Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (Full Version)

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Exodus Winter -> Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (7/13/2014 0:14:13)

Exodus Winter's Gallery

Welcome to my gallery. I hope you enjoy what you see.

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Exodus Winter -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (7/13/2014 20:51:02)


Exodus Winter -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (7/13/2014 23:02:11)


Seth Hydra -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (7/14/2014 7:44:05)

Those are some really good faces, love the Vamp especially! Great shading and very lively!! keep it up [:)]

P.S: Are you open to requests? I'd love to see you create a Mohawk face! :D

darksampson -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (7/14/2014 7:48:31)

Wow! o_O Those are amazing. How long did it take to do each face, they're all really detailed and professional looking. I especially like the dracomancer/horned face.

Exodus Winter -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (7/15/2014 0:02:36)

@ss2195 Thank you for commenting and yeah, I can take a request or three.

@darksampson Time flies when you're having fun, so I don't know. I'll find out though. :) Thanks for commenting.

LigerBeard -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (7/15/2014 13:59:36)

Hey Exodus, do you think you could do a face for my personal character on AQ?
If yes, then he's basically a Titan of Victory in combat, so something that'd look tough would be best!
Edit: Oh, and here's a link for reference!

Exodus Winter -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (7/17/2014 11:58:51)

ss2195 your request is done. I'll be doing yours next LigerBeard.

@darksampson this head took several hours, mainly because of trying to figure out how to do a buzzcut and trying to find music to listen to. lol

lolopaki -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (7/18/2014 2:23:48)

Very nice concepts! Btw how do you put up your pictures? :O

Exodus Winter -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (7/27/2014 21:32:52)


@LigerBeard your request is done! Thank you for your patience and your time.

@lolopaki well, I just use photobucket direct link and use this forums img tag. Thanks for commenting.

LigerBeard -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (7/28/2014 7:31:28)

Above: That looks like something that should be in AQ now! Hats off to you, man!

Exodus Winter -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (8/15/2014 1:43:48)


Half Dragon Transformation Armor. I'm going to create a female version, cuz why not?

Exodus Winter -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (8/22/2014 20:52:10)

It's done, this piece is more true to the original design. Leg anatomy-wise anyway.
Click to see larger version

Exodus Winter -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (1/30/2015 10:49:53)


Found this on my computer. 2015...time flies.

Exodus Winter -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (1/30/2015 11:29:22)


Woven Gale v1
Ancient design. Made another design I'm happier with. Don't know when this was made.

Macho Man -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (1/30/2015 13:11:01)

WOW. Just wow. Amazing work!

Exodus Winter -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (1/31/2015 14:44:53)

^ Thank you :)


Exodus Winter -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (1/31/2015 14:56:09)


A closer look at the face. Old Face, 2014 era art.

Exodus Winter -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (2/2/2015 12:19:14)


Woven Gale v2

Thumbnail links to a larger picture on Tinypic. Photobucket is acting up.

@Elryn: Thank you. I'll certainly keep at it.

Elryn -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (2/2/2015 13:05:33)

*grins* There is visible improvement in your art between that 2013 piece and things from 2014 and your art has that slight anime feel to it that reminds me of a part of the art AdventureQuest has had at some times. Nicely done. Keep working on your art like that.

Exodus Winter -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (2/8/2015 0:15:08)


(Click on the image for an animated gif of this face.)

darksampson -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (5/3/2015 6:15:00)

Nice to see you're keeping up the great work. If you wouldn't mind taking a request, it would really be cool to see a necromancer/lich type face with a sugar skull/Calavera influence like in the movie "Book of life". Here is a nice reference picture. http://sugarskulltattoos.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Black-and-Grey-Sugar-Skull-Drawing.jpg

Exodus Winter -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (5/6/2015 6:10:59)

Unfortunately, I only had time to make a skull version. I will revisit this request after my trip.


darksampson -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (5/6/2015 18:48:15)

Beautifully morbid ^_^ I love all the attention to detail. I'm more than satisfied.

unknownaka -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (5/26/2015 17:05:23)

how do you even make faces, im terrible at it, im only good at weapons

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