Mature Dragon Knight's Crest (Full Version)

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Balu -> Mature Dragon Knight's Crest (11/11/2014 10:46:36)

Mature Dragon Knight's Crest

«Mastercraft Misc that provides Melee and Magic defence and protection against Fire. Comes with a Fire skill that can burn your enemy.»

Related items:
Location: The Dragon's Maze!
Element: Fire
Level	105
PowLvl	105 MC

Price	276275
Sell	138137
Activation: 0 turns

  • Improves your Melee and Magic defences, and the damage you take from Fire element is multiplied by the listed amount*:
    Fire	0.55
    Melee	+8
    Magic	+9
  • Click on the fire symbol to use a skill:

      Fire Breath
      Click the icon to breathe fire! Fire damage and a long burn for [204 or 265] SP!

      You perform the following:

        Hits: 1
        Type: Ranged if {STR+DEX ≥ INT*3/2} or {STR/5+DEX/20 > INT/4}; Magic otherwise
        Element: Fire
        Damage	32-95
        Stat%	237.9
        BTH	26
        Effect: If the hits connects and does more than 0 damage, then it will attempt to Burn** the monster. The monster takes a -20 penalty to its save***:

          Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLevel
          Major: YourDEX (if Ranged) or YourINT (if Magic) vs MonsterDEX
          Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

        The duration of the Burn is 10 rounds and it has a power of 2, dealing 11-72 Fire damage initially.

      RangeSP	204
      MagicSP	265

    SPCost	62

    *The helm grants you Fire resistance! x0.55 Fire damage!
    **Your opponent is set ablaze!
    ***The monster evades the worst of the flames.

    The crest atop a dragon's head is made of hardened bone and provides splendid protection against Fire, Melee, and Magic attacks. It will also allow you to breathe dragon flames onto your enemies at will!


    Image and basic stats thanks to Dragoon23. Numbers thanks to In Media Res.


    The built-in skill starts off as a standard spell:
    PowLvl	105
    Damage	106-317
    Stat%	793
    BTH	26
    10 turns of Power 2 Burn is the equivalent of a full spell, so with an assumed 70% infliction rate the skill does 30% damage to compensate for this.

    Since you generally wouldn't want to use the skill against Fire monsters, the SP cost of the skill is reduced by the cost of the Fire resistance the item provides, which is 41 SP.


    November 17, 2013: The item was released.
    November 24, 2013: The SP cost of the skill was reduced from 245 SP (if Ranged) and 306 SP (if Magic) to 204 SP and 265 SP, respectively.

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