Ranloth -> RE: Do you like where ED currently is? (11/22/2014 13:25:23)
Allow a little bias from me. I like where it is, due to the fact content can be created and implemented more easily, thanks to Omega. Guest Team to be specific. We had a lot of small releases for a while - or even none - in the past, and it was frustrating to go for weeks without content. Whether it was weapons (art) or missions. Right now, we have plethora of weapons to choose from - and there are players who go for art too, not just cores - as well as a lot more missions. Bigger events result in the return of dreaded small releases / breaks, but pays off in the end when all the releases missed accumulate into one huge release + a little extra. Hopefully, we can eliminate these breaks at some point, by planning in advance - which is what we're doing now. Winter Event is done mission wise (writing), so OWA and I are now focusing on a few NPCs to expand on + Daily Missions, which should all be done for January, and Cindy is already planning on the Heartbreaker Event in February. Balance wise, it's not that bad. FotM builds have been around since Beta, so I'm not fussed about them, but there are variety of builds around. TMs and TLMs could use a variety buff, and maybe small fine-turning for CHs - namely SC's scaling and EMP's cost - but I don't see any major issues apart from that. Rage, blocks, etc., is a long-term project and we know they are somewhat broken, but if we focus on class balance, we only need variety buff there. Same with cores. Energy stress is one thing, but more cores being released in December sure is nice. Not just promos, which is even better. Based on the effects, they sound reasonable too, but everything is subject to change. At least next year the new promo will be available in-game for Credits, and for now, Blood Hawk gear will be returning for Credits so we may just end up seeing more variety in battle, in terms of cores. Wars are wars. Merging 1.0 with 2.0 would be ideal, but I'd not be in favour of returning 1.0 on its own. Flags were also a neat concept, but if 1.0 was to be merged with 2.0, I'd rather it just gave you general Influence from battles in the given region (and none when there's no War active). Rewards are just an incentive to play for, since it's PvP with boosted rewards, simple as. Removing the War in general is basically the same as saying: "I want less Credits from battles!" which players probably don't want. The Regional Wars concept is just boosted PvP, with some story tied into it where possible. We can have Daily Missions revolving around aiding your alignment in x region, but it'd take a while to write them for all regions and both alignments. Long-term project maybe, and not a priority. @below quote:
in 2015 dailly missions going from 1 to 3 a day with better rewards There will be more chains, but only one per day. Nothing was said about multiple daily mission chains, because the daily system doesn't support multiple chains in one day. If someone has told you otherwise, it's not true.