megakyle777 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 154 - Read the first post! (3/7/2015 10:12:05)
Above: Well we know there are currently three versions of Drakath: Kid, Prince and Bandit. We ALSO know that in a linier evolution there is only room for 4 evos. Meaning two possiblilies: Possibility The First: Prince and Bandit are a divergent evolution from Kid. One goes one way, the other another. If this is the case, then the Bandit has room for both Dragon and Chaos Drakath. Plus, it means he is unlikely (not impossible to be SG at the start or a promo, since you would need two to reach either evolution. Possibility The Second: Prince and bandit are a linear evolution. This is the less prefered option, since it means our only other possiblity is Chaos Drfakath since he was the contest winner, and effectively rules out the possibility of Dragon or Mirror, at least in the same char. Also, it opens him up for possible SG/promo material since you need but one of him. Possibility The Third: I really like this Possibility The thing, I think I may stick with it. #Points for reference.