Evangel -> RE: =DF= Staff Information Thread (7/21/2014 1:38:34)
1st of all thank for your comment. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression. About "breathing animation" it makes game looks more realistic and in my opinion it looks better than a static standing posture. I see you really hate it because it's not your 1st post about " why you introduced breathing animation, it looks really bad, etc. " [1] "The "walking" animation should be more of a run" ehh It's not just a walking animation, I sped it up :) Now it's moving almost as fast as the running one. [2] "...standard weapon-slash" be more creative please ;) [3] And at last you are wrong about "Guardian Heroes" They're not moving. It's just a bunch of static headless guardians who's flying "very lamely" from point "a" to "b" so you have to "update your database" ;) [4] Anyway I don't want to justify myself but it's been a 1st time when I've been doing something like that ( dual wielding class ). I still have to learn a lot :( [5] [1] - I don't think efforts to make the game "look more realistic" will translate well in the end. The profile view of the player character and the medium of the game limits it to how well "realism" will translate, especially when it comes to the human body. When you breathe, your entire upper body doesn't raise and lower like in the animation, just your chest and stomach. AQ does that, but it doesn't look very good in the end. I know it's trying to make it look like breathing, but it just doesn't turn out well. It looks awkward, unnatural. Especially when the armor/class the player has equipped is full-armor, expanding and contracting. Just looks bad. There might be an alternative/compromise. But your animations and the AQ animations just don't turn out very well. Nothing personal. Good intentions, just not there yet on the execution. [2] - Well, speed walking, then. Just looks odd. Maybe change it so it's more of a jog with arm-swaying. [3] - Just a suggestion. Doesn't need to be a unique snowflake animation. Maybe a thrust + shield bash w/o the jumping, or thrust + slash like with DL's 2x attack. [4] - Well, still. The original animation looks more spectral and ghostly. The updated animation looks just as static and plain. They're just walking. Needs to be more of an attack and not just walking through. [5] - There's always room for improvement. That's what criticism is for. Post edited to keep thread on-topic ~M4B