=MtAK= Zobby wanders into AQW Q&A (Full Version)

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Zyrain -> =MtAK= Zobby wanders into AQW Q&A (1/14/2014 15:13:23)

Some of you may know by now that I have offered my soul to Mritha to help out in the AQW Q&A forum. It's a forum I've been posting in for 5 years, so it is a great pleasure to now work here too.

After thinking it over for the past few days, and a little persuasion from others, I've decided to run a "Meet the ArchKnight" thread. If you don't know how these work, it's basically your chance to torture ask me questions and get to know me a bit better.

A few rules and guidelines for posting:
  • The =AE= Comprehensive Forum Rules apply.
  • Please limit yourself to 15 questions per post, this is the only restriction.
  • I reserve the right to not answer any questions I don't want to.
  • No-one is allowed to walk in and paint me. *glares at Sora To Hoshi*

    My replies will look like this. Ask away!

  • Gjappy -> RE: =MtAK= Zobby wanders into AQW Q&A (1/14/2014 15:23:01)

    Hiya! *salutes you*'
    *waves to Gjappy*

    Congrats on your new position! I remember you from helping me on Artix.com [:D]
    Thank you! Aha, yes good times, though I remember you from before that too. ;)

    Why you give away your soul? isn't it better to keep it?
    Whether I want to or not, Mritha will own my soul. Resistance is futile.

    Are you not afraid people will abuse it? (like Dage, for evil purposes)
    *eyes Mritha and Melissa* No, never. Why would they want to do that? o_o

    Have you ever considered changing your title to "Archtrout"? or was that too fishy?
    No fish, Gjappy, no fish! Especially no trout.

    Also, what do you like so much about the Forums?
    Definitely the community. I have met so many amazing people who I am happy call best friends and family.

    Colorful blessings from Gjappy! [;)]
    "Colorful" better not be your rainbow trout! Nonetheless, thank you. :)

    Van Fanel -> RE: =MtAK= Zobby wanders into AQW Q&A (1/14/2014 15:29:39)

    Hi Zyrain
    Hello, Van Fanel!

    No questions, just want to officially welcome you to the AQW Q&A section
    Thank you very much. :)

    Have fun and don't get crushed [;)]
    Haha, I shall certainly try!

    Looking forward to work with you
    And the same to you. See you around.


    0o jacob o0 -> RE: =MtAK= Zobby wanders into AQW Q&A (1/14/2014 18:17:19)

    Hello Zyrain,, how are you doing on this fine day?
    Hey, Jacob! Great thank you, and I hope you're doing well too.

    Who are you?
    Zyrain, the Cyan ArchMage! Or am I Zobby; Melissa's loyal house-moglin?

    What motivated you to start doing Wiki work?
    I loved playing AQWorlds and felt passionately about helping the players know more about the game. Most of all, I just generally enjoyed creating entries. :)

    What is your quest?
    Hrm. Can I be cheesy and say to help people to the best of my ability?

    Where are you from?
    Good ol' England.

    Where are you going?
    Who knows what the future holds?

    Thank you for your time, you good person
    *smirks* Thanks, Jacob.

    KalannaDae -> RE: =MtAK= Zobby wanders into AQW Q&A (1/14/2014 18:24:39)

    Hiya Zy!
    Hey Kalanna! *snugs*

    Congrats on your AK position. Your poor soul though...
    Thank you! Aha, I'm sure Mritha will take good care of me. :P

    Also congrats on getting me to post somewhere other than the DF section.
    Woohoo! I feel magic now. How does it feel?

    Don't really have any questions for you...

    Okay, maybe one:
    Coke or Pepsi?
    Oohhhh, definitely Coke. ;)

    Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: =MtAK= Zobby wanders into AQW Q&A (1/14/2014 19:20:14)

    Heya Zyrain!
    'Ello Amon!

    Congrats on the new post!
    Thank you. :)

    Tomato: vegetable or fruit? Seriously, I've been debating this way too often.
    Hrm, I've grown up always thinking it is a fruit, so I'll stick with that. ;)

    What is your name?
    Zyrain, Zyr, Zy, ZyZy, Zobby or just plain Sam. Take your pick.

    What is your quest?
    To not go feral and stab Therril.

    What is the maximum velocity of an unladen swallow?
    Not a clue. *goes to watch Monty Python*

    Just wanted to toss in my random junk and say hi!
    Hehe, thanks for dropping by!

    .Shadow// -> RE: =MtAK= Zobby wanders into AQW Q&A (1/14/2014 19:36:03)

    *the sound of trumpets graciously welcomes Sir Zobby as he enters the room* Hey Zy!
    *waves his hand in the air* Thank you, thank you. Heya, Shadow! Many thanks for the edit codes too.

    The cyan revolution continues! Congrats on another board!
    Hehehehehe, shhhh. Can't let Melissa or Mritha know! Thanks! :)

    Nice new edit color you got there. The person who helped you pick that must be pretty awesome. [:)]
    Nah, they're just a common noob. ;)

    Why cyan?
    Pfft. Why not? Cyan is glorious and electric. Everyone knows what's about to strike them when they see cyan!

    Why not azure, teal, sapphire, or perhaps even turquoise?
    Boooooring. Cyan is unique, and stands out more.

    I quite like cerulean blue. You should use that more often.
    No thanks. Cyan is greatest form of blue.

    I'll save the rest of my pestering for the IRC. See you later, and good luck with the new position! *salute*
    Hehe thanks again for dropping by! *snugs*

    Solar Boy -> RE: =MtAK= Zobby wanders into AQW Q&A (1/14/2014 19:43:59)

    Zyrain! D:<
    Solar! >:D

    Lightning round! Here we go!
    *readies himself*

    FireZards or TadZards?!
    TadZards! Easier to kill.

    Chico or Cudgel!?
    Chico, as I met him first.

    Krum or Rhum?!
    The blue one, of course! Rhum, I think.

    Kabroz or Zhilo!?
    Kabroz all the way hehehehe.

    Zero Hex or Xarymandias?!
    As a mage myself, I have to go for good ol' Xarymandias.

    Sneaks or Sneevils!?
    Sneevils. I HATE Sneaks with a burning passion.

    Carnax or Captain Rhubarb?!
    Tough. Carnax is more fun, but Captain Rhubarb didn't try and kill me. Let's go Carnax.

    Hippocampuses or Moglopyres?!
    Much to your disappointment, I just love Moglopyres!

    Goggs or Gorrillaphants!?
    I used to hate Goggs, but now I love 'em!

    Dracoliches or ReignDragons?!
    ReignDragon -- more blue.

    Grenwogs or Togs?!
    Oooohhh, I'll have to say Togs. Adorable little critters.

    BoA or BLoD?!
    Awe all the way! Especially if I can convert it into a Staff of Awe.

    That'll do! Have fun! Stay vorpal! @_@
    Thanks! For my own safety around you, I shall always remain Vorpal!

    Death Lord -> RE: =MtAK= Zobby wanders into AQW Q&A (1/14/2014 20:57:25)

    Salut Zy!
    *salutes* 'Ello Death Lord!

    Congratulations on becoming the newest Aqw Q&a section AK!
    Thank you very much!

    Here are a few questions that should keep you on your toes:

    Why the name Zyrain?
    Hrm. Good question. Honestly, I don't really know. 7 years ago I created my AdventureQuest account and Zyrain was the mage. As I loved the mage class that much, Zyrain became my main character.

    Why cyanish blue?What's wrong with purple? O_o
    Nothing is wrong with purple! I am OWNED by purple. However, cyan reflects who I am better than purple. ;)

    Any tips for us forum members?
    Heh. Follow the rules and you'll be fine. :P

    What's up with the Aqw section getting so many new AK's? Somethings fishy around here.Is it because of the trout?
    THE PURPLE MOJO IS RISING! Nope, nothing fishy going on... *whistles*

    What is the difference between an ointment and a paste?(You can't google this!)
    Without using Google, I imagine that an ointment is more medicinal, and paste is more practical.

    Do you play sports? If yes, what sport do you like the most and why?
    I play a fair bit of tennis in the summer. I've been known to play rugby. But honestly, I tend to just stick to the gym.

    Knowing how busy your schedule must be, this should be enough for the moment.
    Hehe, thanks.

    Catch you later!
    See you soon!


    ~ Darth Death Lord
    *throws Yoda at Death Lord*

    Lord Coxy -> RE: =MtAK= Zobby wanders into AQW Q&A (1/14/2014 21:53:25)

    Zyrain :O
    Coxy! Thanks for the edit codes. :D

    Since you said No-one can do it, I'm going to temporary change my name to No-one and paint you....while slapping you with a large trout :3
    e_o" *rages at Coxy*

    Gotta love them Loop Holes!
    No. No you do not. >.>
    No purple tricks either!

    Pull my finger :O
    *goes to pull Coxy's finger* WAIT, no no no, I'm not falling for that!

    Dang it, didn't exploded D:
    Just as well. e_e

    Well since I didn't exploded, guess thats enough Coxy Time for now, don't you think :O?
    I always have time for Coxy!

    Good luck, have fun and welcome aboard to AQW Q&A (be prepared for large trouts...you will never know when they will slap you)
    Thank you! I look forward to working with you, my friend.

    Have an awesome day now
    And you. *snugs* :)

    SlyCooperFan1 -> RE: =MtAK= Zobby wanders into AQW Q&A (1/14/2014 22:26:52)

    Oh wow... I haven't seen one of these in years.
    You have some form of sanity left then. :P

    Hello, Zyrain!

    Congratulations on the ArchKnight promotion! :D
    Thank you. :)

    Tell me, do they still use the chains?
    Ohhhhh yes, and let me tell you, Mritha's are very tight around my soul.

    Are you related to Dobby?
    Hehe, no, though that is where the house-moglin name "Zobby" originates from.

    Regardless of the above answer, where did you get your username from?
    When I first started playing AdventureQuest 7 years ago, I created many characters. Zyrain was the mage, and as I enjoyed the mage class so much, that became my main character. I don't actually recall how I thought of the name though.

    Which is your favorite AE game?
    Definitely DragonFable! The art, story and gameplay goes above and beyond.

    PS4 or Xbox One?
    Hrm. I had the PS1, PS2 and Xbox 360... and I'll have to say PS4 actually.

    Apple vs. Android?
    Apple all the way!

    Skype vs. Google Hangouts?
    Skype, now that they've sorted most of the issues haha.

    Cheese vs. cheese?
    San Robin.

    Well, that's all for now. Congrats again, and good luck!
    Thanks, see you soon! :)

    Skurge -> RE: =MtAK= Zobby wanders into AQW Q&A (1/15/2014 8:22:44)

    - Sieur Zobby!
    Hello, hello, my Steampunk friend! Thank you for the edit codes.

    - First and foremost, congratulations! You'll do awesome. [:)]
    Thank you, that means a lot. :)

    - Secondly, who knighted you?
    Well... The Game made me an ArchKnight originally, Mritha knighted me in this forum, and Melissa made me her 'Sir'. So take your pick. :P

    - How are the handcuffs looking? Can you feel your wrists throbbing as it presses tighter and tighter?
    They are glowing purple now. o_o

    - Cyan or Purple? >:3
    Erm *fears for his life* they are equally elegant.

    - Ahh, I see. I wouldn't expect any other answer from you.
    Hehe, so you know the pain Melissa and Mritha can cause too?

    - Now: Steampunk, Steamgear, or Chrono?
    Please don't hurt me, but I'm not actually a fan of these mechanical looks. However, I'll say Chrono.

    - A fine choice, Sir Zobsalot. A fine choice.
    Why thank you, Skizzo.

    - *Kersplodes into 3,455 pieces*
    Nuu! *all Melissa's horses and all Melissa's men, try to put Skurge-y together again*

    apus -> RE: =MtAK= Zobby wanders into AQW Q&A (1/15/2014 14:53:05)

    Hi Zobby.
    *snuggles Apus* Heya!

    I see that you have finally accepted the name "Zobby".
    I had no choice. ._.

    You got a new cyan. :O Did you pick it just because it was harder for me to pick out? :P
    I did indeed, with help from Shadow! Haha, it is a little more tricky, aye. But this one is just a tad darker and makes it stand out more.

    So, has purple gotten to you yet?
    My soul is purple. >.>

    When will you join purple?
    Never. I am a proud Brother of BLOO and shall remain that way!

    If you say no, it's fine, I'm sure that the purple will eventually overwhelm you.

    You serve Melissa, Mritha, and Eukara well now Zobby. Behave!
    Aha, I always behave. *innocent puppy dog eyes*

    ~ Apus, the Bird of Paradise, and a follower of purple

    P.S. Don't you dare forget about my ichthyophobia again Zobby!
    Eh, I'll try my best. I've been good recently!

    Grixus Faldor -> RE: =MtAK= Zobby wanders into AQW Q&A (1/15/2014 17:39:09)

    Hehehehe... Embrace the purple

    Congratulations! :D
    Thanks, James!

    Just popping by to say hello!
    'Ello 'ello. *snugs*

    Try not to break anything ^.^
    What do you think of me?!


    Rickyb20 -> RE: =MtAK= Zobby wanders into AQW Q&A (1/15/2014 18:16:53)

    I give you congratulations and salutations!
    Thank you very much, Ricky!

    *flies away*
    *follows the wild Rickyb20*


    Sora To Hoshi -> RE: =MtAK= Zobby wanders into AQW Q&A (1/15/2014 20:52:57)

    No no no no no no, not again!

    *dyes you purple*

    BAD SORA! Can't believe you found a loop hole and abused me. ;_;

    301st Legion -> RE: =MtAK= Zobby wanders into AQW Q&A (1/16/2014 4:52:17)

    Warm greetings to you, Sir Zobby! I salute you in your newly earned position.
    Thank you kindly, 301st Legion!

    I believe that you will do good here in the AQW Q&A.
    Thanks, that means a lot. :)

    Sir Zobby, Dage or Nulgath?
    Hrm. I'll say Nulgath, even if Dage is blue. :P

    Which Naval Commander do you like best?
    Definitely the original as I won it. :)

    Favorite Star Wars protagonist?
    I'll say Qui-Gon Jinn.

    Favorite Star Wars antagonist?
    Savage Opress!

    Have you watched The Godfather trilogy? If not, you should give it a try!
    I actually haven't, but i shall make sure I do!

    Thanks for your time, mayt!
    Thank you for posting!

    bokterier -> RE: =MtAK= Zobby wanders into AQW Q&A (1/16/2014 11:24:37)

    Hoy Zyraaaaaain! :P
    Hello bokterier!

    How are you?
    Great thank you. I hope you are doing well yourself.

    What is the true meaning behind the Pit Grinders?
    To destroy and conquer. :D

    Would you turn into an Pit Grinder if you could? Any colour. (I know you'll choose it...)
    Hmm, why not?! I do hope you're not referencing to my glorious cyan as "it". >.>

    Do you believe that the Pit Grinders will rule this dimension? (I do.)
    Unfortunately, most probably.

    Bye and have a merry christmas! :)
    Wait... That was last year! Right? Ō_Ō
    Hahahaha, thanks, you too! ;)

    Tendou -> RE: =MtAK= Zobby wanders into AQW Q&A (1/16/2014 12:03:04)

    *snuggles Tendou*

    UR liaaaaaar u told us u didn't want a topic
    Well, I wasn't originally, but ended up getting persuaded into doing one. ¬_¬

    THE BEST. <3

    Meh. IMR is alright.

    My wonderful and benevolent master. <3

    Welcome once again.
    Thank you!

    The Jop -> RE: =MtAK= Zobby wanders into AQW Q&A (1/16/2014 12:12:55)

    Congratulations again, but you call yourself Zobby?
    Thank you. Melissa named me Zobby after Dobby from 'Harry Potter', as her house-moglin minion and the name caught on.

    GuardMouse -> RE: =MtAK= Zobby wanders into AQW Q&A (1/17/2014 12:08:43)

    Why hello there δ﹏δ
    'Ello 'ello. Thanks for the edit codes!

    I heards you gots a new title! Congratulations! :D
    Why thank you. The title came along free with a new position. ;)

    Seems AQW Q&A is another place in which you can hurt rule me in... *backs away slowly*
    Hurt? I would never hurt you. Hehehehehe. *evil grin*

    How many rulers bosses do you have? owo
    Ohhh, quite a few now haha. Many own a piece of my soul. :P

    You probably forgot Queen Goober, add that to the list >:P
    Hahahahaha, all hail Queen Goober!

    How many Mice can a GuardMice guard if a GuardMice can guard Mice?
    Erm. Pi?

    The correct answer is 7.92747572938
    Oh. ._.

    How do you remain bloo with all this purple?
    Because bloo holds a secret power that will always remain strong!

    Like Shadow said, if I ever want to pester ask you a question I'll spam ask you in the IRC :3
    Awww thanks. :3

    Bye, for now... ●ω●
    Se ya soon!

    Melissa4Bella -> RE: =MtAK= Zobby wanders into AQW Q&A (1/19/2014 20:16:40)

    *flies in*
    *dances around in joy before snugging his master tightly* Thank you for the edit codes. :)

    *dusts Sir Zobby so that he's Purple*
    Well, you can have a purple Zobby. I can't deny you that. :P

    *flies out*
    *runs as fast as he can to try and follow Mel*

    Grixus Faldor -> RE: =MtAK= Zobby wanders into AQW Q&A (1/20/2014 1:51:13)

    This thread needs more purple :D
    Oh does it now? Mel's purple is more than enough. >.>

    I must admit... Bloo is quite useful [8D]
    *twitches* e_o"

    Join us... or wait. Assimilation is inevitable ^_^
    Never! I shall always remain a Brother of BLOO!

    Revised Charizard - Y/N: This version of Charizard looks better than in-game/anime/manga Charizard
    I think not. This lovely Charizard X is MUCH better. Look at all the bloo!

    *dunks Zobby in a can purple paint*
    *stabs James* >.>


    Crisis Hoarder -> RE: =MtAK= Zobby wanders into AQW Q&A (1/20/2014 14:28:11)

    Ohai Zyrain! c:
    Heya! :D

    Guess who?
    *slaps Cris around a bit with a large trout*

    Well, not much to say really, so I'll be going.
    Awww okie. Thanks for dropping by!

    *Spray paints Zobby cyan.*
    That's more like it! Hehehe.

    See ya soon!

    kamikampi -> RE: =MtAK= Zobby wanders into AQW Q&A (1/30/2014 17:46:09)

    Elló Zyrian!
    Heya Kami!

    Werewolves or vampires?
    Please don't hurt me, but vampires.

    I've always been interested in the idea of a vampire. Before some unfortunate modern interpretations, that is. >.>


    Definitely odd, but still fearsome.

    Can you not answer this question?
    Maybe? e_e

    Can you answer ALL the questions?
    I don't know, stop torturing me! :(

    What will be your motto here on the forums?
    *shifty eyes* CYAN!

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