TJByrum -> RE: The Hunt - OOC (2/16/2015 18:26:54)
@Tdub: I'm hosting The Hallows Inn and participating in Rise of Domrius right now; I can manage about 1 post for each every weekend (Friday, Saturday, or Sunday); it is very rare I get one up some other day. Back when I did want to join this RP (my unfinished bio is on the first page) I was working a lot of overtime and would not have been able to participate like I wanted. Though I must say I am fairly interested in the plot, and I've actually read a few of the posts made by the other players here. I want to be a part of this, but I don't know if I'm to late. So basically, if you would not mind having a newcomer to the RP, I'll gladly come on in. But expect only about 1 post per week by me, probably on the weekends. Secondly, just tell me how best to implement my character. I'll probably be going with a similar backstory as before: A man part of a bounty-hunter/vigilante guild that hunts down criminals for monetary payment. One of his guildmates, someone he cares for, was interested in Vlade - but our organization does not condone actions against Vlade or his agents, so that guildmate was banned. She then mysteriously disappeared (Vlade's doing, as far as my character knows). Therefore, my own character begins his search for Vlade in an effort to find his close friend (and thus is banished from the guild). EDIT: Alright, I think I'm caught up. Warwolf, Nire, Dervos, and Therry have all met up in the warehouse, while Faint is nearby spying on them.