Ranloth -> RE: Cyber Hunter need a buff? (3/14/2014 11:18:27)
You can't expect someone to create a build, without being a CH themselves. I speak from experience on my L30 CH who uses Poison build (no Malf nor anything else on Tier 3 + 4), but the builds differ at L30, compared to L40. We're still suggesting a buff, not disagreeing with the fact they need a buff. <.< Besides, it's not "easier for us", but experience from fighting them - albeit, very few. Only viable ones are with high HP and a Poison build. Tank builds are ineffective due to lower Strength and Static Charge being very poor with low damage vs. tanks, hence why I'm suggesting a buff for it. Then there's Multi Shot and Plasma Grenade - again, underused and Plasma Grenade is even weaker than Stun Grenade. Buffing these two skills gives tank builds a bit more power, since they improve with Tech and Dex respectably. And lowering the cost of Shadow Arts coupled with buff to Static Charge, may make it a bit more viable skill to use. You mention expensive Massacre cost - buff to Static Charge again, especially when Strength improves both. We don't need acceptance of our own opinions. You have experience with CHs, that's great, which means you can give more detailed feedback and/or correct others, but opinions are opinions, no one has to agree to make them valid (or invalid), because it's an opinion. quote:
then how can the class be fine in its current form Because the skill-tree is decent on its own. There's a difference between skill-tree/class and power of skills. TLMs can compete, but their skill synergy is awful. On the other hand, CHs can't really compete - but with one build - but their skill synergy isn't all that bad.