Cure Virulent Poisons (Full Version)

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Dragoon23 -> Cure Virulent Poisons (8/8/2014 1:55:50)

Cure Virulent Poisons

«SP Spell that can Cure Poison and grant Poison Immunity»

See other Cure Poison Spells: Toxic, Virulent, Deadly, Fatal

Location: Chimeran Set!
Element: Earth
Level	120
PLvl	120 MC
MPLvl	120

Price	1057377
Sell	528688

  • Is a quick-cast spell. (Doesn't take a turn)
  • Attempts to both Cure Poison and grant Poison Immunity:
      If you do not have enough SP, you cannot use the spell.
      SPCost	288
      Cure Poison
    • You cannot cure Poisons 16 or more levels above this item's PowLvl.
    • If the poison is 5 or more levels above you, then [Penalty] = (12-PoisonLevel + PowLvl + 4) / 12, to a minimum of 0.

    • Value of Healing is [Healing] = 0.85*[Penalty].
    • Value of Poison is [Poison] = [Duration] * [Power]/10.
    • If [Poison] is less than [Healing], then you're completely cure the poison.
    • If [Poison] is greater, then you reduce the poison's Power by [Healing]*10/[Poison Duration].

      Poison Immunity
    • If the monster is 16 or more levels above this item's PowLvl, then the Poison Immunity fails.
    • If the poison is 5 or more levels above you, then there is a (12-PoisonLevel + PowLvl + 4) / 12 chance of gaining Poison Immunity for one turn.
    • Otherwise, you automatically gain Poison Immunity for one turn.

    Don't you know that your opponent's toxic? If you do, then just cast this spell to keep you from slipping under! It'll remove some poison from your system and maybe even give you Poison immunity for a turn!


    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Image thanks to sol1tud3. Additional thanks to In Media Res.

    February 20, 2014: Spell was released.

    March 3, 2014: Spell was updated. No longer coded to be a hard 10 level cutoff.

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