Mother1 -> RE: Change robots damage calculation. (6/26/2014 16:19:50)
@ rui. A focus 26 player can easily get focus 5 or even focus 4 due to having enough stats. I know this because I have a merc and cyber hunter alt at level 27 and 28 but both of these bots gained level 5 focus at level 26. now dex builds are strong at this level yes, however they aren't without counters. Poison is a good example since with my alts I got unblockable damage that gives me decent rage gain due to high defenses, as well as something that eat through their health and goes around their defenses, and this is without this idea. Let's say I used the infernal android, pyro fly, or some other bot that has an deflectable attack and not blockable. This right here gets around dex builds due to the robots not having a blockable attack. Plus the extra damage from a focus 4-5 build 400-500 damage +plus the robot damage will be scoring high damage especially if you rage the unblockable attacks as well. Dex builds can only do so much at lower levels if you know how to counter them and focus at lower levels with robots with deflection based attack will steamroller dex builds when combined with the right build.