=ED= September 19th, 2014 - Waves of Wrath Gear + Patch Notes 1.6.25 (Full Version)

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WhiteTiger -> =ED= September 19th, 2014 - Waves of Wrath Gear + Patch Notes 1.6.25 (9/19/2014 14:59:37)



September 19, 2014
Waves of Wrath Gear
The Quest Begins!
There's big trouble in the Naval Yard! Talk to Big Tuna to find the cause of the mysterious events surrounding the arrival of villainous pirates and horrific, mutant squid beasts! Big prizes await those brave enough to explore the depths of this dark, aquatic tale. Can your mind handles the horrors of the deep? Best not go venturing into the abyss ill-equipped!

Special thanks go to Cinderella, Trans, and One Winged Angel who collaborated to make this tale one to remember! Additional thanks goes out to all of our GAs: Vorzathiel, Hatred Cuirass, Vultex, Assassin Order, Bidoof, Tomcat, SarpDV, and Overlord Drekon. A release this epic would not have been possible without you! If you're interested in joining, this is a good place to start.

Waves of Wrath Gear
Today, we're unveiling not one but TWO Waves of Wrath promotional packages. For a limited time, get Kartherax's Darkspawn bot, Kartherax's Reaper scythe, and Kartherax's Destroyer mutating weapon in either physical or energy flavors!

You can also visit Thalyssa for new wares.
The bots come with the Curse of Kartherax core that replaces the target's primary weapon with useless fish. The mutating weapon and scythe come with the Deep Plague core which infests a target with lethal spores harvested from the darkest depths. The volatile spore grow in power until they're detonated with another strike from the attacker.

These are some of the most powerful cores ever released, and you'll have a chance to grab them as soon as this release goes live!

Farewell, Lionhart!
This will be your last chance to get the Lionhart Gear! After we go live with the Waves of Wrath Package, the Lionhart Package is leaving for good!
He's so cute!

New Armors!
Check out Thalyssa's shop for new First Mate armors and Naval sidearms! Also, deck out your cabin by stopping by the home shop to check out new home items!

Prize Code
Follow our Twitter accounts ( Nightwraith, Cinderella, Titan, Charfade, and RabbleFroth ) and the account of other AE staff for an awesome new prize code item to come shortly after the release goes live!
What could the prize code be? A boat? A bike? What could it be? If only there were clues! Welp!

More Piratey Shenanigans to Come!
Completed the missions? Collected the loot? We're just getting started!
Stay tuned for more updates as the Waves of Wrath saga unfolds! Yaaar! Pillage On!

Tags: Nightwraith


September 19, 2014
Patch Notes - 1.6.25
  • New Promo packages available! Waves of Wrath Physical / Energy
    • Sword and Mutating weapon with Deep Plague core
    • Kartherax's Darkspawn bot with Curse of Kartherax special ability
    • Deep Plague - Plague the target, then Strike them later for massive damage
    • Curse of Kartherax - Replace your enemy’s weapon with a low damage fish

  • 2 new mission chains - Waves of Wrath Part 1 and 2
  • 2 new Prize Code swords
  • 2 new First Mate armors available of Thalyssa
  • 2 new guns Naval Gun and Naval Blaster available at Thalyssa
  • 3 new house items


  • Static Charge
    • Energy gain is now based on the user’s Primary weapon damage, rather than the actual damage dealt.
    • Deals 85% damage, down from 100%
    • Can now be blocked
    • Can now Rage
    • Can now critically hit
    • Now gains 1% effectiveness every 7 Support
    • Base percentage lowered by 12% at all levels

  • Saeva Lionhart now has 5000 Energy as intended
  • Armor Annihilator no longer displays a message suggesting passive cores are disabled
  • Description of Static Grenade now correctly reads "User absorbs 50% of the drained Energy."

Tags: Patch Notes RabbleFroth

Yar! Added some Patch Notes for ye! ~Battle Elf  

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= September 19th, 2014 - Waves of Wrath Gear (9/19/2014 16:01:41)

I think Patch Notes will be edited into the thread so... enjoy your Static Charge buff, CHs!

Remorse -> RE: =ED= September 19th, 2014 - Waves of Wrath Gear (9/19/2014 16:09:01)


Curse of Kartherax core that replaces the target's primary weapon with useless fish.

Great Core idea, this is the type of counters they should be making to encourage healthy game-play by offering strike build counters.

I am of coarse assuming this would be a duration thing, such as replaces it with a fish for 3 turns?


The mutating weapon and scythe come with the Deep Plague core which infests a target with lethal spores harvested from the darkest depths. The volatile spore grow in power until they're detonated with another strike from the attacker.

I am worried about this core, I have a feeling it will be abused by strike builds which are toxic enough already.

Conditions I would find this core to be acceptable would be the following:
-Substantially decreases the strike damage while applying the spores (eg. 50% primary damage)
-Damage dealt by the spores require waiting multiple turns to become powerful

If this robot is a 100% strike apply and you don't need to wait many if any turns for the damage from the spores to become big when activated then I can see this core being particularly bad for balance.

Please don't let this be the case, strike spamming builds are bad enough.

Apart from that small rant the release is great, very content filled.

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= September 19th, 2014 - Waves of Wrath Gear (9/19/2014 16:18:37)

A bit different than you think, Remorse. http://prntscr.com/4odnnf

Put it this way:
- You Strike for 100 EP, and it can be blocked
- Each turn afterwards adds 8% damage, for up to 3 turns (124%)
- You must Strike within those 3 turns to get boosted damage, but it can still be blocked & if you don't Strike by the end of 3rd turn, effect wears off and can be used again until you use the core fully (which is boosted damage).

Remorse -> RE: =ED= September 19th, 2014 - Waves of Wrath Gear (9/19/2014 16:27:11)

^ I can't say I particularly like that core design,

I would prefer it had some sort of trade off,

Eg. The strike detonating the spores had say a base of 85% damage, but the max amount of spore stacks would be increased to 4,

This would mean you get a stronger attack if you wait 2 or more turns to detonate it but less if you didn't wait that long, therefore encouraging players not to strike spam.

Strike spamming is currently a really unhealthy strategy that is hard to counter, luck enforcing, and greatly limits viable variety as a result.

No new cores should increase the power of the builds without some sort of trade-off.

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= September 19th, 2014 - Waves of Wrath Gear (9/19/2014 16:28:59)

Edited the post. Read above. ^^

kosmo -> RE: =ED= September 19th, 2014 - Waves of Wrath Gear (9/19/2014 16:33:59)

The bot has 190 damage, it takes ALL your strenght bonus for 3 turns and for free.
The wep core is reusable and stronger than metheor shower.
Nice job Titan, very balanced...

Static fix is bad as well, 60% primary dmg to energy (now blocable, but energy regain will stay the same if blocked) is clearly too much.

Remorse -> RE: =ED= September 19th, 2014 - Waves of Wrath Gear (9/19/2014 16:34:56)


The way I see it is currently it is just going to be another tool for strike spamming builds to abuse,

Sure you can semi counter it with heal but they also have to deal with armor shreds and debuffs inbetween.

Lets say it started at 90% base damage and had an increase in the stack-able amount of spores to 4,

and 4 stacks it would deal, 122% not far off the the current max bonus, however by simply making the strike base smaller it means you give a trade-off to strike spammers and hopefully stop it being totally abused by them.

The above scenario is the bare minimum I would accept this core to be not considered broken,

In an ideal case I would prefer the base to be much smaller so that they would require at least 2 turns to wait before detonating in order to break even above 100% damage.
Similar to how infernal android special requires waiting before it becomes strong, but if you wait enough it can be very strong.

Bionic Bear -> RE: =ED= September 19th, 2014 - Waves of Wrath Gear (9/19/2014 16:35:57)

Whooo mama, I don't know how many times I smashed the refresh button on the ED team's twitter pages until they finally put the prize code out.
I'm going to go take a break.

Rayman -> RE: =ED= September 19th, 2014 - Waves of Wrath Gear (9/19/2014 16:39:37)

Got the code, a free 2k varium Wep.

Bionic Bear -> RE: =ED= September 19th, 2014 - Waves of Wrath Gear (9/19/2014 16:42:10)

It sells for 2k varium?

Rayman -> RE: =ED= September 19th, 2014 - Waves of Wrath Gear (9/19/2014 16:43:15)

No, Its on the shop from that lvl 1 NPC and it has a 2k var cost.

Bionic Bear -> RE: =ED= September 19th, 2014 - Waves of Wrath Gear (9/19/2014 16:44:15)

Oh, good! I upgraded it already, and I thought that I'd just missed out on 2k varium. That would have broken my heart.

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= September 19th, 2014 - Waves of Wrath Gear (9/19/2014 16:45:38)

Well they did put 2K of them in stock so I highly doubt anyone will complain about not getting it unless they are really late to the party. But for rare hunters it is a good thing as well seeing as it is limited rare which give more than seasonal rare.

As for the buff to static charge I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand it went back to the way it was in delta with a few changes. On the other hand with all the changes to the game said buff won't be a problematic like before.

Remorse -> RE: =ED= September 19th, 2014 - Waves of Wrath Gear (9/19/2014 16:56:26)


These are some of the most powerful cores ever released, and you'll have a chance to grab them as soon as this release goes live

I would like to point out that simply creating highly powerful things without some sort of trade-off is extremely bad for the game-play,

It encourages power creep of weapons not to mention forces certain strategies on the meta which greatly reduces viable variety.

You may fool some people into liking abuseable broken content,

But I am disappointed every-time I see it as I know it slightly increases the gap that made me stop enjoying the game.

And every-time they increase this gap it's just more they have to fix for the game to be ever fun again in my eyes.


Please rework the Deep Plague core before multiple players buy it thus making it harder to nerf.

Mark my words this core spells huge trouble if not changed.

kosmo -> RE: =ED= September 19th, 2014 - Waves of Wrath Gear (9/19/2014 17:03:56)

^True, but unlike before ED can t handle p2w anymore, people will quit, rather than spending 50$ in order to compete.

Variation -> RE: =ED= September 19th, 2014 - Waves of Wrath Gear (9/19/2014 17:24:56)

@Remorse Less: The core isn't even close to being overpowered, it's even cured by Field Medic. It would've helped greatly if they put that information in the design notes post because that makes a huge difference in the core's power.

EDIT: Here is a direct quote of the skill core's description,

Plague target. Strike target to detonate plague, adding 8% damage per turn the target was plagued (max 3 turns) Field Medic removes plague.

I own both versions of the primaries that have that core and I can tell you without a doubt that I won't use it. Not to mention it costs 100 energy for an effect that can be cured immediately. Anyways I'm sure the developers thoroughly tested this core as it isn't overpowered. If you believe the core is harming balance it's better to make a post in the balance forum.

@kosmo: I'm not gonna expend effort arguing about balance in a design notes post, as it doesn't belong here.

JariTheMighty -> RE: =ED= September 19th, 2014 - Waves of Wrath Gear (9/19/2014 17:29:09)

I was really expecting the bosses this week. Oh well, the missions were okay, and now I'm ready for next week.

kosmo -> RE: =ED= September 19th, 2014 - Waves of Wrath Gear (9/19/2014 17:30:57)

@ Variation, please...The core can be used more than once and potentially deals more dmg than any other primary core. I dont think people realized this, it s much worse than when azrael gear came out.

Rayman -> RE: =ED= September 19th, 2014 - Waves of Wrath Gear (9/19/2014 17:35:36)

Ugh, Im currently doing the part 2, 6 more missions and im done, Solid missions and good Creds Tho.

edwardvulture -> RE: =ED= September 19th, 2014 - Waves of Wrath Gear (9/19/2014 18:46:49)

great job on static charge !

Dual Thrusters -> RE: =ED= September 19th, 2014 - Waves of Wrath Gear (9/19/2014 18:46:53)


I think Patch Notes will be edited into the thread so... enjoy your Static Charge buff, CHs!


Ranloth -> RE: =ED= September 19th, 2014 - Waves of Wrath Gear (9/19/2014 19:17:34)

Guys, just so you know, these recent changes to EP-related skills are trying to improve the energy control. CHs should be fine when it comes to EP-return (imo), but yes, there's the return of max EMP builds again. Energy control is being looked at closely right now, based on last week's and this week's changes.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: =ED= September 19th, 2014 - Waves of Wrath Gear (9/19/2014 20:20:53)

In 2v2, my partner removed 240 primary damage from the opponent using the new bot.


Ranloth -> RE: =ED= September 19th, 2014 - Waves of Wrath Gear (9/19/2014 20:25:19)

Base weapon has +120 damage. L40 Sword has +360 damage. Difference between the two is +240 damage, hence why your weapon is replaced with a useless fish - it's like a Yeti for your Primary, but you can still use it (just poorly). :p

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