suboto -> RE: The assualt bot P and E (6/4/2014 0:38:57)
@Rui. If you suggesting its to useful due to it cleanseing a omega rider debuff thats not enough to say its good enough. In this time of epicduel we have classes stacking debuffs mal and robot debuff or some times mal, smoke, and debuff robot or even mal, over rider, robot debuff and smoke. As a tank user myself I see the issues with not enough coverage against the rise up of the debuff saga. 2 shield skills arent enough of a counter. I just ask that +5% at least for a more balanced robot. We all know when assualt bot was 80% it was to much and so it got nerfed to 65% which was ok until the uprise of debuffs. Examples: and and and these are the 4 basic debuffs that the assualt bot can some what restore. Now to mention the other ones it can not cleanse and Im uncertain if it can cleanse the curse debuff but lets add that on as an example . Finally that totals out 7 debuffs and that leaves 2 or 3 of the 7 uncleanseable and not to mention the robot can only cleanse 65% of those 5 or 4 out of 7 debuffs so its time for a slight buff to be made. 70% is a reasonable amount Also you see the core for armors it can be knocked off with the robot knock off armor core clearing its core for a limited time also. Thats also devestateing to tanks i forgot to mention that and the rapid reduction in def and res with the new robot. In 2vs2 people sometimes stack those. So I think 70% cleanse is reasonable for the 4 or 5 debuffs it can cleanse. Also azeral aux can counter some shields by 65% of what they restore. this makes it even more tough for tanks to counter back in a more clearer view: malfuntion smoke screen omega overrider intimidate curse 5 debuffs cleanseable by assualt bot by 65% then add: if u shield up you have a: azeral aux knocks out 65% of some shields and azeral robot can break shields also then if u add: necrosis and armor annihilator those knock your armor off along with your armor core for a few turns or knocks your res and def at a increaseing rate. buffing assualt bot by 5% to make it 70% would help tanks a bit more countering debuffwise but only of the debuff they can counter.