Change robots damage calculation. (Full Version)

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Rui. -> Change robots damage calculation. (6/26/2014 8:31:14)

Rather than technology determining robot damage scaling

Can we have focus determine damage.

ie. give focus a boost

lvl 1 focus 100 damage
lvl 2 focus 200 damage ~
lvl 5 focus 500 damage

This way technology isnt needed, and we can can better build diversity

max damage right now one can have is 101 tech + 35 tech on 5 focus that is somewhere close to 650 damage on a bot
with this method its gonna be + / - 30 max damage on lion bot will be 690 as an example.

bot damage cannot be lowered or increased with tech or malfunction since its a fixed number with focus determining the damage.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (6/26/2014 12:21:31)

It was mostly focus damage before and people were able to hit ridiculously hard without any tech at all, especially if for example they were a support build pyro fly would hit a very strong amount.

It basically gives an extra extremely useful and strong offensive option to any type of build that can be allowed to have 45 in all stats.

Rui. -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (6/26/2014 13:08:33)

Now everyone has high health .. 750 health focus builds aint working well

Mother1 -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (6/26/2014 13:23:49)

Not supported.

While I use a focus build myself this in turn would overpower focus itself since you are removing a counter to focus. It may not look like much now, but when balance changes are made and high HP and strength builds aren't the flavor build this in turn will make focus the flavor build again which will result in it being nerfed later on.

Rui. -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (6/26/2014 14:17:53)

Why do you go so much into the fure where health and strength will be nerfed..

Look whats there now and act upon it ..

If you are telling me it will overpower focus .. how ? Explain it .. cause I sure don't get it .. I am a noob remember lol

All it is gonna do is make technician a non issue when it comes to robot damage.

Let me give you an example why I want this so you understand,

If I use the lion bot/yeti bot .. just examples it gets blocked cause its a bookable bot .. But required tech to boost damage .. on the other hand I use an abyss bot .. its a deflectable bot .. hence abyss gets a better hand for a focus build ..

The reason I got the abyss over the hawk cause the hawk gets blocked while the abyss is guaranteed damage.

If we change the way robots work to focus based damage you can go support multi and still use the bot with a set damage on it.

You can do dex build and still use the blockable bots to their full potential .. makes sense ??

Tech already gives you deflections and dex gives you blocks .. tech does not need another necessity to boost bot damage ..

Moreover the game is so dreadful right now with high health and strength we need something to help invest support in and this is just that idea to help give some importance to support.

Mother1 -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (6/26/2014 15:26:47)

@ rui

Ok since you want to worry about the here and now fine I will leave that thought and explain how this can overpower focus now.

Remember mid lower levels who can achieve high focus levels without worrying about too many defenses? Well they will get a massive buff to this and robot damage for this player range will be outrageous. While it may get the higher to cap levels a fighting chance and more diversity, it will overpower mid lower level players due to less defenses and less ways to counter this.

But I brought up the future part because as we both know balance always changes in game. One minute one build is king, the next it is knocked off it's pedestal. Sorry if bringing up the flaws I see bothers you so.

Rui. -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (6/26/2014 15:49:29)

Can you give me the build of a mid level player maybe level / stats so I get an idea cause I don't really seeing this as such a huge benefit to low or mid level players, I still feel dex mages own all the way from low to mid levels.. I feel this would only help improving build diversity - cant see this being abused at all.

Yes balance always changes , that's right but everything can be tweaked. with this implemented robot damage will remain constant.. hence much easier to balance the damage on them.

Mother1 -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (6/26/2014 16:19:50)

@ rui.

A focus 26 player can easily get focus 5 or even focus 4 due to having enough stats. I know this because I have a merc and cyber hunter alt at level 27 and 28 but both of these bots gained level 5 focus at level 26.

now dex builds are strong at this level yes, however they aren't without counters. Poison is a good example since with my alts I got unblockable damage that gives me decent rage gain due to high defenses, as well as something that eat through their health and goes around their defenses, and this is without this idea.

Let's say I used the infernal android, pyro fly, or some other bot that has an deflectable attack and not blockable. This right here gets around dex builds due to the robots not having a blockable attack. Plus the extra damage from a focus 4-5 build 400-500 damage +plus the robot damage will be scoring high damage especially if you rage the unblockable attacks as well.

Dex builds can only do so much at lower levels if you know how to counter them and focus at lower levels with robots with deflection based attack will steamroller dex builds when combined with the right build.

Rui. -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (6/26/2014 16:31:07)

Ok can you tell me how much is the robot damage of ur level 26 5 focus char considering u have 45 on all stats with base health and energy and with this method how much damage the robot will have.

We can tweak the difference by balancing out focus damage with level ... very simple, below is an example

Focus level 1 = 60 damage + level
Focus level 2 = 120 Damage + level
Focus level 3 = 190 Damage + level
Focus level 4 = 280 Damage + level
Focus 5 = 350 Damage + level .. max damage is 350 + 40 as level 40 is max..
Focus 6 .. yeah we can have this added as well .. maybe 420 damage + char level

It can be tweaked .. not necessarily has to be so op as you say at low levels ..

But my whole idea is tech shd not determine bot damage. I would like to see something with a consistent damage.

Mother1 -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (6/26/2014 16:45:12)

@ rui.

The other thing I was point out was that you were basically removing the only counter to robot damage.

As it is now nothing has consistant damage be it strike, gun, aux, or even skills.

They are all tied to stats which means they can be either strengthened or weakened which in turn make it so they have a counter.

Robot Damage also has a counter in the forum of the tech boosting it.

Remove that and there goes the only counter to robot damage outside of luck.

Without counters anything can become overpowered and that is also a concern I am thinking off as well at any level.

Rui. -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (6/26/2014 17:12:18)


Aux does not have any counter .. except delta weapons.
No one can lower support. This is just the same, you can counter bots damage by a shield just as u do for aux damage.

Jacobfarrow1 -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (6/26/2014 18:05:36)

Yes, you can counter Auxes (And Sidearms) with the Yeti Bot's Chomp attack.

And anyways, Support has been badly nerfed, so Auxes don't do much for most builds (Other than 5Focus and Support spam).

Combatoid -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (6/26/2014 23:12:46)

I support the idea that bots should be buffed slightly. I'm kind of iffy on the idea that Tech. wouldn't even affect the damage that the bot does(it seems logical to me that tech skills would improve bot damage).

King Bling -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (6/29/2014 8:05:31)

@ Rui.

At my level 21 itself i got 5 focus on my bot it got like 530 damage, and its OP

Rui. -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (6/29/2014 10:11:54)

ur lvl 21 and ur 5 focus is OP is it ?? Show me a screens hot of your win rate late have a look. And i will show u my lvl 21 mage who has a 90% win rate.

King Bling -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (6/30/2014 5:42:04)

I dont need to prove anything and if u need proof meet in epicduel (probably going off topic)
not supported btw

Rui. -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (6/30/2014 5:53:54)

if you claim ur OP wih 5 focus at level 21 back up ur theory... You cant pop into a thread and claim something is op with nothing to backup. I dont have to meet you anywhere.. In future if you cant prove something dont comment. lemme guess u think 50% win is op ?? Lol

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (6/30/2014 12:08:14)

You can't claim something is OP just because you do well with it.

Mother1 -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (6/30/2014 12:26:28)

@ Dual thrusters

While i am not agreeing with the person you are disagreeing with if we went by that logic then nothing would be overpowered since a lot of people claim they can do really well with something and say
it is overpowered.

Jacobfarrow1 -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (6/30/2014 12:51:41)

King Bling just offered proof to you, as well as to back up his theory... And you turned it down. Seems like you don't want to have a chance of being proven wrong.
Also, (I am breaking the rules for minimodding but whatever) you aren't allowed to tell someone to not post, as said in the rules. Everyone has a right to be heard, and a right to speak.

Rui. -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (6/30/2014 14:09:10)

asking me to find his name wait for him to log in and them show me his win rate is least of my concern.. If he stated in the forums he is OP he can share a screenshot. End of convo. Everyone has the right to speak.. But if i were to go to every suggestion thread and say this is OP if you want to know why come meet me in game it makes absolutely no sense.. And i am pretty sure you know whats the result of mini modding. Anyone can comment.. But comments without logic are just words.. And words are meant to be in a dictionary. Moreover this is going off topic now. There is a feature called pm fyi

xzkamityx -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (6/30/2014 20:04:54)

not supported
I'm a level 34 blood mage using a focus build. My base damage is 540. I'm winning almost all my fights, and i'm even beating the "op dex mages". This would make focus the only build and it wouldn't have any kind of counter as you wouldn't need a high tech if 5 focus base damage without the robot would be 500 damage. With any robot it would be a base damage of 650 with 45 tech.

Combatoid -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (6/30/2014 23:17:48)

I think that in a default 5 focus build(45 on each attribute, not including stat modifiers), the Auxiliary shouldn't be doing more damage than the Bot..

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (6/30/2014 23:20:53)


Focus was nerfed, that's why robots do less damage than auxes at base 5 focus.

Off topic: that was a really fun period of Omega when everyone was using 5 focus :P

Rui. -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (7/1/2014 4:13:29)

@ kamity if you read the entire thread you would have noticed this

We can tweak the difference by balancing out focus damage with level ... very simple, below is an example
Focus level 1 = 60 damage + level
Focus level 2 = 120 Damage + level
Focus level 3 = 190 Damage + level
Focus level 4 = 280 Damage + level
Focus 5 = 350 Damage + level .. max damage is 350 + 40 as level 40 is max..
with this method you will still do the same damage as your currently doing. Moreover blood mages are op.. Try 5 focus on a cyber and see if you can pull the same win rate.. Topic is about robots and not how well a certain class pwns with it.

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