RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (Full Version)

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Kian -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (2/17/2015 2:56:33)

Name of poster seeking advice: RKC
Which item(s) should they get, if any: None
Why should they get it or not?: 2,5K AC is a lot, especially for a flame cape which is only good for showing off. Better invest it in inventory space, bank space, house space or just save it up. Not worth it in my opinion.

Fear Scythe -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (2/19/2015 12:55:04)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: PinkDraglin or LoveDraglin
Reason on why you can't decided?Both are nearly the same, but I can only keep one I don't know which one to keep.

coolboyelazizy -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (2/22/2015 22:31:54)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: Alpha Omega class - Undead Warrior
Reason on why you can't decided? Well Alpha Omega as i heard is a powerful class but Legion got too much good stuff.

Shadowhunt -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (2/22/2015 22:43:14)

Name of poster seeking advice: Coolboyelazizy
Which item(s) should they get, if any: Undead Warrior (but not until you've prepared correctly)
Why should they get it or not?: You've already got at least 4 classes better than Alpha Omega, so it would be a waste of ACs. If you join the Legion you have access to a lot of things, plus classes. You can check out my guide ( The Undead Legion Handbook) to prepare yourself if you're going to be joining the Legion.

Armaros IV -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (3/4/2015 12:29:44)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: Legion Fortress
Reason on why you can't decided? I already have Dage's House and i was thinking of just updating it with the new Legion house items rather than buying the fortress.But the Fortress looks awesome!
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion): Below my avatar.

Shadowhunt -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (3/4/2015 14:34:53)

Name of poster seeking advice: The Man in the Grey
Which item(s) should they get, if any: Keep Dage's House, don't buy Legion Fortress
Why should they get it or not?: The Fortress is cool but it's also slightly less utilitarian than Dage's House, and really houses don't need to be as big; you can just theme Dage's House with Legion items. Save your ACs for something else.

Tatparjya -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (3/6/2015 4:24:37)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: i want a weapon that matches evolved thanatos but also has a fixed damage range.
Reason on why you can't decided? i dont know any weapon that matches evolved thanatos but also has a fixed damage range
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion):

bugattiboy91 -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (3/6/2015 15:22:13)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: Legion DoomKnight Class or Thanatos Paragon Pet
Reason on why you can't decided? LDK caught my eye because it's a soloing class. However, 2000 ACs is very a steep price for a class that could turn out to be worse and/or less fluid than my Elemental Dracomancer with Health Vamp. I don't want to waste ACs. This year's Paragon Pet looks to be pretty good, but it is also 2000 ACs.
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion):

SnakeYear -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (3/7/2015 17:49:04)

Name of advice-seeker: Bugattiboy91
Items they are debating, if any: TPP vs LDMK class
My advice: Thanatos pet, as it is the best way to get LTs right now, that so far is not rare. With this pet you can get both a free set of gear and also, you could farm for the class. It should take about 3 hours to get 2k LTs, so... Go for it![8D]


What item I am debating: Legion flame cape
Why: I have the ACS but five hundred is... Idk about a cape
Link to char page: Under my forum name.
Thanks! [;)]

Merge Post since Double Post counts as Spam, if there was something you need to add, please use the [img][/img] button next time

Have an awesome day now ~Coxy

Shadowhunt -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (3/8/2015 16:34:12)

Name of poster seeking advice: SnakeYear
Which item(s) should they get, if any: Save the ACs
Why should they get it or not?: It's, as you mentioned, a lot of ACs, and it's sort of meh anyways. There were a bunch of new Legion capes added for Legion sets, and you can get better bonuses from the Achievement Tracker items.

Aura Knight -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (3/10/2015 4:16:21)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: Getting grimblight of destiny or saving ac's for future releases
Reason on why you can't decided? I happen to like the look of the weapon but don't really have much of a use for it. It does have some interesting effects but 2k ac's for a weapon doesn't really seem worth it, but at the same time I want it. However, there's never much I buy with ac's anyway. I'm also unaware if the weapon will leave the game at any time.
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion): Character's the one linked to my forum account.

Wizardzombie2 -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (3/10/2015 6:32:44)

Name of poster seeking advice: Aura Knight
Which item(s) should they get, if any: Save your AC's
Why should they get it or not?: Grimblight is not going rare. The boosts and special effects are negligable, and 2k ac's is over the top. I advise you to save your ac's to spend on some iconic rares such as the naval commanders in Spetember, or maybe something from Dages bday shop.

Armaros IV -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (3/14/2015 10:01:14)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: Laken the Evil,Dark Vampire Set,Famine Set,Death Set,Conquest Set
Reason on why you can't decided? I have 3927 Acs.Which should i buy?
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion):Under my avatar

Dr Disrespect -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (3/14/2015 11:44:31)

Name of poster seeking advice:The Man In The Gray
Which item(s) should they get, if any: Laken the Evil.
Why should they get it or not?: Famine Set,Death Set and Conquest Set are all seasonal,so you can get them in the future when the undervoid map arrives.I personally do not like the look of the Dark Legion Vampire due to its chest being exposed.So in my opinion you could go for the 'Laken the Evil'.

SnakeYear -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (3/18/2015 14:47:15)

Item being debated: DB of Nulgath: Hi all, in your opinion is the db of nully worth the time? I need 1000 more trophies and am finished with the totems. But, I really am weary after farming for the jugg items recently and had to get 10,000 LTs for Dage's b-day. I only have until April 16, when my membership runs out. I mean... I already have reavers of nully, so yeah. Already got a fully color custom wep. Just stuck. Thank you! Btw, I'd appreciate multiple answers, if possible.

Shadowhunt -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (3/18/2015 21:46:40)

Name of poster seeking advice: SnakeYear
Which item(s) should they get, if any: Replace the Reavers with the Dragonblade of Nulgath
Why should they get it or not?: The Dragonblade of Nulgath is better looking by far and easier to match with stuff, plus it's a lot less laggy. The damage range difference isn't really all that much. Because you need 1200 total Combat Trophies IIRC, it'll take about 12ish hours to farm them all, but you've got a full month to do it, so just do a bit every day and you'll be fine.

Note that this is just my opinion, so take it as you will.

Lord Coxy -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (3/19/2015 18:58:47)

Name of poster seeking advice: SnakeYear
Which item(s) should they get, if any:I feel you should get Dragonblade of Nulgath despite having the Reavers
Why should they get it or not?: Basically what Shadowhunt have said is what I feel about it. Plus when you do use the Reavers, theres a good chance that some people will complain to you (due to the lag it can cause) and try to make you use a different weapon anyway

Have an awesome day now

Wizardzombie2 -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (3/26/2015 10:26:05)

Name of poster seeking advice: Snakeyear
Which items they should get: Get Dragon Blade, it's an awesome looking an iconic weapon. You will regret it if you don't.

Items being considered: Bladelord set and dark legion vampire. I have the evo legion vampire (the cc one), is there much difference in between them? I am leaning towards bladelord as i am a big fan of Vokun's art. Looking for opinions on this. or if you truly think that they are both brilliant, then say so.

Lord Coxy -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (3/26/2015 10:56:07)

Name of poster seeking advice: Wizardzombie2
Which item(s) should they get, if any: Bladelord, but not Dark Legion Vampire
Why should they get it or not?: Both are good and you should at least get Bladelord. While Dark Legion Vampire is good to, there really isn't a point if you have the Evolved Legion Vampire. Sure there are some difference like it has a robe, bones/skulls, two wings on the belt buckle, non CC, etc., but its basically just a recycle Evolved Legion Vampire. Plus thanks to the Evolved Legion Vampire, you can also just get Robed Evolved Legion Vampire

Zippleclopper -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (3/27/2015 10:12:32)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?:Dark Legion Vampire set, Laken Set, Bladelord Set or selling the Shadow Dark Caster(I still can sell it for 90% price)or buying something else that is going rare or just simply save the AC's for future use.
Reason on why you can't decided?:I have 3k AC's and I am bad at making decisions.

SnakeYear -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (3/27/2015 14:58:58)

[/b Name of poster seeking advice:Zippleclopper
Do not sell shadowed dark caster- it will be the last rare dark caster, and IMO is quite special. I should think that it would be wise to save your ACs for other more useful items than armors- perhaps other ac only classes like unlucky leperchaun(I know, legends can get it, but...). Backpack spaces are also more useful. Unless you really want the armors, extremely badly, of course.
BTW thanks for the replies! I just might take the 11 hours to spam-farm combat trophies! [8D]

Kurumi Tokisaki -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (4/2/2015 10:04:39)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: Zazul's Tent or 8-bit Yulgar's Inn?
Reason on why you can't decided? 8bit Yulgar's Inn is a 1 day dropped only. Zazul's Tent is more worth buying for than 8-bit Yulgar.
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion): Character the one linked to my forum account.

Shadowhunt -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (4/2/2015 14:36:32)

Name of poster seeking advice: Kurumi Tokisaki
Which item(s) should they get, if any: Neither, but if you must get one, go with Zazul's Tent
Why should they get it or not?: Personally I don't think you should waste the ACs on either of them since houses don't tend to really be useful for much anything except a select few quest-giving items. However, if you do want to get one, I'd say Zazul's Tent is better. There are fewer rooms but they're larger, so you can fit more of your stuff into it. Also, the 8-bit effect is sort of fun for a bit, but it quickly gets rather irritating and it clashes a lot with all the regular items that you have.

BugReporter -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (4/10/2015 13:33:38)

Which item(s) you can't decide between?: Arachnomancer, Elemental Dracomancer, and Darkblood Stormking
Reason on why you can't decided? I am having a hard time to decide which faction should I pick first for the three classes, and how useful they are in PvP and PvE
Link to Character Page (to make it easier to give you an opinion): Will this help?

Shadowhunt -> RE: =AQW= Buying Advice Thread (4/10/2015 14:35:48)

Name of poster seeking advice: BugReporter
Which item(s) should they get, if any: Darkblood Stormking, then Arachnomancer, then ED
Why should they get it or not?: Assuming you mean farming the rep rather than buying with ACs: DBSK is the best class of the three and is the easiest to farm the rep for. Chunin and TSS have you covered for farming but you don't have any superb soloing classes, which DBSK can give you. Arachno would be next since it's the best offensive support class in the game and can do some good damage in its own right, so it's useful to have. ED is a good class but sort of outclassed nowadays and it's not that easy to farm the rep for (though admittedly Arachno is even harder), so it's not a high priority.

If you mean buying with ACs, probably just save your ACs. DBSK is easy to rep for, Arachno isn't quite worth spending ACs on, and ED isn't all that necessary.

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