RE: Strength balance (Full Version)

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dfo99 -> RE: Strength balance (4/22/2015 6:45:47)

Darkwing -> RE: Strength balance (4/22/2015 7:28:45)

lol that Infernal android is OP as hell.

290x2 that almost 600 damage. To get that damage with a skill, you would either have to use all your point in dex of strength or tech. Or the enemy just has the defense of a level 1.

Lord Machaar -> RE: Strength balance (4/22/2015 7:43:29)

What rank are you Dfo99? Rank 1 ?

Once again just so anyone don't get me wrong. I have stated many times, you are capable of nothing without your ranks.

Anyone with 60 ranks can defeat OMI.

Not anyone rank 1 can.

Saying that Str BM isn't OP because I can defeat it thanks to my 60 ranks isn't logical. We are talking here about the whole game.

The berserker killer -> RE: Strength balance (4/22/2015 10:00:41)

Right, Infernal androids massively OP on rage, especially if you crit. Actually I even tested out an old Tech Mage Build a few nights ago and managed to hit 450 450 on 10 enemies in a row with Infernal even though these enemies resistance ranged from 320 on str builds to 380 on f5 builds. Needless to say they were all wins with absolutely 0% chance to deflect because of the build I was using. This bot is tragiccccccc.

Mother1 -> RE: Strength balance (4/22/2015 10:06:24)

@ Darkwing

I had over between 300-400 resist and someone with the infernal android was able to get over 600 damage on me with rage. Remember rage makes a good part of your defenses disappear for that turn and with the infernal android getting 125% power at max it is quite possible if the player has enough tech, and focus 5 for robot damage.

@ Lord Machaar

I actually have beaten higher ranked Str BM's with a build I made and I am only ranked 12. While I don't always win they aren't unbeatable for lower ranks.

Darkwing -> RE: Strength balance (4/22/2015 10:18:16)

@Mother 1 They aren't unbeatable, I would lie to say I din't beat some but still:

The fact that I have to use all the strategy I can get and they simply strike and do massive amount of damage, fast rage is just too much. They also have enough unblockable attacks, % damage skills, mark of blood, poison, defense ignore skills.

Strike needs a limit, or why would I ever use many points in support, dexterity,tech for skills and weapons that you can't use very often, when strike simply can be used every turn free of charge?

Lord Machaar -> RE: Strength balance (4/22/2015 10:34:48)

@Mothe1 i don't know if you are referring to how much IA is OP, but frankly this is the only available bot in-game which can encouters str builds. To say that IA need a nerf is legit, I totally agree with you, but doing that without fixing strenght builds, you will just kill the hope of many f5 builds to defeat these builds.
If strenght builds are balanced, I think only then IA should get nerfed, to give other bots a chance. If even kartherax was available in game, IA could have been nerfed without promoting for strenght builds.

With out this bot and kartherax (unavailable), str builds would have been gone ham on all builds.
The game balance is in a critical state, strenght builds from one part, ranks from another part, which can frankly be the reason why str builds are imbalanced, IA from another part, the bot that should normally be nerfed but on the same time will promote for str builds, all this is ought to be fixed with one mode, underdog mode, Is this fix needed? Yes, Are devs capable of fixing all this one mode? According to the history of the game, I think not.

Thylek Shran -> RE: Strength balance (4/22/2015 20:51:11)


Needless to say they were all wins with absolutely 0% chance to deflect because of the build I was using.

There still is a minimum chance to deflect/block/crit. It means a build with 160 tech can get deflected by a malfed build with -10 tech.
For support it does mean that a strenght build with 18 support can go first and crit you twice in a row while having 60 or more support.

RageSoul -> RE: Strength balance (4/22/2015 23:41:16)

You know STR is OP is when you only have 2 flavors to choose from : using the game ender ( Infernal Android 5 Focus ) or just joining them .

shadow.bane -> RE: Strength balance (4/23/2015 9:06:38)

tbh i think focus 5 is far more better then strength by so far . like 95% of my vs str matches i win them , i lose only when they block or crit from nowhere lol . the fact that an str can't get above 70 % win ratio if they were playing and not using bot if they bot they wont get above 50 - 60 % << more common then regular users now days .i only find hard times vs focus 5 that have a bit similar to my build even if it was rank 1 or 60 no differences (currently am rank 25) .

Stonehawk -> RE: Strength balance (5/16/2015 16:51:51)

Nerfing strength didn't fix the problem. It made strength more of a worthless thing on most builds, making it only usable on strength builds. What do I mean?
Strength builds still work (this is the only way I found to beat the support builds, thanks to mark of blood), not as fast as it used to, but it does. The drastic nerf of this stat made all strength-based skills unusable by builds like focus and other builds that used to use strength, making less builds viable. Plus, a rank 1 with a strength build is a joke. Tons of strength giving 510 primary damage.

The main problem of strength was already solved when gun's damage increased with dex (it was a great step, and even makes more sense, shooting someone with "strong arms" doesn't make the bullet harm more, lol). Now that primary weapons are the only thing strength affects (besides skils, of course), and it's usually blockable (except cores), I don't think such big nerf on primary damage was needed.

The berserker killer -> RE: Strength balance (5/16/2015 18:53:22)

Finally someone's starting to notice it. If you continue to Nerf instead of offering OPTIONS you will only take away from the game. Now nearly every skill thats based off of strength has also been nerfed. Kudos guys

Stonehawk -> RE: Strength balance (5/17/2015 8:16:44)

Now what can we do about Mercenaries? Blood Commander no longer increases gun damage, so all the strength builds merc can do is strike. Strikes are predictable. The gun used to save those builds 'cause if the opponent shielded against a physical primary, the gun would be energy. I'm not saying this change wasn't good. But changing gun to dex wouldn't come with lowering strength, it completely messed most skills and builds, even the ones that weren't "OPed"

The berserker killer -> RE: Strength balance (5/17/2015 8:20:43)

It goes way deeper than that too. Mercs that usebc for the str instead of the hp regain are now easily countered with intimidate, a simple shield to stop their primary, kartherax (since you guys feel its fine to return this bot) and cyber yeti. Needless to say Field Commander along with Blood Commander just got a bit more useless

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: Strength balance (5/18/2015 8:41:17)

Merc is screwed over because of people complaining about STR

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