Elder Dragon Knight's Fang (Full Version)

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Baron -> Elder Dragon Knight's Fang (7/9/2014 7:00:50)

Elder Dragon Knight's Fang

«Ranged Fire Lance, Mastercraft. Can inflict Spiritual Seed on the monster.»

Related items:
Location: The Dragon's Maze!

Level	120
PowLvl	120

Price	1057377
Sell	528688

Type: Ranged
Element: Fire
Damage	17-38
BTH	10

Hits: 1
Type: Ranged
Element: Fire
BR%	1168.8
LS%	789.8
+BTH	45

If it connects and does >0 damage, then the monster makes a save with a +0 bonus:
Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLevel
Major: VStat vs MonsterEND
Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

If it fails, then the monster gets a Spiritual Seed* (3 rounds, power: 0.25*85/80, dealing 35-227 Fire damage).
If the monster is already inflicted with a Fire Spiritual Seed, then this increases the power of the existing Seed by +0.25*85/80. If the monster is already inflicted with a non-Fire Spiritual Seed, then this does nothing and you wasted the effect**.

*The lance sets a fire deep inside your opponent's soul!
**The monster endures the worst of the flames

Rate: 20%

  • All normal Player attacks deal 106.25% damage.
  • If the monster is Burnt, then the weapon does 110% damage on normal player attacks, weapon specials, and its Spiritual Seed.

    There are many parts of a dragon to fear, but its fangs are by far the worst. Once this fang sinks into your enemy, they will be burned to their very core!
    Basic info and images thanks to Dragoon23. Numbers thanks to In Media Res.

    November 17, 2013: The weapon was released.

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