Large-Scale War Roleplays, A Discussion (Full Version)

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TJByrum -> Large-Scale War Roleplays, A Discussion (4/20/2015 10:02:21)

One type of RP I've always been interested in was a large-scale war roleplay, and I'll refer to the Isle of Dracos It seemed to have garnered some interest, but due to a lack of interest by me (the host), the RP soon failed. For that I apologize. The biggest problem I have with hosting a RP is a lack of planning, despite having so many ideas. I have a lot of dirt, but the hole I'm putting it in simply wasn't dug deep enough, and all the dirt spills everywhere and makes a mess, if that makes any sort of sense.

If you've seen or participate in Kellehendros' Rise of Domrius you know that in-game battles can work quite well, and they can be fun, engaging, and at times can feel tense. I think Kell did a good job with the dynamics of the RP, and ever since it's launch I've been captivated by it success and mechanics. I can't tell you how many times I've sat and wondered how someone could take RoD and make it bigger. I've pondered the idea of where Kellehendros may take the RoD story after the current RP finishes. Will we see a larger conflict? Will it expand to more than just battle? Will we see a grand war? If anyone could do, I'd trust Kellehendros to do it.

I want to talk about these kind of RP's. I want to talk about large-scale war roleplays, not only with epic battles, but with diplomacy and politics. How would you take something like Rise of Domrius and apply it to something like Isle of Dracos?

Also, you get a certain feeling of tension in Kellehendros' Rise of Domrius, and by that I mean you never really know what's going to become of your unit. How of many of you will be left at the end of the battle? And that's dependent on how well your forces are fighting, how well they're synergizing, etc. I want to add to that tension, and take it further. If a character is captured in the IC, their fate is left to the captor - not the owner. I know some would feel this is unfair, but war's not always fair, and I think it would add caution and tension to the RP. If you can invoke emotion, tension, and suspense from the players, I feel like the RP would be a lot more engaging.

dethhollow -> RE: Large-Scale War Roleplays, A Discussion (4/20/2015 11:04:17)

Personally, I don't care THAT much about war RPs. It's a cool idea and there's a lot of advantages there, but it becomes harder to keep things straight and focused on characters and their interactions and development when you're at a large scale like that. That's kind-of part of the reason why I didn't sign up for Rise of Domrius, other than the fact that it was already a few pages into the IC. There was just too complicated and large of a setup with formations, figuring out where everyone is, dealing with hundreds of soldiers, and general morale on top of everything else. It just felt too big and complex for it's own good to me. Obviously, RoD was popular and I'm definitely interested in the idea of captured OCs being at the mercy of another player, but I probably won't be joining if it's something as large and complex as RoD and I feel like if you're going to include stuff like political struggles and diplomacy, it might be good to consider scaling down the war or limiting how many factions or groups can be involved in the conflict at the same time.

I mean, RoD had 11 separate factions active at once in their war, from what I can tell from the OoC. If we're dealing with politics, it might be good to leave things at 5 armies, max.

TJByrum -> RE: Large-Scale War Roleplays, A Discussion (4/20/2015 12:42:35)

You missed the point Dethollow. Kell did a good job making those complex things rather simple and easy to understand. That's why it worked. RoD isn't nearly as complicated nor as complex as you might think. That's what I tried to explain my first post. The management of the many is the same as the management of the few, as the saying goes.

The only confusion would come from the players who fail to explain where they're at and what they're doing. If someone says they're taking a detachment of their swordsmen to the northern flank, it's pretty clear to me what they're doing. If someone simply says they're going to reinforce the flank, then that's where the confusion comes.

RoD is separated into 'phases'. In one phase we plan and strategize, in the other we do battle, and in another we interact. We could develop those phases further. On a grander scale, we'd see every player post once detailing the organization, management, and movement of their forces. In the next phase we could take care of any conflicts, battles, negotiations, etc. We could reserve the last phase for character development (like a 'rest phase').

dethhollow -> RE: Large-Scale War Roleplays, A Discussion (4/20/2015 12:56:23)

I'm out then, for sure. I don't like having to force development into specific timeframes and I like the idea of segmenting off the RP like that even less. I hope it goes well, but I just see too many potential problems here.

TJByrum -> RE: Large-Scale War Roleplays, A Discussion (4/20/2015 13:05:59)

What sort of problems Deth? Though you don't intend to join such a RP, I'd like to know what flaws you see so I can try and work around them.

dethhollow -> RE: Large-Scale War Roleplays, A Discussion (4/20/2015 13:48:19)

Mainly stuff I mentioned in my first post, keeping character development going at a large scale without having it forced into specific sections, the intricacy of keeping troop placements and formations in order from post to post, dealing with any misreadings that could throw off the battle, the potential of having too many factions working at the same time making things unnecessarily complicated, and other stuff along those lines. Not to mention if you're going to add in political elements then misdirection and where players stand militarily will be pretty key features that you need to keep in mind. Which could very easily lead to making the previous potential issues about keeping things straight with so much going on that much worse and push actual characterization and development further into the background for the sake of what the player wants to specifically accomplish, regardless of how the actual character would act.

These might not be problems with the actual RP, but those are some issues I'm seeing that might come up from what you're planning to do. Personally, I'm kind-of more looking for a smaller group type of thing where the focus would be more about the characters and how they lead the plot than something like this where the player and battle would be leading events more than the actual characters are.

TJByrum -> RE: Large-Scale War Roleplays, A Discussion (4/20/2015 14:35:47)

I'm a fan of those group roleplays as well Deth, but a large-scale RP wouldn't really try to focus on those attributes. But I would not dismiss character development. When you see characters interacting with each other in the roleplay, that's character development. They learn, grow, and experience things. It's not confined to a single 'phase'. I'd say there's been plenty of character development in Rise of Domrius, especially between Ishia Rinchen and Ytha, and also Volrun and Trevor. There's been character development between my own personal characters like Aesa, Volrun, and Koros too. The battles are told from the point of view of all of our characters.

The roleplay would only get messy if we let it. The point of this thread was to pinpoint what would cause it to be messy, and discuss it so as to find a way to keep it nice and tidy.

If you're looking for a more down-to-earth, small-scale RP, I understand. But I wasn't really looking to discuss those.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: Large-Scale War Roleplays, A Discussion (4/20/2015 19:20:48)

I'm sort of mixed in my opinion on large-scale war role-plays. On the one hand (given my experiences with Domrius) I've actually engaged with Kell more then once in commentary on the rp. Some of the issues present were mainly my error, or it was read incorrectly, etc.

Communication is important and I've had a role-player (or two) tell me off for the way I did something and they didn't like it.

I really did enjoy the Domrius role-play unfortunately it came at a time where College has to take precedence over the role-play and i've wisely chosen to bow out gracefully. I actually didn't really have a choice this go-round because I could clearly tell how busy I was going to get.

The time-setting itself was one of the more particulars that I had to throw in, It played a fairly large part of my overall decision. And believe me, now that I know what's coming. I made the right decision. Finals are going to be absolutely NUTS.

It's gotten to the point where I "may" miss Thursday at my community program and for sure will miss next Tuesday from my normal routine in order to study my ears off for the final exams.

The other thing with a large-warfare style role-play is that there's the potential to have too many participants. That's sort of kind of what we faced in that whole domrius role-play. Too many quadrants of groups of enemies and allies to keep track of.

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