=ED= July 16th, 2014 - Lionhart Aftermath (Full Version)

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WhiteTiger -> =ED= July 16th, 2014 - Lionhart Aftermath (7/16/2014 14:49:34)



July 16, 2014
Lionhart Aftermath
Last week you took a stand against Lionhart and, though we posed a great challenge, you were able to defeat him. To date, little over 300 duelists have earned the Kingslayer achievement. We designed Lionhart to be the toughest boss yet, but it looks like the best of the best rose to the occasion! Congratulations on this epic achievement!

Thanks to the events of the final mission, the mission chain will be repeatable for the forseeable future for those who aren't quite powerful enough to take on the king.

This week, as a palette cleanser for the exciting, but challenging Lionhart missions, we're introducing 2 new missions created by guest writer One Winged Angel! Talk to Valestra a Habuki in Fortune City to complete their tasks and claim your rewards!

This week, the Chaos Lords poster goes live in Heromart. Buying this epic poster will earn you the Chaos Dragonslayer Sword P/E in EpicDuel, along with awesome chaotic weapons in other AE games!


Tags: Nightwraith
Tagged. ~Mecha

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= July 16th, 2014 - Lionhart Aftermath (7/16/2014 15:33:54)

Really i expected more the just over 300 people to best lionhart

Dual Thrusters -> RE: =ED= July 16th, 2014 - Lionhart Aftermath (7/16/2014 16:11:40)


Thanks to the events of the final mission, the mission chain will be repeatable for the forseeable future for those who aren't quite powerful enough to take on the king.

Thank you [8D]

martinsen5 -> RE: =ED= July 16th, 2014 - Lionhart Aftermath (7/16/2014 16:18:53)


the mission chain will be repeatable for the forseeable future for those who aren't quite powerful enough to take on the king.

Thank God. Because by leveling up, BHs will have a much better chance at beating Saeva without having to use stat boosting cores. Definitely.

Noobatron x3000 -> RE: =ED= July 16th, 2014 - Lionhart Aftermath (7/16/2014 17:26:48)

I still cant beat the dude on a mage , He cuts through my 350+ def like it aint there I tried 450 he crit me every turn , tried everything I can think of wish you could chose your ally or they buffed revs AI , Like heal before well before he does Facepalm. With regards to this release doesn't seem to be a lot happening other then a couple of new missions. Hope there is more coming tomorrow or I may start to really believe this games in even more trouble then I thought it was :/ .

Digital X -> RE: =ED= July 16th, 2014 - Lionhart Aftermath (7/16/2014 17:59:29)

This kingslayer cheevo still obtainable, and who we gotta kill? I done Rev, wasn't aware of another.

Edit: Just re-read the OP. Where can he be located?

Jacobfarrow1 -> RE: =ED= July 16th, 2014 - Lionhart Aftermath (7/16/2014 18:01:31)

@Digital X
The Kingslayer achievement is still available, and you have to kill Saeva Lionhart (The strongest and newest boss) for it. I think you can only get it from the Lionhart Saga Part 3, which has a mission to kill Saeva if I'm not mistaken.

If I'm incorrect, please correct me.

Digital X -> RE: =ED= July 16th, 2014 - Lionhart Aftermath (7/16/2014 18:02:45)

Got to do missions chains before? I was hoping to just jump in.

Jacobfarrow1 -> RE: =ED= July 16th, 2014 - Lionhart Aftermath (7/16/2014 18:05:27)

Yep, the Cheevo is from the last mission in Lionhart Saga Part 3, also named Kingslayer.
The devs made it so you need to complete each part to unlock the next, so you might have to wait a bit before fighting Saega.

Digital X -> RE: =ED= July 16th, 2014 - Lionhart Aftermath (7/16/2014 18:07:00)

Ah that's ok, thanks.

suboto -> RE: =ED= July 16th, 2014 - Lionhart Aftermath (7/16/2014 18:23:00)

i know we have arcades to cross roads to other games within epicduel but i just wish we had rep's for other alignments besides evil and good.... also rep's for oter ae games within epicduel to connect them more. Like the mech quest saga or the aq saga or dragon fable rep to unlock dragon weapons and prohaps robots and armor along with hair styles just something more to do as a permiment thing. All could possiblely connect a secret to the game of epicduel.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= July 16th, 2014 - Lionhart Aftermath (7/16/2014 19:37:40)

@Noobatron I wouldn't expect a big update after a four update saga. Yes this update is small and hopefully there is more than what is mentioned in the DN but you have to keep in mind only 300 people finished the last update

GearzHeadz -> RE: =ED= July 16th, 2014 - Lionhart Aftermath (7/16/2014 20:03:45)

I haven't seen a single CH defeat him. Has a single CH defeated him?

Noobatron x3000 -> RE: =ED= July 16th, 2014 - Lionhart Aftermath (7/16/2014 20:37:01)

Because most are like me stuck on the last mission in part 3. Not our fault they made it to difficult.

Variation -> RE: =ED= July 16th, 2014 - Lionhart Aftermath (7/16/2014 20:38:51)

@GearzHeadz: Nope, not one Cyber Hunter has defeated him. Either Revontheus gets a massive buff or Saeva Lionhart gets a massive nerf(or maybe let us choose our own partner) because it isn't fair that Cyber Hunters can't defeat him. comicalbiker has already unlocked all 60 ranks and couldn't do it as a Cyber Hunter (he changed to mage and then changed back according to P L I S K), P L I S K spent an entire day as a rank 58 Cyber Hunter trying to defeat him and he couldn't.

I'm completely against forcing players to class change just to defeat a boss, which is why I fully believe this boss needs to get a nerf. I'm in no way suggesting this nerf for myself, I've already beaten him and got his drop, I just believe in fairness. As it stands now Cyber Hunter is the absolute worst class for this guy. The key to this guy is draining him to stop him from using his skills and Cyber Hunter absolutely can't do it(without an insane, insane amount of luck). So as I've stated in the opening of this post Revontheus should get buffed or Saeva Lionhart should get nerfed (or maybe let us choose our own partner), that's as simple as it gets. I want to see all classes destroy this guy, no class should be left in the shadows because that is completely unfair.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= July 16th, 2014 - Lionhart Aftermath (7/16/2014 21:07:42)

@Noobatron They did say they wanted to make the toughest boss to date. Aside from CH being unable to achieve victory to date they have achieved their goal. Now if they tweak the fight a tiny bit so that CH can win if they try hard enough then everything will be as it should. For Most classes this fight should be extremely difficult it's just energy control making this fight easier for some

Pemberton -> RE: =ED= July 16th, 2014 - Lionhart Aftermath (7/16/2014 22:54:18)

Boss is not even balanced...easy for some class, impossible for some class...

theholyfighter -> RE: =ED= July 16th, 2014 - Lionhart Aftermath (7/17/2014 0:29:30)

^The boss is fine, but the classes are not. That's why classes like TM can endure a loong boss fight, while CHs don't. Perhaps the devs have data to see “Number of players defeated Lionhart/Players that have done Lionhart Part 3 except Kingslayer” for each class or some sort of data that points out the difference in power of every class, hopefully coming up with some changes to the class's Skills.

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= July 16th, 2014 - Lionhart Aftermath (7/17/2014 3:10:32)

Cyber hunters energy return is the worst for this boss due to his high defenses. Every other energy returner isn't dependent on this thus making it easier to get back energy for most however with Cyber hunter this isn't the case. I have a theory on a build that could possibly beat him as a cyber hunter but sadly don't have the credits for class change to test it.

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= July 16th, 2014 - Lionhart Aftermath (7/17/2014 3:20:13)

^ Part of the reason why I've suggested Static Charge to ignore around 25-33% of opponent's defenses, in terms of EP return only. With an average build that has around 300 Def/Res, we're potentially talking about 75-100EP more than you'd get now. Highly unlikely it'd overpower them either, unless we're talking the current fad build, which seems to be Massacre + Poison, which isn't even overpowered - and easily countered if you play your cards right.

GearzHeadz -> RE: =ED= July 16th, 2014 - Lionhart Aftermath (7/17/2014 4:39:14)

You could run the build by me Mother, I'm a CH. But I have tried ALOT of builds on him. Around 10k credits worth of redesigning builds.

comicalbike -> RE: =ED= July 16th, 2014 - Lionhart Aftermath (7/17/2014 4:42:16)

well i tried for 3 hours as a ch and could not get enough energy so gave up changed to a mage to beat him and changed back again so the balance flaw in the ch is energy regain

Remorse -> RE: =ED= July 16th, 2014 - Lionhart Aftermath (7/17/2014 8:32:25)

^ The flaw is actually a broken energy system full stop...

Mages have it way too unrestricted, as a result of multiple free costing energy providing skills.

The whole energy system needs to be fixed before they try and balance it amongst classes.

And this fix should include removing some of the strain off energy that the passive change and cores have added. (Such as Stamina Points)

Mysterion. -> RE: =ED= July 16th, 2014 - Lionhart Aftermath (7/17/2014 19:19:46)

I hope those two newly fightable NPC's drop an achievement, almost 3 blue stars. [:)]

King Bling -> RE: =ED= July 16th, 2014 - Lionhart Aftermath (7/18/2014 9:38:21)

I beat him using ch, rank 10 almost, 500 atk, 510 defns 290 resis 900 health

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