Death Gigas -> RE: NPC Wins (8/22/2013 23:10:24)
The majority of my buddy list retired due to this, my opinion, NPC wins should still count towards battle records. It was like that years ago, during Alpha and Beta. Then it was changed in Omega, the players that were here during Beta, Gamma, and quit in Omega, the majority quit due to this change. Playing this game for 3+ years and farming NPC's all the time, it does require us to adapt to the changes. Those that were playing for a few years and stopped playing since NPC wins no longer count, they were unable to adapt to the change, quite a few had a habit of getting at least 15 NPC wins per hour, myself being one of them. It is quite difficult for the veterans of EpicDuel, as we have been here since Beta, or maybe even Gamma. That was a daily routine for many veterans, 15 NPC wins per hour. Once the change came, we had to try and adapt to it, and our daily routine was changed. A lot could not adapt, so quite a few quit playing. The newer players have no idea how hard it was for us to adapt. I could not get use to going straight into 1v1 without fighting NPC's, so I tried to get use to 2v2 instead.