RE: =Q&A= Mastercrafted Items - All questions here, please. (Full Version)

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ZumaChaosReborn -> RE: =Q&A= Mastercrafted Items - All questions here, please. (2/26/2017 3:14:58)

I don't know why MC was used for toggle on Mjollnir. The NightSever switches between Melee and magic, and is not MC, without a penalty for switching (other than the usual *.75 damage in magic mode, which is normal).

Also, if Dragonrider Mount has a skill button, why do its FO/FD forms have separate MC bonuses (mounted deals 5% extra damage, dismounted gives you 3 MRM)?

big E -> RE: =Q&A= Mastercrafted Items - All questions here, please. (2/26/2017 4:01:50)

Old standards treated toggles between modes (such as full damage vs daze) as consuming an MC; that's now been changed. That's why new items such as Sweater Dragon gets MCs on top of each mode. Older items like Mjollnir aren't on that standard yet.

Note that Dragonrider's "skill" is in fact a toggle, not a skill - it's just worked into the Skill button for lack of a better place. An actual armor skill, such as Taladosian or Kindred's abilities, constitutes an MC bonus. Without an MC, the armor would take a damage penalty (in addition to increased Gold cost) to incorporate a skill.

DarkLore -> RE: =Q&A= Mastercrafted Items - All questions here, please. (4/9/2017 12:54:26)

How does the reaper of souls MC set work? I'm not good with that stuff and terrible with numbers. Laymen s terms please. Just tell me its elemental dividers and each pieces skills.

mu695 -> RE: =Q&A= Mastercrafted Items - All questions here, please. (5/14/2017 15:32:15)

Is there a way to skip straight to the second part of the Dessert Quest? I've just mess up, badly.

EDIT: Also, are there info subs for the Osiris Set/Explore the Pyramid quest? The only thing I've found so far doesn't look complete.
EDIT 2: Ah, never mind. I seem to have found it, although it has raised the same question as what the Dessert Quest did. Is there any way to skip straight to the second part of this quest?

OverLordOfDeath -> RE: =Q&A= Mastercrafted Items - All questions here, please. (6/4/2017 8:39:20)

Is it impossible to downgrade non rare mastercrafted items?

afterlifex -> RE: =Q&A= Mastercrafted Items - All questions here, please. (6/4/2017 8:45:05)

^ Yearly MC sets? I would say no since my Pike Pike is not on my list. So it's just like upgrading, they can't be.

An MC item that is no part of a yearly set quest, yeah sure it's just any other item.

This of course can always be checked from account manager where the up/down grades are done if you own the item.

damonraven -> RE: =Q&A= Mastercrafted Items - All questions here, please. (7/19/2017 5:38:38)

Which of the MC sets would be useful for warriors?

jlnod15 -> RE: =Q&A= Mastercrafted Items - All questions here, please. (7/28/2017 18:23:44)

What sets should I go after. If I have 200 Str/Int/Dex and 50 end? AKA Power Hybrid? I will admit I am thinking all. But they seem to be level 135?

afterlifex -> RE: =Q&A= Mastercrafted Items - All questions here, please. (7/28/2017 19:09:19)

All the yearly sets have 150 variants except, Morningstar, Kindred and Nemesis.

Generally what most would suggest is going for the fully offensive ones: Overlord & Taladosian come to mind.

However it really comes down to what you already own.

I would suggest making a rating/character advice topic here in the Q&A so your overall inventory can be evaluated and suggestions can be made. MC and more so the yearly MC sets don't necessarily matter all that much in the big scope of things.

This MC topic would be more for specific question about about MC items or MC in general, not some much personal advice.

jerredswan101 -> RE: =Q&A= Mastercrafted Items - All questions here, please. (8/8/2017 23:38:43)

Can anyone list all the MC sets for me? and which sets the best to get for each element?

I just came back to AQ after years of absent and the guides are outdated =( , trying to get back on my feet.

Much appreciated.


ruleandrew -> RE: =Q&A= Mastercrafted Items - All questions here, please. (9/8/2017 11:16:46)

This is the list of MC quests
• Bridge to the Sky - Quest for the Fujin set
• Failure to Communicant
• Ice Cream?
• Llyr's Druid set
• Nemesis: Justice goes blind
• Osiris Set Quest
• Ruins of Alnaphar – Valley of Legends: Quest for the Overlord and Twilight sets!
• Taladosian Relics!
• The Chimeran
• The Dragon's Maze!
• The Kindred!
• The Morningstar Clan!
• Thunder Mountain

You need to look at AQ Encyclopedia to determine which item you wish to obtain, then find the corresponding quest/ location.

Best set to go for really depend on your character build.

afterlifex -> RE: =Q&A= Mastercrafted Items - All questions here, please. (9/8/2017 12:58:08)

Just FYI most are found in warlics shop.

(Solaris: while housed there and while it is a set and MC(for guardians) it's not a yearly set.)

The yearly sets not housed there are on the travel map: Overlord, Twilight and Communicant all from Alnaphar.
Kindred (old, avoid it)
Morningstar (old but useful sub lvl130)
The newest set being Mecha Knight "Map Sail East > Mt. Thrall > Hollow's Garage" (should still be in today's event page)

Best? They aren't nessarily going to be the items you will be using there may be better options.

The guides aren't that outdated really they still do their jobs as basic outlines for new and returning players. If you need specific advice for an ideal inventory thou go ahead and make a rating request topic here in the Q&A.

bluchill -> RE: =Q&A= Mastercrafted Items - All questions here, please. (10/16/2017 16:17:50)

Does the Osiris set have a FSB? I read a comment that it does, but I can't find a description of it... and if it does, which items together?
Is it that the pet's attacks cause 10% more damage when equipped with armor and shield?

I just went through the quest to buy the shield and now I'm wondering if it's worth to get more items, such as armor, weapon, misc and pet, just in case I switch up my inventory in the future

afterlifex -> RE: =Q&A= Mastercrafted Items - All questions here, please. (10/16/2017 17:16:34)


"The Dessert Set" can be found by visiting Warlic's Shop
(Temporary links: Armor, Weapons(s), Shield, Pet, Spell, Quest(s): Part 1, Extras: Weapon(s), Shield, Pet(pies), Misc(s), Quests: Part 2 )

OP updated so quoting previous set.



[Full Set Bonus (shield+weapon+armour): Healing is tripled.]

lostdignity -> RE: =Q&A= Mastercrafted Items - All questions here, please. (10/16/2017 17:51:33)

Its there a map guide for the Dessert Set Quest?

Xonuss7 -> RE: =Q&A= Mastercrafted Items - All questions here, please. (10/16/2017 17:56:09)


It's located in Battleon. Warlic's shop > Mastercrafted Sets > Dessert Set.

These is unfortunately no location for it on the World Map as far as I know.

lostdignity -> RE: =Q&A= Mastercrafted Items - All questions here, please. (10/16/2017 17:57:41)

@Xonuss7 I know where the quest is but I meant the guide for the arrows when doing the quest.

afterlifex -> RE: =Q&A= Mastercrafted Items - All questions here, please. (10/16/2017 18:45:09)

There is a map for part one in the info subs


«You have a mini-maze walk around to find the portal back home.»

but it's broke or something.

With a little work I have gotten a screen shot of the map HERE.

lostdignity -> RE: =Q&A= Mastercrafted Items - All questions here, please. (10/20/2017 20:55:29)

Thank you for Part 1 map. Does anyone have Part 2?

bobyjoe5000 -> RE: =Q&A= Mastercrafted Items - All questions here, please. (2/12/2018 14:43:52)

Not sure if this is the place to ask, sorry if it isn't but for a my character, would 135asgard or talasdonian be the better energy set? Having a tough time beeating the Thunder mountain boss and I just want to know if Asgard is even worth it? And while on the topic, is Fuji better than cyclone wyvern rider?

Lord Markov -> RE: =Q&A= Mastercrafted Items - All questions here, please. (2/12/2018 16:45:42)

"Better" is fairly subjective, however:

Asgardian is a Neutral lean Energy armor with the ability to deal FO damage will taking Neutral damage for your SP regen each turn.

Taladosian is just a straight up FO energy armor. Since you seem to be a FO armor person, Taladosian is probably the way to go of those two.

Fujin set is a FD armor, while Cyclone Wyvern is Neutral. So Cyclone is closer to FO, but neither is an ideal FO armor.

lostdignity -> RE: =Q&A= Mastercrafted Items - All questions here, please. (2/25/2018 17:47:58)

Is there a map guide for the Celtic Shield. I dont remembered which of the six quests to choose from after starting the quest and arrows to choose.

afterlifex -> RE: =Q&A= Mastercrafted Items - All questions here, please. (2/25/2018 18:20:06)


You want Inis Fail.

If you need a map see:

edit: @ below

If you want to link directly to a post click the "post #" on the right

and ignore that edit in your post, I clicked the wrong post[:(]

alchim -> RE: =Q&A= Mastercrafted Items - All questions here, please. (2/25/2018 18:20:33) post #156

the "i require help!" bit has a link to all the maps

Lord JTM -> RE: =Q&A= Mastercrafted Items - All questions here, please. (3/10/2018 19:01:23)

Is there a weapon and shield that I could buy that is apart of the Doom Knight armor?

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