Elder Dragon Knight's Hide (Full Version)

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Dragoon23 -> Elder Dragon Knight's Hide (8/12/2014 18:53:20)

Elder Dragon Knight's Hide

«Mid-defensive Mastercraft Fire armor, with high blocking. Can be switched into a fully offensive armor with a further damage boost when the full set is equipped.»

Related items:
Location: The Dragon's Maze!
Element: Fire

Level	120
PowLvl	120 MC
Price	2114754
Sell	1057377

Melee	53
Ranged	48
Magic	53

Fire	47
Water	89
Wind	96
Ice	96
Earth	56
Energy	89
Light	89
Dark	89

Hits: 2
Type: «As Weapon»
Element: «As Weapon»
BR%	207
Stat%	401.4
+BTH	15

  • You receive Armor Lean x0.9.

    FULL SET BONUS (Armor + Misc + Shield + Weapon)
  • Changes your lean to fully offensive ( Armor Lean x1.25) and does the following attack instead of above:
      Hits: 4
      Type: «As Weapon»
      Element: «As Weapon»

      First and Second hit each:
        BR%	207.0	
        Stat%	401.4	
        +BTH	15
      Third and Fourth hit each:
        BR%	61.8
        Stat%	119.9	
        +BTH	15
    This hide of a dragon is nearly impenetrable. This scale mail will protect you from any Fire, Earth, Melee, or Magic attacks... and when used with other draconic artifacts, will let you transform into a draconic warrior yourself!

    Full Set Bonus Image

    Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Description, image and additional info thanks to Dragoon23. Correction thanks to blex12345, Heroes of the Scape and tommy2468. Format and additional help thanks to Koree. Write up thanks to Bu Kek Siansu.


    Starts off as standard neutral armor attack:
      Level	120
      PowLvl	120 MC
      BR%	460
      Stat%	892
      +BTH	15
  • Normal Attack:
    • Does 90% damage. With two equally powerful attacks, each hit deals 50% damage.
  • Full Set Bonus Attack:
    • Does a total of 1.25*1.15 Damage:
      • First and Second hits do 45% damage each.
      • Third and Fourth hits do 26.875% damage each.
  • Mastercraft Bonus:
    • +3 to Melee, Ranged, and Magic Defences.

    All this has ALREADY been calculated into the numbers above.


    November 17, 2013: The armor was released.

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