Ranloth -> RE: =ED= October 9th, 2014 - Artix Entertainment 12th Anniversary (10/12/2014 4:35:14)
You know what sucks though? That out of all the artifacts, Titan's mug is the most useless! Its just a MISC. item. Who agrees on my idea on having it converted to a house item? DF's Artifact is also a Misc item, and same with MQ, so ED isn't the only one. Actually, they have a purpose, but they are near useless - unless you've literally just started the game. For someone who's gonna keep playing, it'll also be a waste of a slot. Also, turning Misc items into House item is impossible, for the same reason Missions cannot award you a House item. Turning them into achievements is possible, but it doesn't mean that will happen - Omega Ticket is still a Misc item, and yet, it doesn't have a use anymore.