Ancient Dragon Knight's Familiar (Full Version)

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Koree -> Ancient Dragon Knight's Familiar (2/3/2015 3:24:01)

Ancient Dragon Knight's Familiar

«Fire pet. Mastercraft; can make the monster easier to Burn.»

Related items:
Location: The Dragon's Maze!
Level	135
PowLvl	135 MC

Price	2529504
Sell	1264752

Element: Fire
Training Difficulty: -66

Hits: 3
Type: Magic, Melee, Melee
Element: Fire
== Hit #1 ==	
Damage	18-42
Stat%	371.5
BTH	33
== Hit #2 ==	
Damage	9-21
Stat%	185.8
BTH	33
== Hit #3 ==	
Damage	9-21
Stat%	185.8
BTH	33

  • If the first hit connects and does more than 0 damage, then the monster makes a save* with a +0 bonus:
      Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
      Major: YourCHA vs MonsterEND
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    ***If it fails, then it gains Burn Weakness -20 for two turns**.

  • If the monster is already burnt or is Weak to Burn, then the pet's attack gains +4 BTH instead.

    If you also have the armour, shield, and helmet of the set equipped, then each of the Melee hits will attempt to make the monster Bleed***. The monster makes a save with a +0 bonus:
      Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
      Major: YourCHA vs MonsterEND
      Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
    ***The Power of the Bleed is 0.03, and it does 2-14 damage each turn. If the monster is already Bleeding, then +0.03 is added to the Power of existing Bleed instead.

    *The monster endures the worst of the flames.
    **The monster is surrounded by flames!
    ***Inspired by your armaments, your Adolescent Dragon Knight's Familiar strikes so ferociously that your opponent begins bleeding!
    Your Adolescent Dragon Knight's Familiar's ferocious attacks make the bleeding worse!

    Uh-oh! It looks like some poor creature was transformed by the Mana Dragon's curse! Luckily, it seems to have taken a liking to you. Its breath isn't hot enough to burn, but it can make your opponent easier to burn!


    Image thanks to Dragoon23. Basic stats thanks to Dragoon23 and RedEyedDrake. Numbers thanks to In Media Res.


    Starts off as a standard pet:
    Level	135
    PowLvl	135 MC
    Damage	36-84
    Stat%	743
    BTH	33
    The first hit does 50% damage, while the second and third hits do 25% damage each.

    The pet's Mastercraft is used to give it the ability to make the monster easier to Burn. If this ability isn't needed (because the monster is already inflicted with Burn or Burn Weakness), its attack gains +4 BTH instead, which is roughly equivalent to a standard 5% damage increase.

    The full set bonus is paid by the fact that you rarely want to use a Fire pet while wearing a Fire armor, shield and misc. item.


    November 17, 2013: The pet was released.
    January 9, 2015: The Burn Weakness inflicted by the pet now lasts for 2 turns instead of 1.

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