RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (Full Version)

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Wyrm -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (5/29/2015 16:24:06)

Hot tamale! I really like almost everything in this gallery! The dragon transformation armour is particularly wonderful. the subtle use of gradients really sets the whole piece off. Fantastic work mate.

poopbum -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (6/7/2015 21:03:25)

Wow these are some nice armors and faces. I remember seeing you post some armors in the Aerodu artworks thread, as well as seen your lantern warrior armor in the CNY contest.(I think it should have gotten 1st or 2nd place but 3rd is nice too, congratz!)

Will be really nice if the AQ team can recruit you as a volunteer for their artwork, for plenty of the stuff you draw looks like they really should be in the game already. ^^ Plus the style looks just right for AQ while also being digital art. :)

Exodus Winter -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (9/20/2015 13:20:31)

@darksampson: Glad you like it, still gonna make that face tho. :) Once I get to my computer.

@unknownaka: Well, I'm no master. How I go about it is I draw a "circle" then work off that.
however with some of the faces here; I made a template for those. (templates that need reworking for sure)

@Wyrm: A thank you a thank you. *bows

@poopbum: Thank you. ah yes, my paxian champion series; I believe. Looking at them now tho....gahhhh. Speaking of the lantern warrior.
I'm actually surprised I even made it to the top 3, anyways. I made an animation sheet for it, I'll give that go.

It would be nice, but I think I'm a ways away from being up to par with animation. Something I'd like to work towards.

Thanks for dropping by, everyone.

Sanani -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (9/20/2015 13:54:45)

Why i can only draw stickman?[:(]

Exodus Winter -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (9/29/2015 2:19:49)


Necro sugar lich.Sugar Lich of Necromancy. Calavera Necro-Lich? Darksampsons request round 2!

My signature is in there, in the void. You can see it if you lean to the side a bit.

@Sanani: Hey now, stickmen can be awesome too. :)

Yozai -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (9/29/2015 11:56:10)

^ Wow that is amazing o:

Carandor -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (9/29/2015 12:19:24)

That is spectacular! Now if only we could get it in-game.

Anybody else think it sorta looks like what my character would if he died and someone went nuts with a set of crayons? [:D]

darksampson -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (11/8/2015 3:32:15)

Dude that is amazing, I didn't think you could top the first one, but that is some epic professional looking stuff. I'm honored and grateful you put this much effort into my request.

Exodus Winter -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (11/10/2015 14:54:52)

@ Yozai: Thonk yoo.
@ Carandor: Lol, Thonks yoo
@ darksampson: Yoo'ro wolcomo


Quick weapon to reply.

Exodus Winter -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (5/13/2016 17:58:02)

Hey, I drew something; YAY!

Did this one in Krita. It's alright when it doesn't bug out. 8/10.
Got a new computer too. So there's that. k bai.

@veneeria: Thank you.:) There's certainly more on the way.

veneeria -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (5/18/2016 9:38:04)

Pretty darn awesome!
keep it up :D

Exodus Winter -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (6/11/2016 6:23:36)

Dragonax Slayer. Inspired by war of the giants release.

Click Image to see the full armor. Links to tinypic.

Kay Oh -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (6/19/2016 16:59:38)

I just discovered this thread, this is amazing :) Good stuff Exo
Necro sugar lich is my favourite!

Exodus Winter -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (6/26/2016 23:02:40)

@Kay Oh: Thanks, I do what I can. :]

I thought I edited my post. Might as well say that I'm working on an armor.

@Dreiko Shadrock: There you go, lol :]


Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (6/27/2016 7:33:32)

color me Impressed.

the color for that is probably fuchsia.

Exodus Winter -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (7/27/2016 20:45:38)

Just a snake themed armor.

Click Image to see the full armor. Links to tinypic.

Anyway, after finishing two games and currently on a third. Here it is.

@Kay Oh: sknahT

Kay Oh -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (7/28/2016 0:16:41)

That looks great! Would love to see this in AQ :p

Exodus Winter -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (8/10/2016 14:49:51)


No coloring this time yo.

Oh right, I'm sure y'all know what this is. It's lycan armor.

@Void Master: My brain just exploded. If I had to animate the snake armor frame by frame; I'd go insane. Thinking about it further though. It would be animated in a texture kind of loop with wibbly wobble outlines repeating in place. All that coloring and shading...*ded.

@darksampson: Thanks, I got vamp in da werks doe. I'll get around to it eventually.

Void Master -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (8/10/2016 17:49:08)

Great gallery Exodus! I would be intreating to see how the snakes would slither around the snake themed armor if it was animated. I love the complexity yet clean look of the weapon you made. The coloring reminds me of the old Legendary blade which (aside from the hilt) had a great look.

darksampson -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (8/10/2016 22:01:35)

Loving the lycan armor! Your art never fails to impress, nice to see a wolf fan too, I feel like most of the forumites are vamps.

Exodus Winter -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (8/17/2016 2:10:03)


I was going to put vamp next to lycan, but I figured it might stretch the screen for some users. Wouldn't want that now.

Also no color this time as well.

Exodus Winter -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (8/29/2016 16:17:00)


September Raffle Contest!
Purchase Raffle Tickets in September for a chance to win some awesome prizes! Gain access to the Sentari Armory after buying 1 ticket.
Three top prizes: Your choice of a custom-look helm, face, shield or weapon.*
100 second place prizes: The rare Thunderstone Battleaxe.
1000 third place prizes: A very nice Misc item.

*Custom weapons and shields are APPEARANCE only, must be a reskin of an existing item.

Welp, I thought the raffle was custom anything before the newsletter disappeared. RIP design


Not that I was certain I'd get top spot, but it was a chance.

Exodus Winter -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (10/15/2016 15:13:20)

I'm available for requests. Although I'm in the mood for faces.

Gender: Male/Female
Race: AQ related (human, drakel, elf...etc) (CrossRace Hybrid)
Sub Race: none, vamp, lycan, werepyre, C/D dracopyre, "insert thing I om nomed"pyre (partial transformation or concealed)
Race Specific Details: (horns, size of elf ears things like that).
Sub Race Details: (Showing fangs, horns and the like).
Skin Color:
Skin Detail: Freckles, Scars, Moles...etc
Hair Style: None, name a style or describe it here.
Hair Color:
Brows: Strong, Thin, Bushy, Uni...etc
Brows Color:
Facial Hair: Yes/ No, if so what kind?
Facial Hair Color:
Eye Shape: Angular, Slanted, Wide, Shonen, Shojo..etc
Iris Color: (If any type of heterochromia describe color location)
Pupils: Circle, type of creature, and shapes.
Nose: Big, small, that bump w angle...etc
Mouth: Simple line or lips open/closed
Lips Color: if applicable
Makeup: Yes/ No, if so where and what kind of style?
Makeup Color:
Emotion: Happy/snarky/neutral/mad/really angry...etc

Other Details:

If you couldn't tell, lul.

Kay Oh -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (10/17/2016 21:42:57)

oo, fun! I'm a fan of GoT, so can I request you to draw Daenerys Targaryen's face? I'm bad at describing, bear with me. This is how her appearance is described in the books, also, here's fan art someone has made of her which shows her features well.

Gender: Female
Race: Dragon but Human looking face. Her face structure should resemble the fan art I linked.
Skin Color: Pale complexion
Hair Style: Long waves, braided on the back
Hair Color: Silver-blonde hair
Brows: Strong-ish
Brows Color: Dark silver
Facial Hair: No
Eye Shape: Kind of like the eyes in your custom face, round shonen eyes I guess
Iris Color: Purple
Pupils: Circle
Nose: Not sure how to describe this one, but let's say small?
Mouth: Lips closed
Emotion: Happy

If you could draw up to her shoulders, I'd like a baby dragon resting on her shoulders, up to you how it looks like, but it should have reddish wings. Decided to scratch that.

I already have an image in my head of how it should look like, I described it the best I can, so if you need more details, ask me.

Yozai -> RE: Exodus Winter's Gallery AQ Edition (10/24/2016 11:59:10)

Ohhh awesome awesome.

When I say as picture just something like it, not copy, give your own touch ;)

Gender: Male
Race: Half Vartai and Half szarkai
Sub Race: None
Race Specefic Details: Elf ears, vartai fangs
Skin Color: As picture
Skin Detail: The scar round the eye both eyes
Hair Style: As pic you can also see my char page for inspiration, feathers would be nice to (from my char page). I would like a light blue ghostly vapor rising from it.
Brows: A little bushy and silver.
Facial Hair: None
Eye Shape: As picture
Iris Color: Flaming Ice Blue, the white around it should be black.
Pupil color: Midnight Blue
Nose: so that it fit
Mouth: Show fangs
Make up: None
Accessory: Feathers
Emotion: Hmm looking ready to kill his prey? Self confident enjoying insane?

Good luck ;)

Ps if you wanna make it full body, the Blademaster from AQW would be cool with a crow tattoo ;)

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