Peachii -> Cave of Wonderous Secrets!, The (12/16/2014 9:30:48)
[image][/image] [image][/image] The Cave of Wonderous Secrets! Location: Pirate vs. Ninja War! -> Into the Cave! Challenge The Boss! Level/Quest/Items required: 100% War Meter Release Date: December 9th, 2014 Objective: What could be in this cave that has been hidden for all this time? A better question is HOW has it stayed hidden for this long? Objective completed: Congratulations! The Ninja side has won and they will see the benefits of the scrolls soon enough! Scaled Yes/No: Yes Monsters (1) Ancient Pirate Monkee, (1) Ancient Ninja Monkee - Boss NPCs ??? Captain Rhubarb Thyton Rewards None Access to Ninja Vs Pirate War shop Dialogue *Walk towards the end of the cave. Screen shows two monkey statues in front of a treasure.* <Character>: Oh… wow… <Character>: Those are some BIG monkeys! I’m really glad I didn’t have to fight through waves and waves and waves of just them. <Character>: That would have been a nightmare and I’d have been at this for months. <Character>: Ah! There looks to be some stuff on that pedastal behind them. I’ll just… ??? (Pirate): OOOK OOK! WHO DARES ENTER THIS PLACE! ??? (Ninja): YOU SHOULD NOT BE HERE! <Character>: Why can’t a statue ever just be a statue. ??? (Pirate): MANY YEARS AGO TWO GREAT WARRIOR’S HIDE THEIR KNOWLEDGE HERE! ??? (Ninja): WE GUARD THE SECRET! POWERFUL ABILITIES THEY HAD! NOT FOR JUST ANYONE! ??? (Pirate): WE GUARD THESE SECRETS HIDDEN LONG AGO! NO ONE MAY KNOW THEM THAT HAS NOT EARNED THEM! ??? (Ninja): BEAT US IF YOU WANT THEM! ??? (Pirate): YES YES! BEAT US IF YOU CAN! <Character>: Now that sounds more like how things normally go. Battle! Heal Make like a ‘Naner and Split! After defeating the two monkey statues: ??? (Pirate): YOU FIGHT LIKE HEAD BANANA! YOU ARE WORTHY! ??? (Ninja): YOU TAKE SECRETS! YOU EARN RIGHT! *The two statues moved, creating a path for the hero to walk through* <Character>: Sliding giant rock monkeys. I’d say I’ve seen it all now but I know that’s not true. Life is never boring at least. *The Hero walks towards the treasure* <Character>: Well the scrolls and logs are just laying here covered in dust. <Character>: What I wouldn’t give for the ability to detect traps...and a bag of sand...and giant boulder repellent. <Character>: … <Character>: Well, guess I was worried over nothing. *The Hero took the treasure and exits the cave* Head Outside! *Scene shows Thyton and Captain Rhubarb, with ninjas and pirates confrontation on the background* <Character>: I found some stuff inside. A few look to be scrolls of secret Ninja techniques and the others are some sort of Pirate logs of various plundering skills. Captain Rhubarb: Ye can’t be seriously considerin’ giving those to him! Thyton: Indeed, he does not deserve them. <Character>: So neither of you deserve them and I should just destroy all of the records? Alright then. Lemme just find a match... Thyton: NO! Captain Rhubarb: NO! Captain Rhubarb: No need to be hasty there, <Character>. Captain Rhubarb: I don’t know how they did it but those slippery Ninjas did get here first. Captain Rhubarb: I don’t normally condone lettin’ them get any plunder, but in this case I may make an exception. Thyton: I have an idea that you might find acceptable. Thyton: We shall bring the logs you desire to Valencia. After one months time she will bring them to you. Thyton: Your knowledge will not be lost but you will not have an advantage over us. Captain Rhubarb: Aye. That seems… agreeable. Thyton: <Character>, would you hand the scrolls and logs over now? <Character>: Scrolls yes, logs no. <Character>: There might be an “accident” when you bring them to Valencia so I’ll take them over. Thyton: While you are clever to suspect that, we will honor our word. <Character>: Just the same, I’ll do it. I need to talk to Val anyway. Thyton: Very well. Captain Rhubarb: I’ll be waitin’ for the bonny lass next month then. Complete Quest Musa Weapons - Access to Ninja Vs Pirate War