The Hunt - OOC (Last Call), Closed (Full Version)

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Tdub -> The Hunt - OOC (Last Call), Closed (12/30/2014 16:25:03)

The Hunt

Vlade. The name itself is enough to strike fear into the hearts of men and women throughout the small kingdom of Galiarin. Odd, considering no one knows exactly what the name represents. Walk into any tavern in the kingdom, and you will learn many things about Vlade. The old man in the corner will tell you that he's nothing more than a myth, a legend invented to scare the children. The stumbling man at the table will recount the tale of the day he encountered Vlade, the ruthless leader of a band of cutthroat thieves. The lady at the door will insist Vlade is a woman who has come to bring peace to humanity. You will hear that the monarchy is without a doubt an empty system with a puppet king, and Vlade controls the kingdom. These conflicting stories are reason for you to wonder why the one person no one knows anything about....

Is the one person you need to find.

Welcome to The Hunt, a relatively free-roam RP designed to strain the boundaries between action and politics as well as test your ability to have your character grow and learn while avoiding metagaming.

You will be in control of a character that has one goal: Find the mysterious entity know as Vlade at any cost. You may be a bounty hunter or assassin, a wronged man bent on revenge, someone seeking help from someone you believe to be supernatural, or anything in between. Your character could work with other PCs to achieve this goal, be a loner, or even be in charge of a small band of NPC goons. What's really needed is your imagination - you need to create a character with a legitimate and believable motive for seeking out Vlade.

To be clear, your character will know nothing about Vlade aside from what he or she will have heard. Rumors have a big range, so feel free to believe anything you want. What will become apparent, however, is how much Vlade doesn't want to be found. His (or her) agents are everywhere, permeating every organization and absorbing any and all information. Danger awaits those who seek what must not be found. This RP will be Canon for all characters involved, so be aware of the logical outcomes of your actions. A small amount of "plot armor" can at times be granted, but get yourself into a situation where your character surviving defies all logic, or create major inconveniences with inactivity, expect consequences.

Now, here's the information you'll need. This section will be updated with characters and such as time goes on.

Gameplay: This will focus in finding and following Vlade's trail, using what could be called "clues." Any time the story requires your character to do something, I will inform you via PM, and you control your character's actions from there. This is a bit tricky to explain, so I've provided an example.

Mercenaries working for Vlade attack you. You fight and defeat them, and your post ends there. I then PM you with the information that your character will search the pockets of the fallen assailants, and find a pay notice from a company based in a nearby town. Your next post details this, as well as what you will do with that information.

If you have any questions, ask away!

Travel and Posting: Galiarin is a very small country, and there should be no problem in obtaining a horse, if you don't already have one. No journey should take more than a week to complete, riding from dawn to dusk on a good horse, and most journeys won't even take that long. Still, if one player is required to go from one village to another and another from one tavern to the house across the street, expect the first player to have to refrain from posting until time catches up. This is, more or less, a race, so it's unfair if one player travels great distances in the same amount of time as another player's small journey.

Vlade: See above. This section will be updated with solid fact as the story progresses.

Galiarin: Most everything you need to know has already been said, or will be in the next section. One detail that needs noting, however, is magical beasts are quite uncommon in this kingdom. In fact, unless your journey leads you into the forst, don't expect to encounter anything rarer than horses and the occasional wild bison. For some reason, mages and wizards arem't very common here. It's theorized that natural resources, such as water or the air, suppress magical abilities, but nothing's been proven.

Murtovara: As stated, this is a free-roam RP. However, this is the capital of Galiarin, and all characters will begin here. From here, your characters can join up or move out, searching through nearby cities. Moving farther out, small towns and villages pepper the grasslands. To the east lies the forest of Farnfoss, and in in the west, the castle that houses the isolated monarchs of the land. Overall, the world is yours to create, so let the journey flow!

The Monarchy: King Jacon and his wife keep to themselves in their castle. Little is known about them. On the oter hand, their son, Prince Orrin, is often traveling, meeting the people and giving speeches. You may encounter him on your journey.

The Cult of Waking Sun: A semi-religious organization that believes that, should Vlade step into the light and reveal himself to people, great evil and devastation will befall the lands. As a person who has spent time researching Vlade, your character will know of Waking Sun, but not much about them. They are dedicated to fighting the agents of Vlade, but will not hesitate in attempting to stop you, because your quest may "awaken" Vlade. Their insignia is a yellow sun.

Be aware that in some of the smaller towns and villages, Waking Sun members have begun taking what has come to be known as "Vlade Taxes." Promising that the money will be used to fight Vlade and his agents, the Cult have been taking advantage of the local fears.

Agents of Vlade: People under Vlade's employ are scattered throughout the lands. Be prepared for encounters at every turn.

That's the information. As for rules, for the most part, they're common sense, so just follow common courtesy, the Forum Universal Rules, and the RP Forum rules, and you'll be fine.

Character Bio

A basic character bio, with nothing special. I've found that a set bio is easier to write and helps you with not forgetting details. Still, if there are any details you want in that aren't included, feel free to put them in.

I'll be playing Vlade and those under his/her command, as well as King Jacon and his wife, Prince Orrin, and the soon-to-be-revealed leader of the Cult of Waking Sun. Any other NPCs are yours to control.

Appearance: Your face, build, and details like height and such.
Weapons and Belongings: The weapons you carry as well as any objects or trinkets of importance. If you have a horse, include it here. You will most likely need one at some point, so if it isn't here, you'll have to acquire one IC.
Skills and Abilities: Natural abilities and talents. Keep this section to nonmagical skills.
Magic: There isn't much magic here. Nothing very powerful, and nothing advanced. Remember, there aren't many mages or wizards in Galiarin, and certainly not many very powerful.
History: Again, basic. Be sure to include what you want with Vlade here.

Accepted Characters:
Ragnarros as played by Ragnarros
Warwolf as played by Dragonnightwolf
Faint as played by Lazo
Nire Issvor as played by Master K
Dervos Gilkin as played by dethhollow
Hannibal Stark as played by Jexorin Rast
Therry as played by Therril Oreb

Relocated to the OOC Boards as a one-time request by Tdub. Enjoy, folks! ~ Ronin

Legendium -> RE: The Hunt Interest Check (12/30/2014 16:45:36)

Being invested in two RPs already, plus having school on my hands, makes me sadly have to decline. I would love to join, but I fear two RPs is already stretching my limit with schoolwork. So, despite finding it very interesting, I don't think I can join. I'll keep an eye on it though, once it's up and running.

Tdub -> RE: The Hunt Interest Check (12/30/2014 17:10:32)

I completely understand. That's why I didn't join Vanguard Academy - I was part of one with the potential of hosting this. Thanks for letting me know!

Bastet -> RE: The Hunt Interest Check (12/30/2014 17:49:52)

I absolutely can't refrain myself from roleplaying, as I love it.
If I join this one, though, I'll have hit the cap. Four out of four.
If enough people manifest interest in your idea, Tdub, it won't be long before I join myself.
I wouldn't want to cap myself on the roleplays by participating in one that might not go far.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hunt Interest Check (12/30/2014 19:08:49)

Although this looks interesting, I'm already at my cap for RP's, unless the Isle of Dracos gets locked.

Tdub -> RE: The Hunt Interest Check (12/30/2014 20:07:44)

I don't want anyone doing more than they can handle, so that's fine. In my opinion, Isle of Dracos isn't even active anymore, especially since both Starstruck and TJ have other RPs going. Looking at it, it was going to be locked, and no one's claimed it. I would have joined n myself if it was active.

I won't put up the OOC without at least four or five people interested. Remember, if there's a change you want to make, let me know and I'll see what I can do.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hunt Interest Check (12/31/2014 10:00:23)

I've already told Ronin that I have no interest in continuing Isle of Dracos, and that it was completely up to the players and Starstruck. I highly doubt that RP is going anywhere at the time.

I am currently participating in:
The Hallows Inn
Rise of Domrius
Yulgar's Inn
Vanguard Academy

However, Yulgar's Inn is going nowhere. I think by the time The Hunt is posted in the OOC I will have made my mind up about whether or not to keep going in Yulgar's Inn.

On-topic, I like the sound of this roleplay, and I would like to join it if Yulgar's Inn remains dormant. It's an interesting idea, for sure. I'm considering a bounty hunter who is seeking Vlade out for a handsome profit, but I might wait to see what others post first and build a character around that.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hunt Interest Check (12/31/2014 10:11:24)

TJByrum, Yulgar's doesn't count as part of the limit.

Arthur -> RE: The Hunt Interest Check (12/31/2014 10:26:12)

I would've liked to join this RP. I've been greatly wanting to start a fast-paced RP. However, seeing as I myself am a part of Domrius, Star's RP and VA, I'd like to wait a few more days before I can commit. I hope you understand.

Tdub -> RE: The Hunt Interest Check (12/31/2014 13:44:51)

@TJ - Humans are the dominant race. There are rumors of a tribe of forest elves living in Farnfoss, and some other races may be seen occasionally (very occasionally) passing through Murtovara, but nothing prominent. For the most part, Galiarin is a small, quiet country that is overlooked by most outsiders. I won't say you can't play another race, but it would feel a little out-of-place. As for relationships, there wouldn't be much open hostility towards elves and such from the locals, but there wouldn't be open arms either. If I were you, I'd stick to human for this one. In my opinion, it makes for a change of pace from other, more fantasy-based RPs.

Also, the bio looks fine so far.

@Arthur - Again, I completely understand the time and energy constraints of RPs. Wait a few more days, and if you still feel like you can't join, it wouldn't be a problem. Still, you're welcome to put up a bio if you feel like you can.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hunt Interest Check (12/31/2014 15:32:33)

@Tdub: If other races were commonplace, I'd have played something along the lines of a night elf, but since they're not that prominent it would be hard for my bounty hunter to blend in; therefore, I will resort to my bounty hunter.

Originally, Moc was going to be a brutal bounty hunter who used his harsh methods to get efficient results, but I scrapped him because he felt to one-sided; an evil bounty hunter hellbent on finding Vlade? No way. Besides, he started taking on a morality I could not agree with and I felt out of place.

The revised Moc is the member of a bounty hunting guild. His partner, Violet, was working on leads to track down Vlade for 'injustices' even though the guild advised against that. Violet went missing and now Moc is searching for her. But in order to find Violet, he needs to find Vlade.. It is against guild doctrine to participate in this, so both Violet and Moc have been excommunicated for the time being, so they won't be providing assistance for Moc.

Also, are you sure you're okay with the dual repeating crossbows? I'm considering dropping the daggers and changing his melee weapon to a rapier or a sabre.

EDIT: The way the crossbow works is simple. Imagine a standard hand crossbow, only that same function that launches the bolt is stacked on itself three more times, so it can shoot four times total. He has two of these, but for weight reasons they are smaller and cannot shoot as far.

Tdub -> RE: The Hunt Interest Check (12/31/2014 17:06:06)

I would suggest decreasing the number of bolts to two each, or otherwise owning only one. I'd also suggest decreasing the number of knives on your person, as I can't imagine you ever needing eleven knives at a time, and that seems like a lot of knives to be carrying in a lot of places without consequences on movement. Those are just suggestions - I'd have to see the complete bio first, and I won't accept anyone until I have this thread moved to the OOC.

That'll happen late tomorrow, when I start accepting full applications. I won't have an IC until four or five have joined. If anyone has any last-minute suggestions or questions, now would be the time.

Also, TJ, your character's backstory is exactly what I'm looking for in people looking for Vlade.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hunt Interest Check (12/31/2014 17:37:17)

Thanks Tdub. I'll think of something. And I will replace those daggers with a sabre.

Tdub -> RE: The Hunt Interest Check (1/2/2015 17:25:08)

We are now accepting full applications! Post away, and we'll get things started when about 4-5 people join.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hunt Interest Check (1/4/2015 12:11:42)

Name: Marcus 'Marc' Vane
Age/Race/Gender: 30/Human/Male
Appearance: Marc stands 5'9 and weighs 175 lbs. He is athletically-built from years of training and personal experience on the field. He has olive-tanned skin, dark blue eyes, and dirt-brown hair about an inch-long. He keeps a clean-haven face, though days on the road can allow it to grow into a beard. He has strong facial features, and a determined if somewhat stoic expression.
Personality: Marc is a man of determination, preferring to do things quickly and efficiently. He's a strong-willed man who won't take 'no' for an answer, and he's content with the person he is. He's distrusting of others, and will rarely reveal anything about his true self until he feels absolutely comfortable with someone. Marc may seem particularly friendly, but he will never tell you more than you need to know, and his friendliness is more of a way to make you feel more comfortable so you may spill more information. He's observant and adaptive. At his heart, however, Marc simply wants to make the world a better place, one bounty at a time.
Clothing/Armor: Marc travels lightly, and so wears light armor, consisting of mostly leather. He wears light, brown, traveling boots pulled up just beneath his knee, and matching brown leather pants to go with them. A light leather suit of armor covers his torso, complete with a hood. Marc doesn't really like to fashion himself to fancy so as to avoid unwanted attention. Marc also wears leather gloves and carries a traveling waterproof cape to protect against weather when needed. The only real noticeable thing about Marc's attire, however, is the series of thin iron plates that cover his left arm and forearm, which is used to brush off attacks in combat.
Weapons and Belongings: Marc's primary weapon is his one-handed sword: a polished steel sword with a blade of about 4 and a half feet and a bronze hilt, his preferred weapon to duel with. He also carries at least two daggers with him: one of which is mostly hidden quite well in his boot, and the other which is a Vigilants Dagger strapped on his belt. Marc also carries spinwire, a very strong, durable rope-like instrument used by the Vigilants for a variety of purposes; spinwire can be cut by conventional means, but it is very hard, though a Vigilants Dagger is made to cut through it with ease.
Skills and Abilities: Marc is a proficient duelist, using speed and agility to compliment his cunning and lightning-quick form of combat. He fights with his steel sword, but is especially deadly when fighting with his dagger in his off-hand. Marc is a master of deception, and many people find it really hard to read the type of person he is. He's an excellent tracker, torturer, tactician, and persuader.
Magic: Marc is not magically capable.
History: Marc was born into a noble family and was promised to have an easy and wealthy upbringing. He spent most of his childhood alone within his father's large home, forced to use his imagination because his father thought it best he not play with the 'rabble' outside. Marc, however, saw things differently. He knew people suffered and starved and he wanted to do something about it, but his destiny was to be confined to a life of nobility and wealth. Marc, however, sought a way to get out of that.

Around the age of 10 Marc ran away from his home, escaping out into the streets where he hitched a ride to another town. There Marc witnessed a bounty hunter from the Vigilants Guild apprehend a serial killer. Seeing the possibilities the guild could give him, Marc followed the Vigilant back to their local headquarters within the city. He was caught, however, before he could sneak in and eavesdrop, and brought before the highest ranking Vigilant in the town. At first they intended to whip the boy and drop him back off the streets, but the Vigilants saw potential in the young lad and asked if he wanted to join the guild, which he quickly said 'yes' to.

The Vigilants Guild was a small sect of warriors, rogues, and magically-gifted individuals who cooperated to hunt down dangerous criminals and bring them to justice. These 'bounty hunters' were also mercenaries, bodyguards, guides, escorts, etc. Many joined the guild for monetary gain, while others did it to legally kill people, but some like Marc wanted to do it to make the world a better place. For years the Guild trained Marc into an efficient, determined bounty hunter and mercenary. Each bounty target he brought in helped make the world a better place in his eyes.

When Marc was around 15 years old he met a young girl named Sera. Sera was a street-urchin who was brought up in an opposite manner than Marc. Sera was profoundly fascinated with Vlade: the hero who would save all of the poor folk and give them food and shelter. It was born more out of childhood wishes than anything, but Sera was almost obsessed with Vlade. Sera felt at home within the guild, finally having a 'family' - and saw it as an opportunity to find Vlade. Unfortunately for Sera, the guild did not condone any sort of actions against Vlade, fearing it may hinder their own guild.

Marc and Sera lived together, trained together, and worked together. It was hard to separate them, and their partnership lasted for many years. The duo became a notable team within the Vigilants Guild. Sera, however, never gave up her search for Vlade. Four months ago she left the guild in order to find Vlade once and for all... and never returned. Marc hasn't seen or heard from her since, and is rightfully worried. Now Marc leaves the guild, on a quest to find Vlade in hopes he may uncover the whereabouts of Sera.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Hunt Interest Check (1/4/2015 18:15:47)

Oh snap. Count me in. I love stories like this. and I'm only currently active with the Domrius rp and semi-waiting on the ec crowning to finish for purposes of involvement with my character.

But I'll write up a entry as soon as i can here.

Ragnarros -> RE: The Hunt Interest Check (1/5/2015 23:00:55)

Name: Ragnarros
Age/Race/Gender: 43/Human/Male
Appearance: 6"5' and very muscular(like Dwayne Johnson), dark-tanned skin, and short black messy hair. Dark brown eyes and clean, short beard. His torso is covered in red tattoos of strange runes.
Personality: He is mostly a joyful guy and is initially kind to others, but that can easily be reversed(not to the point of him becoming violent, unless the person starts to be). And he loves to fight(if the fight is not needless or pointless; he doesn't start fights for fun). He tries to be as respectful as he can and he respects honor.
Clothing/Armor: His right arm, shoulder, and hand is armored with black armor. He wears thick, brown cloth pants and black metal boots that go up to right below his knees.
Weapons and Belongings: His weapon if a warhammer which has a shaft of about three feet. A potion that can double his strength for a short time(about 30 seconds) with one small sip.
Skills and Abilities: He is able to lift very heavy objects(things that an average person couldn't lift).
Magic: None.
History: Ragnarros doesn't remember anything before a few days before his journey begins. He only remembers a dream of darkness and a strange voice repeating "Vlade." before awaking in Farnfoss. He then found his way to Murtovara and did research on Galiarin in a library so he regained enough basic information to know about the land for traveling. His dream leads him to believe that this Vlade person knows something about his memory loss, so he's hunting Vlade to regain his memory.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Hunt Interest Check (1/7/2015 13:51:21)

Name: Warwolf
Age/Race/Gender: 5'9, 29 years old, human, male.
Appearance: 5'9, with deep rich brown hair, average build, deep blue eyes, one tattoo of a wolf on his back.
Clothing or armor: wears a dragonskin armor that can be penetrated but does provide a good amount of protection. The boots are black and are made specifically for his feet. He wears a black robe (think of that worn by Raistlin Majere) over the armor.
Weapons and Belongings: He carries a medium range sword at the hip, a small dagger in his boot and his primary weapon is a staff made from a redwood tree. He has around his waist a belt pouch that holds some salve for poisons, some medicinal herbs, and some berries which when mixed with water, provide an ample meal in case food is lacking.
Skills and Abilities: Sharp hearing skills, able to climb large trees, able to recognize, identify and follow tracks expertly. Ability to recognize magical obstacles, traps, or other magic items when he comes across them.
The dagger combat is short range (for stabbing) and also can be thrown with minimal effort. The sword is a secondary weapon and has a medium range. His expertise with it is due to the training the monks gave him while he was growing up. The Staff is his primary choice of weapon and he's able to use it to knock weapons aside, counter, parry incoming attacks, pole-vaulting style to reach higher ground/places (requires running first), and it helps when casting spells, though is not completely necessary to do so.
Magic: Can cast the following: Heal self, Summon familiar(usually a wolf, depending on his distance traveled the familiar is usually within a range of 10 to 15 miles, and in forests at a range of around 3 miles. The wolf familiar is able to help him follow faint scents, assist in battles, bring him ingredients, give him a boost if needed, and can pre-warn of incoming danger with a sharp howl), Purify water, Vine attack (this spell causes vines to reach from the trees and/or ground to tangle enemies, slow progress of enemy movements during battle, etc). , Illumination (a ball of light that floats and gives sight during night/dark conditions at a range of 10 feet)
History: Warwolf is a Druid. His clan and the nearby Monk's temple was invaded while he was out on patrol. His brethren sent a magical message to him, asking him to return. Upon arriving, Warwolf found everyone in the clan was slain. He went to warn the monks only to find them also deceased. One of the monks had written a message with his bloody fingers before perishing. Telling of how a creature named the Vlade had entered the monastery and started attacking and crushing and killing.
Warwolf had led a peaceful life, sometimes practicing sword combat with his brothers, sometimes practicing the daily magics with his fellow druids, although in this land, magic had waned here and there.
He had expert knowledge of tracking and medicine, having aided various towns during plagues, mysterious illnesses, and in some cases bringing some back from being at the very edge of death. Some wounds naturally, were sometimes even beyond his skill of aid, but he always tried.
He now hunts the Vlade to bring to justice, the murder of his clan and the monks.
Personality Peaceful mood, unless angered. Life has been somewhat cruel to him with the deaths of his kin, but he makes effort to control his anguish. Semi-cheerful fellow.

Tdub -> RE: The Hunt Interest Check (1/7/2015 23:05:35)

First off, sorry for not replying sooner. Now, then.....

TJ - Everything looks fine, you're good to go. Just be sure to get a History in there at some point.

Ragnarros - There's nothing technically wrong with your bio, but I'd like some more detail, specifically concerning his skills and abilities. Why is he able to lift heavy objects, what defines "within reason," and how dangerous is he? By "how dangerous," I assume you mean "proficient with the warhammer." The short bio is acceptable, because of the nature of his History, but add those details and you'll be good.

Dnw - Unfortunately, I can't accept this at the moment. Most of your bio is perfectly fine, but his magical abilities far exceed what would be considered fair in this RP. I won't ban magic altogether, but, as stated, this country is naturally magic-dry. I wasn't going to reveal this, but it will be a plot point at some time in the story. Therefore, I will allow the healing, the summon familiar (IF you describe what exactly the familiar can do, how long it takes to get there, and limit it to either wolf or owl), water purification (although the water is mostly clean, and you won't often be in a situation where this will be much use), vine attack, and Illumination. Furthermore, explain his skills with the sword, dagger, and staff.

All - Two revisions I forgot to mention earlier
1. Personality is going to be added to the bio. This was simply an oversight, it was supposed to be on there in the first place. Everyone who's already applied, add those in at your convienence.
2. All characters will begin in the capital city, listening to a speech from Prince Orrin. That way, everyone begins at the same time.

Just a few more applicants, and we'll get things started!

Ragnarros -> RE: The Hunt Interest Check (1/8/2015 18:14:29)

I put more detail to the lifting heavy objects and I took out the thing about being dangerous in hand-to-hand, after looking at it again it sounds strange.

Tdub -> RE: The Hunt Interest Check (1/8/2015 19:07:17)

Okay, so here's the issue. You say your character can lift objects of 400-500 pounds easily. The problem with that is that kind of strength doesn't just apply to lifting. Other things, such as: Punching through walls, beating countless opponents senseless, general smashing-type things, and many other convienences come with that. I'm fine with no explanation of the ability, given the vague history of this character, but it needs to be reasonable. This is a low-magic RP. I'd suggest doing one of these things:

1. Make your character exceptionally strong. Of course, he'd have to be, to wield a warhammer.
2. Give him a spell or, more likely, potion, that temporarily increases his strength. Not to be able to lift 400-500 pounds, of course, but something beyond natural human strength. A bottle found when he woke up, that a small drink gives him a few seconds of hightened strength. I recommend this one.

Do something like this, plus add the Personality section, and you'll be good to go.

Ragnarros -> RE: The Hunt Interest Check (1/8/2015 21:01:29)


black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hunt Interest Check (1/9/2015 5:35:57)

Oooh this is kind of like Heart of Darkness: The Roleplay.
I'll look into this, not sure if I can handle all those RPs but its interresting.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Hunt Interest Check (1/9/2015 15:09:04)

@Tdub I'll make necessary changes as soon as i can.

Tdub -> RE: The Hunt - OOC (1/10/2015 0:10:27)

@Ragnarros - Everthing looks fine now. I'll remind you to keep the lifting of heavy objects to a reasonable level (if you pass that level, I'll let you know.) I look forward to seeing this character grow and learn as the RP progresses.

@Dnw - Looks fine. Just to be clear, not very much of this RP will take place in forests, so expect the wolf to have to travel the full 10-15 miles the majority of the time. For the sake of the character, I'll allow Warwolf to summon the familiar slightly in advance IF certain conditions would realistically put Warwolf on edge enough to do so. This is only because 10-15 miles is a lot of travel for a wolf (or anything less than a car) so with a certain air of "something bad may happen soon, I'll summon my wolf just in case," the familiar might arrive in time to actually do something, even if it is in the latter part of trouble.

Both bios have been accepted.

@BK - I'm glad you find it interesting. I hope you'll join, but don't take on more than you can handle by any means. Thanks for letting me know in advance!

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