RE: epic duel vs others browser games (Full Version)

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dfo99 -> RE: epic duel vs others browser games (3/19/2015 1:52:56)

Battle Elf

the king of tower is a flash game recently released, but have a tournamant each month, the system basicly do matches randomly each against each other players, if someone lose 5 times is disqualified, and the last 32 survivors fight like a normal tourmant similar with the second part of world cup. i don't know how the pre-selection could work in epic duel, but the 32 ones could be implement, i read about the flash size limitations, but something in epic duel could be deleted for open space for an monthly tourmant, the sacrifice may worth it (if the transition for unity delay years of course)

the only unity games which i have played is CS portable and a dragons moba. you know if epic duel will be a 3d game also? that's could be amazing and open alot of possibilities.

Ranloth -> RE: epic duel vs others browser games (3/19/2015 2:29:50)

Deleting something in ED won't magically allow something else to be implemented. The game is facing engine limitations, not the lack of database space.

ED won't be made into a 3D game, recoded into Unity or HTML5. None of the current AE browser games will, because it would take literally years. Not even AQW. Only new games, starting with AQ3D will be made in Unity and/or HTML5.

dfo99 -> RE: epic duel vs others browser games (3/19/2015 4:02:53)

Ranloth (or Trans?)

ok (what i read made me understand that the problem was about saturation/excess), but i don't believe the AE games will use the flash until years like 2050 for example, in any point of time epic duel maybe will really need a new game engine.

Ranloth -> RE: epic duel vs others browser games (3/19/2015 4:26:51)

Eventually, there will be no EpicDuel - as Cysero has explained in the DNs (you can find the link on page #1 IIRC). Same applies to all the other browser games AE has, not just ED. It won't happen anytime soon, however.

What will happen then? Perhaps ED will move onto Unity, and create a brand new game. Starting from the bottom, and laying out everything from scratch; such as skill trees, balance standards, etc. Less limitations means more features - ones which the current ED may not even support; think more specialised Tournaments instead of PvP ones (Golden Yeti Tournament), or modes such as 3v3, or making blocks work per each hit rather than for whole attack (this isn't possible on the current engine), etc. I don't know what will happen, because it's up to AE (i.e. Artix), so yeah.

However, we're clearly aware by now that Flash games won't last forever, hence why the move to mobile and Unity. Cross-platform games are the way to go; you'd be able to play them off any smartphone, console, tablet, etc. That means more players and when the demand is high, the Dev Team grows to cater for this - just like how AQW has a huge Dev Team.

Oswald Cobblepot -> RE: epic duel vs others browser games (4/4/2015 6:39:46)

Vextur - you can play epicduel on mobile using Puffin Browser or Photon browser.

Battle Elf -> RE: epic duel vs others browser games (4/4/2015 8:36:23)

Please don't post in inactive threads (2+ weeks with no posts).


Battle Elf
ED GD Archknight

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