NPC Wins (Full Version)

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lionblades -> NPC Wins (8/22/2013 18:29:58)

What do you think about the NPC wins not counting anymore?

In every single phase, NPCs could count as wins, and now all of a sudden it doesn't.

Some players might say that wait times are increased if this is implemented again, but what about the other oldies that have quit because of this? Would they come back?
There is a cap to 100 wins and brainwash is not available anymore so it wouldn't be like 1000 wins a day.

Was the removal of NPC wins (not counting) GOOD or BAD?

CN2025 -> RE: NPC Wins (8/22/2013 18:36:01)

its a pvp based game so in a way it promotes more pvp killing npc is only a solution if you are struggling with pvp plus the cap is to promote less lag

Mother1 -> RE: NPC Wins (8/22/2013 18:43:46)

They removed NPC because they wanted to give lower levels players the ability to have a source of credits to power up their gear without the fear of it becoming worthless upon getting it. Personally I think it is a good thing they did this however many of the veterans find this bad.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: NPC Wins (8/22/2013 18:49:27)

For me, nothing really changes.

Sure you don't get to improve your ratio, but now you have 100 wins without paying varium.

Chosen 0ne -> RE: NPC Wins (8/22/2013 19:38:50)

There's two different views and I will try and explain each without being biased.

View number 1:

The people who support this support it because of the great farming aspect. Before NPC's there was no real way to farm credits effectively. With this change farming became a possible thing to do, given you had enough time to do so. Epic Duel needs farming too, doing PvP fights gets tedious after a while. Also now we know who is a legit player and who just NPC's. This is good for epic duel players because lower levels can take a pause from the game to just earn credits without worrying about leveling up. They can spend as much time as they need getting weapons and skill cores. Then they can get right back into the action of PvPing.

It is my thought that the devs have the view of number 1.

View number 2:

NPC's should be used for fixing ratios. Before this update players with 3000 more loses than wins could fix their record by NPC'ing. It is better for us to only be able to kill 15 NPC's an hour and have wins count than it is to not have wins count at all. Players were able to take a break from the game to fix their records and earn credits and valuable EXP. This was also good because back in the day if you sucked, you could still be in a faction and earn influence/wins. Now with this new system you're forced to fight real people so if you NPC because you need weapons you won't be able to participate in a faction, because you wont be able to earn any influence. NPC's are used to get back on the right track.

As you might be able to see, they're two completely understandable views. And I can't decide on either. But I think the point of NPC's still remains solid, they are used to get you back on track. Which way is more effective is hard to say.

I hope you all now might understand where players are coming from in regards to how they view NPC's.

Shajun Ki -> RE: NPC Wins (8/22/2013 20:12:06)

Yes it was, look at the servers. This wasn't the only reason for the evident decrease in player activity but it was one of the biggest reasons. Bringing NPC wins back won't bring players back because they've most likely moved on with their life.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: NPC Wins (8/22/2013 20:14:47)


But we can still save those who haven't [8D]

Shajun Ki -> RE: NPC Wins (8/22/2013 20:21:25)

^Save them? What are we saving them from? Moving on to new and better things in life? No players will come back if npc wins returned. The retired players of the past are gone, it's the future generation of players we should be focused on.

Predator9657 -> RE: NPC Wins (8/22/2013 20:29:23)


What are we saving them from? Moving on to new and better things in life?

Using that logic, the dev's might as well retire and close down ED so that everyone has a chance to "move on to new and better things in life".

Shajun Ki -> RE: NPC Wins (8/22/2013 20:38:37)

^Is it not the truth? The "veterans" are gone. They've moved on.

Chosen 0ne -> RE: NPC Wins (8/22/2013 20:43:45)

Predator you missed an essential part of what he was saying.


No players will come back if npc wins returned.

Not to mention doing things just to get players back is Desperate. I don't think we're desperate yet. ED has potential that we all see.

lionblades -> RE: NPC Wins (8/22/2013 21:03:47)

I understand why NPCs are restricted to 100 wins, but every single player from the previous phases have had NPC wins.

They have already enjoyed the perks, so wouldn't this allow younger newer generation players to have the same benefits as they did?

Thoughts anyone?

hijinks -> RE: NPC Wins (8/22/2013 21:17:24)

I agree with what you said at the bottom. But I feel torn like the Chosen One, I don't think removing NPC wins/exp was a good or bad idea. As for the 100 NPC win limit, it doesn't even count for wins on the win record anymore....what's the point of limiting it if it's only meant for farming credits now? I also personally note that I find myself playing less and less.

Mother1 -> RE: NPC Wins (8/22/2013 21:33:35)

@ Hijinks

there are several reasons I can think off, but I won't mention them here.


The staff wanted the game to be PVP not PVE. They also wanted to help newer players and what better way of doing this then giving them an a source to of credits that is easy to farm, and doesn't destroy your record?

Older players who didn't need this would of course be upset since they lost a source of easy wins that could be used to

1 Pad their 1 vs 1 win record
2 fix their messed up records.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: NPC Wins (8/22/2013 21:43:44)

This might have actually been good before. Free players would only have to farm NPCs instead of turning into punching bags.

CN2025 -> RE: NPC Wins (8/22/2013 22:39:58)

every phase changes, bringing back the npc win record thing will be like bringing back gamma no ones complaining about the gamma bot being rare right? it was a phase perk the reason for it is to make people wanna buy it before it goes rare for serious bragging rights after it goes rare,so unless you bought it at the time before it went rare its gone forever just like the npc win counts towards record.

Death Gigas -> RE: NPC Wins (8/22/2013 23:10:24)

The majority of my buddy list retired due to this, my opinion, NPC wins should still count towards battle records. It was like that years ago, during Alpha and Beta. Then it was changed in Omega, the players that were here during Beta, Gamma, and quit in Omega, the majority quit due to this change. Playing this game for 3+ years and farming NPC's all the time, it does require us to adapt to the changes. Those that were playing for a few years and stopped playing since NPC wins no longer count, they were unable to adapt to the change, quite a few had a habit of getting at least 15 NPC wins per hour, myself being one of them. It is quite difficult for the veterans of EpicDuel, as we have been here since Beta, or maybe even Gamma. That was a daily routine for many veterans, 15 NPC wins per hour. Once the change came, we had to try and adapt to it, and our daily routine was changed. A lot could not adapt, so quite a few quit playing. The newer players have no idea how hard it was for us to adapt. I could not get use to going straight into 1v1 without fighting NPC's, so I tried to get use to 2v2 instead.

Deathknightmare -> RE: NPC Wins (8/23/2013 4:25:41)

When Omega came and they got rid the NPCs, I think that this caused the game to become boring and it lost a ton of players. I remember when I used to log on during the day during the Delta phase there used to be almost 2 full servers of players playing on Epic and Exile. I would go to the third server to NPC on Legion just to be left alone. When was the last time that you saw Exile with more than 200 people playing. It's been awhile. I think they made a bad mistake by getting rid of NPCs because I could NPC, watch TV or PM people all at the same time. When you are 1 v 1, you need to be in the game and can't have too many distractions. I think that they should bring the 75 NPC cap a day back and have it count towards your record. Most of the people that NPCd did 1 v 1 and it would bring back some of those people so we could have 2 full servers again.


CN2025 -> RE: NPC Wins (8/23/2013 4:43:23)

you cans still npc through out battles and mix them up just because they no longer give xp or influence doesn't mean you are banned from battling them. i dont see what the fuss is about, battling a brainless computer controlled npc with almost 100% to win while it counts to records -.- you guys are just being too greedy

adapt or move on i adapted so can you

Mother1 -> RE: NPC Wins (8/23/2013 8:57:33)

@ Cn2025

They don't care about fighting the NPC cause if that was the cause they wouldn't have said NPC are useless. Those people only wanted the wins that were attached to them.

Deathknightmare -> RE: NPC Wins (8/23/2013 16:47:56)

No, I just did not want the wins attached to the NPC. I enjoyed playing the game and it was relaxing to me. Sometimes you get tired of people calling you names as they beat you, asking for fame, telling you to get a life, and other things that rude people do. It's not about greed. I play a video game to relax and unwind; not to be taunted or harassed. I got "real life" for that.

goldslayer1 -> RE: NPC Wins (8/23/2013 17:39:27)

i know what you mean, pvping gets boring after a while (especially for competitive players)
NPCing was a great way to relax and and escape the balance problems the game had.

but now it forces you to pvp.

and about NPCs, i hated the removal of NPC wins, it completely removed (REMOVED not changed, so stick that "adapting" argument you know where) an aspect of the game that players were so accustomed too. players relied on them whether it be to escape the variums or to escape the terrible balance.

back in delta if i had a bad luck streak i would just quit it for the hour and chill out and NPC. i cant do that anymore because there would be no progress, so it is pointless to NPC now.

back in delta i used to login at resets (essential midnight in my timezone) to play, when omega rolled around, i didn't bother to login at resets.
back in delta my ingame friends were still around, when omega came they all quit.

Mother1 -> RE: NPC Wins (8/23/2013 18:29:24)


If it wasn't about wins then what is stopping you from doing NPC now? The only differences are that

1 there aren't any wins EXP (if you aren't below level 10) or influence attached
2 they are now unlimited.

Many people say it wasn't the wins that mattered, but if that isn't the case why not just NPC like before?

CN2025 -> RE: NPC Wins (8/23/2013 18:32:21)

they are dancing around the truth , the truth is they want free wins

Lycan. -> RE: NPC Wins (8/23/2013 18:38:40)

They could ask for a hide chat button maybe so you won't be able to see what others say..

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