Ember's Something or others (Title a Work-in-Progress) (Full Version)

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afb728 -> Ember's Something or others (Title a Work-in-Progress) (8/10/2014 11:58:17)

Hi, I'm afb728. This is my art gallery for all stuff AE related. (I'm just, in general, more focused on DF, so I'm more likely to do DF stuff.)

I'll do my best to fulfill any requests, but if I'm not satisfied with it, it won't be posted. If you do have a request for fan-art, please specify which Book the character is from.

Most of my stuff is in pencil, but because it scans badly I have to heavily edit it. Anything I have will also be posted to my deviantART page here, which will, over time, have a bunch of non-AE related stuff.

Requests and OCs
Sir Jonah (Ligerbeard)

As always, any feedback is welcome and appreciated.

Have a beautiful day and thanks for stopping in.


Arthur -> RE: Ember's Somethng or others (Title a Work-n-Progress) (8/10/2014 13:10:33)

Hey afb728, just look to the bottom right of your post where there is a green arrow pointing upwards. Next to it is a blue link showing your post number. Just right click on that post number link and copy the URL. Clicking on that URL will lead people to that particular post. :)

Waiting to see your artwork.^^

afb728 -> RE: Ember's Somethng or others (Title a Work-n-Progress) (8/10/2014 16:48:09)



salene -> RE: Ember's Somethng or others (Title a Work-n-Progress) (8/10/2014 19:54:50)

Wow that is SO great! It's nicely proportioned and all the lines were confident and well drawn. Will you be taking request?

Keep up the great work!

afb728 -> RE: Ember's Somethng or others (Title a Work-n-Progress) (8/10/2014 22:41:26)

Thanks, Salene!

I'll do my best at any request. (Because I need ideas of whom to draw next.) If you have any, ask away.

Ragsrun -> RE: Ember's Somethng or others (Title a Work-n-Progress) (8/10/2014 23:39:18)

Mmm. Her face. : p The nostrils and lips are nicely done. With the darker and more decisive lines, it seems like y'focused on her expression the most too.

No requests par moi though. Pardons.

salene -> RE: Ember's Somethng or others (Title a Work-n-Progress) (8/11/2014 2:27:38)

It would be cool if you would do my personal character, the violet feline. Although honestly, I would rather see you do Aria or Robina, as I feel like you would do them justice. Also, have you ever tried using a male template?

bokterier -> RE: Ember's Somethng or others (Title a Work-n-Progress) (8/11/2014 5:49:40)

I second Aria! The protector of Pit Grinders!

LigerBeard -> RE: Ember's Somethng or others (Title a Work-n-Progress) (8/11/2014 7:47:19)

Do you think you could try doing a faceshot of my character Sir Jonah? He has a unique face and i thought that it'd be interesting to see how you do it. Here's a link for you!

afb728 -> RE: Ember's Somethng or others (Title a Work-n-Progress) (8/11/2014 17:27:44)

I'm assuming you guys would like Book 3 Aria?

Regarding the male thing: I'm working on getting better at drawing men, but it's a hit-or-a-miss thing most of the time.

Anyway, thanks so much for looking at this!

afb728 -> RE: Ember's Somethng or others (Title a Work-n-Progress) (8/12/2014 2:39:40)

(Book 3)


Since this is in DFGD, this is based off of Book 3 Aria, not AQ's version.

Ragsrun -> RE: Ember's Somethng or others (Title a Work-n-Progress) (8/12/2014 3:52:17)

I'm still fond of the way y'do visages. Particularly noses. I've never been good at those.
If I may be bold...I'd suggest paying more attention to the hair as much as the face/defining the hair like y'do to the face. Then for your uploads, it won't be mostly a dark expression looking out at us from a pale background. 'Course, that's just how I prefer drawings. ;

afb728 -> RE: Ember's Somethng or others (Title a Work-n-Progress) (9/10/2014 19:37:23)



afb728 -> RE: Ember's Somethng or others (Title a Work-n-Progress) (11/4/2014 2:58:07)

For the Lady


This originally began as Celestia, then it was Valencia, and now it's Celestia again. Tell me what you think.

I apologize for the graininess of the picture. Resizing was not kind to it. But you can see it in a lager, less grainy version on my deviantart.

Ragsrun -> RE: Ember's Somethng or others (Title a Work-n-Progress) (11/5/2014 15:53:12)

Did you draw her from this particular angle so that y'wouldn't have to draw the braids along the back/side of her head? : p

It's good though—y'seem comfortable with facial anatomy. I think you can try being a bit more adventurous with each person's expressions though, to help bring out more character and so they're not all gazing at some spot beyond the viewer's shoulder.

Flowers are a nice addition for the frame. And scanning has done good things to the image quality. Hair, same thing as I mentioned before—unless you'd like to have a certain style to it like your Santa Muerta piece on dA. In which case, keep at it.

afb728 -> RE: Ember's Somethng or others (Title a Work-n-Progress) (11/7/2014 16:54:15)

Actually, the braids did play a part in the angle, but I originally drew her with a bit more of a frightened expression (before the time she was Valencia). I figured it was right before her death, so her hair had come undone in the commotion. I also tried for a sad acceptance on her face; I'm not sure if that was successfully done.

Regarding the expressions: I'm slowly trying to do them correctly in my doodles, but it's hard to get them to match nicely with the over-exposed style that I'm doing (Same thing with heavy lower lids.). Hair: I'm working on it. I tried for Mritha, with mixed results, but now that I have a whole rainbow of ballpoint pens, I can experiment more to get interesting highlights and stuff. (For Celestia I can get away with it because her hair was grey or silver.)

I'm flattered that you did go through my dA, though. Thanks you.

Up next: I'm hoping to do a male character, so if you have any suggestions, I'm open to them.

Flamehead 12 -> RE: Ember's Somethng or others (Title a Work-n-Progress) (11/7/2014 18:15:53)

You have a wonderful concept of the facial structure. but they have all been stylized exactly the same. besides the hair and clothing its the same face each time. id love to see you progress to creating some individualization here.

Ragsrun -> RE: Ember's Somethng or others (Title a Work-n-Progress) (11/7/2014 19:39:06)

Sad acceptance...can be difficult with more realistic art styles. I'm not sure what feeling others get from looking at your drawing of Celestia, but she looks a bit more "hopeful" or "reverent" in my eyes. Possibly due to her gaze being uplifted and her lips appearing fulsome with slightly upturned corners. (I'm actually a bit curious about how one would simulate sad acceptance now. Maybe I'll try doodling later.)

Just keep at it. As cliché and overused this probably sounds, skills like these don't become brilliant overnight. x) Thank YOU for linking to your dA, also.

As for suggestions, maybe y'could try drawing Dracelix or Cronix? Izaac's face is pretty interesting too. Or Aspar in his Tomix form if you're feeling fantastical. Or Sofist.

afb728 -> RE: Ember's Somethng or others (Title a Work-n-Progress) (11/10/2014 4:02:30)

Queen Safiria


The Ancient Queen.

I know I said that the next post would be a male, but, to quote the eternal words of Tomix: "I LIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!"

But really, inspiration struck tonight. So, to (hopefully) satisfy the tips given, I colored in her hair (3 colors!), gave her some sort of expression, and gave her a non-standard nose and almond eyes. Tell me what you think, please.
Also, I realized how much I hate drawing bangs. They really mess up the shape of the face.

The next one should be a male, hopefully.

afb728 -> RE: Ember's Somethng or others (Title a Work-n-Progress) (11/13/2014 12:19:11)

Sir Jonah, the Toymaker of Wanderland
For Ligerbeard


Sir Jonah is a child Toymaker.
His left eye is a rubber ball (although it looks a bit more like a marble.)

Thank you to Ligerbeard for making me go out of my comfort zone. I don't normally do males, children, or smiles, so this was an interesting challenge, but I'm glad I did it.

Tell me what you think, and have a wonderful day.


LigerBeard -> RE: Ember's Somethng or others (Title a Work-n-Progress) (11/13/2014 15:21:07)

@afb: Like I said before, I personally really like this. It's rather comforting to see my character in a realistic style like yours! But admittedly, there are two things that stand out to me with this: The clockwork key in his head, and the rubber ball eye! I don't know why, but I just really like those parts a lot!

Flamehead 12 -> RE: Ember's Somethng or others (Title a Work-n-Progress) (11/14/2014 1:11:14)

The individualization in the toymaker compared to your other works (solely focusing on the facial features i.e. eyes, nose, mouth) is starting to show your improvement finally. I look forward to seeing further improvement and individualization in your faces.
Hopefully next time you will not stylize the head/jaw structure?

Ragsrun -> RE: Ember's Somethng or others (Title a Work-n-Progress) (11/26/2014 22:01:29)

[/pops in]

First, it's good you managed to finish LigerBeard's request all right, afb. I did read your PM—and it seemed like you were doing fine without commentary from me. It really did turn out nicely. : p

Second, the piece itself. Like Flamehead said, it's great that you slid out of your usual habits and tried something new. The face, especially the eyes, is pleasantly detailed as well as symmetrical. I think I can see a faint line where you decided the hair would start though? That took away some of the magic for me. His expression also seems a little psychotic due to his normal eye's iris not touching the top or the bottom eyelids; he almost seems to be staring too happily at the viewer. Usually, when people are grinning, their eyes will go more into a squint and cover at least part of the bottom of the iris.

Anyhow. Do keep it up, afb. You're improving.

afb728 -> RE: Ember's Somethng or others (Title a Work-n-Progress) (12/13/2014 19:20:58)

Safiria 2.0


I wasn't happy with how the last one turned out because I rushed it, but I think this one is better and more closely matches the concept art for Frydae.
Tybira's going to give me a hard time for having undetailed hair, :D, but the colored version I did didn't work out. And there was supposed to be a smile, but that didn't work out either.

Anyway, tell me what you think. I can only improve with feedback.

PS. There's some new stuff on my dA page too, and I suggest checking out the entry for this on dA. There are a few surprises.

ChaosRipjaw -> RE: Ember's Somethng or others (Title a Work-n-Progress) (12/13/2014 20:04:03)

Normally I don't hang out in the DragonFable forums but I just happened to stumble across this. It's amazing! You do a really great job at drawing women! I can't even come close to drawing a good feminine face :(

Here's something to take note of though . . . you seem to be drawing their hair strand by strand. I don't know how to say this but try this different approach on hair and see what happens: instead of drawing each individual strand, use large shapes and tufts and so. Use groups of black lines and shading and so forth instead. I might edit this when I figure out how to word it correctly ^_^

In fact, I'm tempted to ask a request. Can you try drawing Oracle of Crizox? Just her face, as you do. Her eyes glow white when she says a prophecy. Also, you can do whatever hairstyle you like.

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