Mighty Morphin' Golem Stranger Turbo (Full Version)

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Koree -> Mighty Morphin' Golem Stranger Turbo (12/3/2013 2:59:58)

Mighty Morphin' Golem Stranger Turbo

«Pet that randomly chooses an element and effect for each fight, favoring the element of your clan.»

Also see other Mighty Morphin' Golem Strangers ( «Normal», Zeo, Space, Lost Galaxy, Lightspeed, Time, Wild)

Location: Insult to Injury!
Level	50
PowLvl	50

Price	336
Sell	118

Element: Neutral
Training Difficulty: -66

Hits: 2
Type: Magic
Element: «See Effect»
Damage	2-7
Stats%	86.1
BTH	12
Rate: «See AI»

Hits: 1
Type: Magic
Element: «See Effect»
Damage	8-23
Stats%	298.6
BTH	22
Rate: «See AI»

At the beginning of the fight, the pet selects element for its attacks based on your clan. The elemental relations are based on the Elemental Wheel. If you do not belong to a clan, the pet will act as if you were a member of Geoto.
    Clan			Igneus		Nautica		Aerodu		Glacius		Geoto		Dynami		Lucian		Nocturu
    50% chance of		Fire		Water		Wind		Ice		Earth		Energy		Light		Dark
    1/3 chance of		Earth		Ice		Ice		Water		Fire		Fire		Wind		Water
    			or		or		or		or		or		or		or		or
    			Energy		Dark		Light		Wind		Dark		Light		Energy		Earth
    1/6 chance of		Light		Wind		Water		Light		Water		Wind		Fire		Fire
    			or		or		or		or		or		or		or		or
    			Dark		Earth		Energy		Dark		Energy		Earth		Ice		Ice
This element will last for the rest of the fight, and it changes the pet's AI and the status effect it can inflict:

  • 50% chance of selecting this element if you are a member of Igneus.
  • 33.(3)% chance of selecting this element if you are a member of Geoto or Dynami.
  • 16.(6)% chance of selecting this element if you are a member of Lucian or Nocturu.

    For each hit of Attack #1 that hurts the monster, the monster makes a save at a +0 bonus:

      Level: 50 vs MonsterLvl
      Major: YourCHA vs MonsterDEX
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    The monster then becomes Burnt* for [# of failed saves] round(s). The level of the Burn is 50 and Power is 2, dealing 4-26 Fire damage each turn.

    If the monster is Burnt, then the pet does Attack #2. Otherwise it does Attack #1.



  • 50% chance of selecting this element if you are a member of Nautica.
  • 33.(3) chance of selecting this element if you are a member of Glacius or Nocturu.
  • 16.(6)% chance of selecting this element if you are a member of Aerodu or Geoto.

    For each hit of Attack #1 that hurts the monster, the monster makes a save at a -12 penalty:

      Level: 50 vs MonsterLvl
      Major: YourCHA vs MonsterEND
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    The monster then becomes Offbalanced**: the monster's DEX is reduced by -30*[# of failed saves]*[monster Water resistance] for 2 rounds.

    If the monster is Offbalanced, then the pet does Attack #2. Otherwise it does Attack #1.



  • 50% chance of selecting this element if you are a member of Aerodu.
  • 33.(3) chance of selecting this element if you are a member of Glacius or Lucian.
  • 16.(6)% chance of selecting this element if you are a member of Nautica or Dynami.

    For each hit of Attack #1 that hurts the monster, the monster makes a save at a +10 bonus:

      Level: 50 vs MonsterLvl
      Major: YourCHA vs MonsterEND
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    The monster then becomes Dazed*** for 2 rounds, with a [# of failed saves]*[monster Wind resistance]*10.5% chance of not acting each round.

    If the monster is Dazed, then the pet does Attack #2. Otherwise it does Attack #1.



  • 50% chance of selecting this element if you are a member of Glacius.
  • 33.(3) chance of selecting this element if you are a member of Nautica or Aerodu.
  • 16.(6)% chance of selecting this element if you are a member of Lucian or Nocturu.

    If both hits of Attack #1 hurt the monster, there is a [monster Ice resist]*45% chance of attempting to Freeze the monster. The monster gets a bonus of +20 to its save:

      Level: 50 vs MonsterLvl
      Major: YourCHA vs MonsterEND
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    The pet randomly chooses which attack to use, with equal chance of each.



  • 50% chance of selecting this element if you are a member of Geoto.
  • 33.(3)% chance of selecting this element if you are a member of Igneus or Nocturu.
  • 16.(6)% chance of selecting this element if you are a member of Dynami or Nautica.

    For each hit of Attack #1 that hurts the monster, the monster makes a save at a -10 penalty:

      Level: 50 vs MonsterLvl
      Major: YourCHA vs MonsterDEX
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    The monster is then inflicted with an Aftershock†† (a re-named Spiritual Seed). The level of the Seed is 50 and Power is [# of failed saves]/12, dealing the listed amount of Earth damage after 3 rounds.
      # of fails	1	2
      Power		0.083	0.167
      Damage		2-17	4-34
    If the monster is inflicted with a Spiritual Seed, then the pet does Attack #2. Otherwise it does Attack #1.



  • 50% chance of selecting this element if you are a member of Dynami.
  • 33.(3)% chance of selecting this element if you are a member of Igneus or Lucian.
  • 16.(6)% chance of selecting this element if you are a member of Aerodu or Geoto.

    If at least one hit of either attack connects, there is a [monster Energy resist]*48.7% chance of attempting to Paralyze††† the monster. The monster receives a +20 bonus to its save:

      Level: 50 vs MonsterLvl
      Major: YourCHA vs MonsterEND
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    The pet randomly chooses which attack to use, with equal chance of each.



  • 50% chance of selecting this element if you are a member of Lucian.
  • 33.(3) chance of selecting this element if you are a member of Aerodu or Dynami.
  • 16.(6)% chance of selecting this element if you are a member of Igneus or Glacius.

    For each hit of Attack #1 that hurts the monster, the monster makes a save at a -10 penalty:

      Level: 50 vs MonsterLvl
      Major: YourCHA vs MonsterEND
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    The monster then becomes Blinded, and takes -5*[# of failed saves]*[monster Light resist] BTH for 2 rounds.

    If the monster is Blinded, then the pet does Attack #2. Otherwise it does Attack #1.



  • 50% chance of selecting this element if you are a member of Nocturu.
  • 33.(3) chance of selecting this element if you are a member of Nautica or Geoto.
  • 16.(6)% chance of selecting this element if you are a member of Igneus or Glacius.

    For each hit of Attack #1 that hurts the monster, the monster makes a save at a +0 bonus:

      Level: 50 vs MonsterLvl
      Major: YourCHA vs MonsterCHA
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    The monster then becomes Corrupt‡‡ (re-named Poison) for 2*[# of failed saves] rounds. The level of the Corruption is 50 and Power is 1, dealing 2-13 Darkness damage each round.

    If the monster is Poisoned, then the pet does Attack #2. Otherwise it does Attack #1.


*The strong fire burns your opponent!
**The strong hit of water causes your opponent to lose its balance!
***The strong blast of wind dazes the monster!
The touch of the cold ice on the monster caused it to freeze!
††The sudden hit from the earth caused some aftershock!
†††The great power running through the monster caused it to become paralyzed!
The strong light blinds the monster!
‡‡The darkness invades the heart of the monster, killing it from the inside!

This golem is bound to your mind, and morphs into a different element according to your preferences. But beware, sometimes the golem might act upon its own will, and not yours.

Images thanks to Heroes of the Scape (Water, Wind, Earth, Light and Darkness) and hict 98 (Fire, Ice and Energy). Basic stats thanks to Heroes of the Scape. Numbers thanks to In Media Res.


Starts off as a standard pet:
PowLvl	50

Damage	9-25
Stats%	323
BTH	12
**Attack #1 gains +10 BTH but deals *85/95 damage.
**Attack #2 does 50% less damage to compensate for the effects it gains, and the damage is split evenly among the two hits.

Both of these attacks gain an additional +1/30 of a pet's damage due to the semi-random element of the pet.


August 12, 2013: Pet was released.

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