RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (Full Version)

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Wizardzombie2 -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (1/2/2015 4:00:54)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?:Rider Paragon or save my ac's
Reason on why you can't decided? I have the Infernal Caladbolg, and i want to know if rider paragon is faster. If so, is the speed increase good enough to merit the 2k ac cost?
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion): My char page

Shadowhunt -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (1/2/2015 12:06:56)

Name of poster seeking advice: Wizardzombie2
Which item(s) should they get, if any: Save your ACs
Why should they get it or not?: Rider Paragon is faster but IC is still pretty close, especially once you factor in the delays the Rider Paragon seems to cause by causing Flash to crash. I wouldn't say the speed increase is enough to warrant buying the pet.

lord gamer -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (1/5/2015 13:45:59)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: Archfiend or BeastMaster
Reason on why you can't decided? They both seem like Good classes...I just need a good Utility Class, One I can use for team battles
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion): No need just need opinion on class

thanks a lot!

Shadowhunt -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (1/5/2015 14:22:24)

Name of poster seeking advice: lord gamer
Which item(s) should they get, if any: BeastMaster if you're set on getting one of them
Why should they get it or not?: Archfiend just isn't great. Arachnomancer is a better support class and you can farm for it faster than you'd be able to farm for Archfiend (if you're a Legend) anyways, so there's really no reason to get Archfiend. BeastMaster is more utilitarian, but again if you're a Legend it's probably better to just farm it than waste ACs on it. Not sure if you're thinking about buying them with ACs or not but in general it's silly to buy with ACs a class you can farm for.

RKC -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (1/14/2015 7:59:59)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: Inventory or save up AC's
Reason on why you can't decided? Well AC's dont grow on tress plus Im running out of space
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion): Link bellow avatar

Kingp -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (1/14/2015 8:19:05)

Name of poster seeking advice:RKC
Which item(s) should they get, if any: Save up AC's
Why should they get it or not?: Most of the items in your inventory are AC tagged so they can be stored in your bank freely and taken out when you want to use them. I would only recommend getting inventory space if you are currently a member/legend which allows you to get a lot of items for gold.

hanzhunz -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (1/14/2015 8:30:25)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: BattleGems Founder Package / Membership.
Reason on why you can't decided? Worrying if the BattleGems Package gone rare
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion):

RKC -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (1/14/2015 10:28:48)

Name of poster seeking advice:hanzhunz
Which item(s) should they get, if any: BattleGems Founder Package
Why should they get it or not?: It goes rare you know. Once its gone its gone for good. You can just pick up membership anytime you want and if you wait enough The staff might add a few bonuses on the membership packages so win win. Did I mention that dragonknight set really looks good and the class is awesome

RKC -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (1/15/2015 5:57:02)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: Treasure Map or save AC's
Reason on why you can't decided? Well there are upcoming rares like nulgaths items and dages items and they go rare but the items in the treasure shop are also good but they dont go rare.
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion): Under my avatar

JayPi -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (1/15/2015 22:04:52)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: Wait for a 2k ac pet with legion quests and buy it or buy Undead Warrior and make the 24hrs method?.
Reason on why you can't decided?: Want to join legion and farm LTs effectively.
Linkk to Character Page : Below

Shadowhunt -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (1/16/2015 0:31:44)

Name of poster seeking advice: JayPi
Which item(s) should they get, if any: Undead Warrior
Why should they get it or not?: You've not mentioned how many ACs you have and are willing to invest in the endeavor. However, there's not a lot of point in waiting a couple months for a new Paragon Pet and buying it and then having to get the ACs to get into the Legion anyways. Get UW, get into the Legion, and do what you can with HLC. You can choose how you want to go about selling HLC on what time intervals depending on how many ACs you have. Alternately you can get into the Legion, get your 1080 refund, and then only need 1k more ACs for a Paragon Pet in March (assuming one comes), and just farm LTs one of the slower ways in the meantime. If you need more information on the Legion you can read through my guide.

SolemnDevil -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (1/16/2015 11:14:55)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: Which juggernaut item of nulgath to get?
Reason on why you can't decided?: I already have 2 and can't decide which non-mem item to get :3
Link to Character Page : Under avvy

Lord Coxy -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (1/16/2015 20:19:49)

Name of poster seeking advice: SolemnDevil
Which item(s) should they get, if any: Crystal Phoenix Blade of Nulgath
Why should they get it or not?: Its a very nice looking sword, base off one of the most popular legend items (Phoenix Blade). And it gives you a quest where you can get two legend only battle pets/with Sword of Nulgath's Quests

Hope it helps

Have an awesome day now

RKC -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (1/18/2015 10:12:14)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: Blood makai bank pet or wait for dage b-day in hopes he has a bank pet.
Reason on why you can't decided? I want to save up some AC's as much as possible.
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion):

XSpectreX -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (1/18/2015 12:46:13)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: A new class or just saving AC's
Reason on why you can't decided? I was wondering if the classes I have are good enough or if I should buy one more.
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion): Here

Shadowhunt -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (1/18/2015 14:19:36)

Name of poster seeking advice: RKC
Which item(s) should they get, if any: None, save your ACs
Why should they get it or not?: Dage doesn't usually have a bank pet for his birthday but personally I find I don't even use my bank pets all that often. I usually have a different pet out and in the time it takes to open the inventory, get the pet equipped, and use it, I could have just gone to the bank, especially with the new map making it so easy. I'd save the 2k ACs for something else.

Name of poster seeking advice:XSpectreX
Which item(s) should they get, if any: None
Why should they get it or not?: There's no point in wasting ACs buying a class you can easily earn. While your current classes aren't top-notch, they'll get you through fine until you get some better ones like DBSK and Chaos Slayer, both of which are very easy to earn rep for.

Jrr Kein -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (1/19/2015 4:59:44)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: Zanar Dragons or Save
Reason on why you can't decided? I may get 900 acs easily, but I planning to save hurdle of acs for future rares. but which one should I buy or just save
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion): link below the avatar

RKC -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (1/23/2015 21:17:35)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: Shadow Hanzo set and Blood Hanzo set
Reason on why you can't decided? I have Blood Hanzo set and I should have waited a bit and now the shadow hanzo set is released it has the dual weapon that cost AC's. I'm only after the dual shadow hanzo blades. Should I sell my blood hanzo set now (got it last week) to get shadow hanzo set or not? I have 10,590 AC's
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion): Under avatar

Wizardzombie2 -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (2/5/2015 6:44:01)

]Which item(s) you can't decide between?:Crag and bamboozle, keep or sell?
Reason on why you can't decided? I bought one of the new orb pets. Is there any reason to keep Crag and bamboozle any more?
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion): WizardZombie2

Drianx -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (2/5/2015 7:39:41)

I sold both Crag and Drudgen long ago, because back then I stopped farming Nulgath items and needed ACs to buy other items.
However you may never know when Nulgath may add some new quests to older pets (such as Crag) so I'd say better sell it only if you really need the ACs for something very appealing. If not, keep it.

Mr.Rie -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (2/12/2015 4:11:29)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: selling paragon pet (the first one) to get high legion champion
Reason on why you can't decided? i just want to know is it worth selling paragon pet? and does farming HLC is faster than paragon?
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion): under avatar

Shadowhunt -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (2/12/2015 11:27:50)

Name of poster seeking advice: Mr.Rie
Which item(s) should they get, if any: Keep Paragon Pet
Why should they get it or not?: The original Paragon Pet is rare you wouldn't be able to get it back until the buyback shop comes. Just use it to get to 1000 LTs and buy Exalted Legion Champion.

Zeldax -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (2/16/2015 5:54:23)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: Gothika Vogue or Night Masquerade
Reason on why you can't decided? They both look really nice, I really like the style of both
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion): Under avvy

creepy gy -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (2/16/2015 7:18:45)

Name of poster seeking advice: Zeldax
Which item(s) should they get, if any: Gothika Vogue
Why should they get it or not?: As this armor will go rare there is only on chance to get it, you can get other armor when you get some more acs as it wont go rare

RKC -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (2/17/2015 1:40:13)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: Doomfire ir save AC's
Reason on why you can't decided? Its 2,500 AC's and I have 5,000 SC's left
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion):

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