be met in time while the all-Sacrifice player is playing and drawing hands. Empowers wouldn't be much of a problem even if they were unlimited since Empower uses up 3 cards in a 5-card hand so you can't use two at the same time.

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