Legendary Rank? (Full Version)

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Yo son -> Legendary Rank? (6/30/2014 19:24:12)

LOL what...

I seriously don't get it, why not just increase the level cap so that the battle scaling system makes more sense( if it ever did). Why not just bring the enhancement system back? The way legend works right now, it seems to be more broken than the enhancement system we had before!

I'm a level 38 facing multiple Rank 33-44 legends?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also the way legend works, there is practically no way of catching up in this game system anymore, because there is no max level!

Dual Thrusters -> RE: Legendary Rank? (6/30/2014 20:46:52)

You supposedly stop gaining ranks by rank 100.

The best way to avoid losing is NPCing and 2v2

Jacobfarrow1 -> RE: Legendary Rank? (6/30/2014 20:51:46)

@Dual Thrusters

ComicalBiker is Rank 101 or 102 now, so that's not true. I know the Dev's said that, but it seems they forgot to actually make the cap.

Rayman -> RE: Legendary Rank? (6/30/2014 20:52:54)

Jacob: Dual Said supposedly.

Jacobfarrow1 -> RE: Legendary Rank? (6/30/2014 21:00:00)

Yep, I caught that. Just wasn't sure if he was stating it as a full fact, or saying not sure.

DeathGuard -> RE: Legendary Rank? (6/30/2014 22:48:08)

Just 60 Ranks are usable currently e.g. they are only 60 slots to use to upgrade after you reach rank 60.

Pemberton -> RE: Legendary Rank? (7/1/2014 1:23:52)

Im level 38/39 too and it is very fun to battle all level 40s with same STR HP builds lol...this legendary ranks is the best idea ever...

Mysterion. -> RE: Legendary Rank? (7/1/2014 6:48:59)

Im also a level 38, and can agree that this whole systeem needs a fix.
If you only think about it, in the past sytem of level differences that were max 5 levels, you just had a disadvantage of 20 stats en 5 damage.

Now, you have a disadvantage of 68 stats (and the stats from weapons in those 2 levels) and 2 damage, but that compensates due to the 68 stats, so the whole system has became far more unfair then it just to be, and the devs don't do jack about it.

xzkamityx -> RE: Legendary Rank? (7/1/2014 8:17:15)


Now, you have a disadvantage of 68 stats (and the stats from weapons in those 2 levels) and 2 damage, but that compensates due to the 68 stats, so the whole system has became far more unfair then it just to be, and the devs don't do jack about it.

Maybe the Devs are trying to fix it but with the cannon bug, war rally events, freezes, missions bugs, and all the other bug that they are currently trying to fix so the war is fair, people can do the missions, and making it where people can actually do 2vs2 without freezing after somebody leaves, they might start working on it.

They kind of have a really big plate that's been stacked full with seconds and thirds.

Noobatron x3000 -> RE: Legendary Rank? (7/2/2014 16:00:08)

The most puzzling thing about this is the fact the games server number is dismal (I'd say servers but lets face it on the extremely rare occasion exile opens its rare it gets out of double figures) One would think they wouldn't want to be scaring off new players and the players they have , By throwing them under a bus and repeatedly running over them between level 38 and legend rank 10 ish 40 to have any chance of competing in 2v2 (to have a strong chance in 2v2 probably more like leg rank 20)

To have any chance of competing in 1v1 your going to need legend rank 20 (rank 40 for a good chance)

The longer the game stays broken the higher you'll need to be to compete , the more people will leave.

Mother1 -> RE: Legendary Rank? (7/2/2014 16:14:44)

@ Noobatron

you know what the popular answer to this is now? NPC your way up through the ranks until you get to a decent rank to play against these legendary players.

lionblades -> RE: Legendary Rank? (7/2/2014 16:59:24)

^Lol. This is a sad but very true statement. L.38 has almost no way to beat L.40 rank 40+. Rising 38s have to NPC to get at least to rank 7-10 just be able to slightly have a chance.

Thylek Shran -> RE: Legendary Rank? (7/2/2014 20:11:09)

Sadly its not only the legendary system that is broken, the whole PVP system is:

  • Level and legendary ranks matching
  • Juggernaut mode (because of level matching)
  • oped HP
  • uped focus
  • Single skills and cores including warm up and cooldown turns
  • skill tree sets
  • skill tree layout
  • skills that require a class primary weapon
  • rage calculation
  • stat balance
  • critical hits drawback

    Legendary ranks definetly work like the old enhancement system just with the
    difference that they get respected in the level matching system which still is poor
    regarding fairness. As example 2vs2 and Juggernaut does become more difficult
    for level 40 characters with higher ranks while 1vs1 does become more easier.

  • Pemberton -> RE: Legendary Rank? (7/4/2014 4:15:23)

    Legendary Rank? More like STR HP rank abuse to me.

    Plasmastorm -> RE: Legendary Rank? (7/5/2014 18:04:14)

    I have to agree that with legendary ranks, the game has become much to harder to play.imagine if you are rank 5 40. 2v2 wont queue and 1v1 is full of high rank 40 who easily beat you. Is that player doomed to a life of npcing in a game? If i were this player, i would most likely quit. I think bringing back normal leveling would be great.

    Noobatron x3000 -> RE: Legendary Rank? (7/5/2014 18:07:45)

    Actually rui the most dangerous legend rank abusers are the ones with insane tech 140+ dex around 1k hp and still can hit around 500 primary secondary dmg with enough hp and defence to obliterate anything that isn't atleast on even footing without them ever standing a chance. The strength abusers are starting to show up less in 2v2 because they just don't work there That's not to say strength hp and dex aren't op they are. Either support and tech need a buff as well as mana or the other 3 a nerf.

    lionblades -> RE: Legendary Rank? (7/5/2014 18:22:33)

    A big problem is that the Dev's released to many Legendary Ranks at once. And long term, the Legendary Rank model is very discouraging to incoming endgame players. Legendary Rank model is very bad for long term ED PvP at endgame. I can predict this will only get worse since many L40s just keep on upping ranks and more L38s are joining just to get defeated and possibly just quit.

    Mother1 -> RE: Legendary Rank? (7/5/2014 18:42:09)

    @ Lionblades

    That is what happens when something is made for all the hardcore players who were bored at the top. It is obvious this was made so the staff wouldn't have to add more levels again in the game while keeping the hardcore players as well as many others like them happy.

    Sadly this spits in the faces of casual players who take their time leaving up. While it wasn't ideal before just adding regular levels at least made it so casual players could eventually catch up unlike this idea where they can just keep getting more powerful plus since these ranks still make the person level 40 they can dominate these lower level players. Personally I think the legendary ranks need to vanish from the game Stat. However the outcry of those players who worked hard to get them will also hurt if this is done so a change to them would be better.

    Make it so they award non battle related perks that can assist in other things in game. This way if I was to battle a level 40 50 ranked player (Example) It would be like battling a level 40 since the ranks give no power in battle.

    Noobatron x3000 -> RE: Legendary Rank? (7/5/2014 18:45:22)

    Perhaps just give them a % increase to credits and influence per level doesn't have to be major but making legend ranks a " I win " button will hurt you in the long run.

    lionblades -> RE: Legendary Rank? (7/5/2014 21:57:46)

    Yeah, I would like it if Legendary Ranks were not so hugely influential in PvP. Rank 60s can literally just roll over L.38s. It's just not a good model for long term player base gains imo.

    Predator9657 -> RE: Legendary Rank? (7/5/2014 23:20:19)

    There seems to be enough legendary players (most of my last 100 1v1 matches were found in a few seconds); why not try changing the matchmaking again so that only L40's fight L40's in 1v1?

    Mother1 -> RE: Legendary Rank? (7/6/2014 0:17:41)

    @ Predator9657

    Same punishment only difference it would make level 40's with low ranks the punching bags.

    Not to mention isolate level 40's even more.

    Remember these changes affect all time zones not just one and those players who are on only during non peak hours will get hurt by this change the most.

    The staff was accused of not caring about different times zones several times when prize codes were being given let's not have this happen again due to changing matchmaking for all since some time zones only get 200-300 players sometimes even less.

    kosmo -> RE: Legendary Rank? (7/6/2014 4:52:10)

    These ranks are very similiar to enchancments but with one difference: you need to invest alot of effort to aquire them. Honestly I would just get rid of them but alot of people would have the right to complain. All I can suggest to low rank 40 s or less is to work out the first 10 ranks between pvp and pve and put them on primary and you ll be competitive, also use blood mage or merc and you ll win better.
    A better matchmaking system would solve most of these problems with ranks.

    Plasmastorm -> RE: Legendary Rank? (7/6/2014 13:20:34)

    @Predator I think that even if 40s fight each other, There are large rank discrepancies, for example a rank 1 has a low chance of winning against all the 20/30+ rank
    players. I talked with some high rank level 40s and I think it would be better if level cap system was returned and the creds/var they spent on legendary points were somehow returned.

    lionblades -> RE: Legendary Rank? (7/6/2014 15:00:57)

    ^Yeah, a rank 60 has a big advantage over a rank 1. Also, wait times would be ridiculous if L.40s only fought each other.

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