RE: Underdog Mode Really? (Full Version)

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One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Underdog Mode Really? (5/24/2015 21:37:59)

In theory underdog mode gets everyone in a match to the same eLvl and it seems to work better outside of ranks from what I am reading here but here is what really gets me. Beating a low level rewards the same as beating someone on your level so why should you be rewarded more for beating someone who has been buffed to be roughly your level as opposed to beating someone who is "easily farmable"?

The berserker killer -> RE: Underdog Mode Really? (5/24/2015 22:04:07)

Because the reward system was designed to give you a reward for beating/come close to beating (like killing 1 opponent in 2v2 or jugg) a worthy opponent. If the underdog mod is designed to keep players on the "same level" as you have stated then they should be classified as a worthy opponent and we should get more creds/xp. Thats a pretty straightforward answer to be honest.

Edit: And if we shouldn't get extra rewards for beating someone the "same level" as you have implied with underdog mode, then technically neither should they since they are on the "same level" and you dont get extra creds/xp for beating someone of the "same level".

Besides, level 40 is technically all one level. So technically we're all the "same level" so no one should get extra rewards

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Underdog Mode Really? (5/24/2015 22:07:37)

Yes the reward system was designed to reward you for beating someone higher leveled than you and seeing how at levels underdog still doesn't bring you up to par with the higher levels that is why they get a credit and reward system. I still fail to see how someone brought up to your level equals someone stronger than you thus deserving of a greater reward for beating them but maybe you can clear up my confusion

Edit: Yes and no. Remember we made eLvl's so that a rank 80 is no longer equal to a rank 1 because they are not close in the power spectrum but now you are just dodging my question with statements so I can't help your side if it ever comes up in chat

Greed Redemption -> RE: Underdog Mode Really? (5/24/2015 22:17:43)

Underdog mode is perfectly fine the way it is. 2-5 more loses then you usually get shouldn't be a big deal, find a better build and move on. I'm a low rank right now (18), I'm using a strength build and I'm not even doing that great. My build now gets me 12 wins per one loss and before underdog it was like 10-1 so I feel that this update only improved my build slightly more. If your win/loss ratio went down because of this update, you shouldn't have a problem bringing it back up with a build and good strategy. I bet when I actually reach the high ranks I won't see any of the problems you're currently having with it since I'm a pretty smart player in battle and I never lose easy.

The berserker killer -> RE: Underdog Mode Really? (5/24/2015 22:20:11)

Sorry ill try to make it more clear. I'm trying to say two things. 1) at level 40 we're technically all the same level so no one should get extra rewards and 2) your current opponent is harder than what he used to have been. Its like deciding which npc to farm. Pretend as if your opponent is rank 1 and he's Caden. You fight him and get 9 XP (you normally get 9 from caden). Now when underdog mode enables your opponent is stronger, basically as strong as Big Tuna. Now when you fight Big Tuna you get 10 XP. Your opponent is stronger, so you get a bonus reward. That's mainly where I'm trying to get at.

Does it have to be something outrageous? No but I'm just being completely honest here. Not hiding or anything. But high rankers dont really want to pvp anymore because of underdog mode, the extra credits/xp underdog players get, and the fact that high rankers aren't getting a bonus.

I ask you: can you guys at least explore the possibility of selling UnderDog Mode core in Vendbot for FREE to all players as a armor passive core? Hows that option?

Lord Machaar -> RE: Underdog Mode Really? (5/24/2015 22:22:24)


No,there is no getting used to this. If it weren't for factions I can promise you the majority of high rankers wont pvp anymore.

Oh for god sake speak for yourself, true high rank players are still winning a big time and the example is here, few exceptions of non-skilled high rank players who got their ranks after 2 years NPCing and found themselves with full advantage over "new low rank players" who, in a funny manner, you wrote many suggestions to attract them and bring the ones who quitted back, but in order to bring "flags" back, flags won't work with an imbalanced PVP environement. Contradiction at its finest, please, do yourslef a favor and speak for yourself next time, you represebt no one here, your represent ideas that only few players share with you, but let me tell you something, they aren't new players nor the vets who came back.

I don't know who is crucifying who here, but let me tell you something, with your ideas, you are crucifying the game, the game went gradually down by not giving players a chance to enjoy PVP like they did for 5 or 4 years.

The underdog mode is here to stay, it might even get buffed, who knows. In other story, the ranking system might get removed,

The berserker killer -> RE: Underdog Mode Really? (5/24/2015 22:25:30)

Yes that may very well be so and it sounds very good.


I ask you: can you guys at least explore the possibility of selling UnderDog Mode core in Vendbot for FREE to all players as a armor passive core? Hows that option?

Greed Redemption -> RE: Underdog Mode Really? (5/24/2015 22:27:24)

@Berserker I have to disagree with you when you say they don't want to pvp anymore because all I've been fighting in 1v1 has either been level 38's or higher ranks then me. I dislike the option for a core as such. That's pretty much like having one of the endless shops cores but worse it only works when you fight high ranks. Even for free I wouldn't use it since there wouldn't be a need if I could just buy Eternal Enhance.

Lord Machaar -> RE: Underdog Mode Really? (5/24/2015 22:31:21)

Higher rewards are here to stay, they will still be given, they were reduced because the underdog mode made the difference slighter, but as Ranloth said, there is still difference, so there will be higher rewards, case closed.

^ Just don't buy anything he/she says, ask me, I have been on the 1vs1 leaderboards for 3 - 4 days in a row and I met a lot of high rank players, all he/she is basing her "ideas" on are speculations.

The berserker killer -> RE: Underdog Mode Really? (5/24/2015 22:33:58)

Definitely, and thanks for the reply.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Underdog Mode Really? (5/24/2015 22:40:12)


1) at level 40 we're technically all the same level so no one should get extra rewards

A rank 80 is significantly more powerful than a rank 1. You yourself said that these enemies were easily farmable proving that you know of this power gap so don't tell me they are technically the same level as we both know this is not true


2) your current opponent is harder than what he used to have been. Its like deciding which npc to farm. Pretend as if your opponent is rank 1 and he's Caden. You fight him and get 9 XP (you normally get 9 from caden). Now when underdog mode enables your opponent is stronger, basically as strong as Big Tuna. Now when you fight Big Tuna you get 10 XP. Your opponent is stronger, so you get a bonus reward. That's mainly where I'm trying to get at.

They buffed Titan from where he could easily be defeated by a level 35 TM when he was level 40 to his current power level as one of the strongest NPC's in the game. His Credit and EXP reward did not change. This example is a bit on the more extreme side as underdog is not nearly that strong of a buff but my point still stands. He was Titan before and he is Titan now but he is no longer an easy win


I ask you: can you guys at least explore the possibility of selling UnderDog Mode core in Vendbot for FREE to all players as a armor passive core? Hows that option?

Are you asking for the underdog system to be an armor core so you have to pick between your passive armor core and Underdog? If so I don't think there is an armor that would not benefit from this as I don't see a game changing passive armor period. The only thing that might change if people would completely abandon any armor with a locked passive slot but that doesn't effect many players so it has changed basically nothing

The berserker killer -> RE: Underdog Mode Really? (5/24/2015 22:49:13)


In theory underdog mode gets everyone in a match to the same level


so don't tell me they are technically the same level

Sorry but you said they were the same level. I was just continuing that phrase.

And yes, I'm asking for a passive core you have to pick between. I think that would be pretty fair.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Underdog Mode Really? (5/24/2015 22:53:29)

@TBK If you would like me to I can edit it to say eLvl just so there can be no confusion about forties being technically the same level

The berserker killer -> RE: Underdog Mode Really? (5/24/2015 22:59:33)

No its fine I get what you mean

Uchiha Sarada -> RE: Underdog Mode Really? (5/25/2015 4:11:31)


And yes, I'm asking for a passive core you have to pick between. I think that would be pretty fair.

You mean like my swap idea?

Underdog is not that big of a deal, you can still crush them like cake dattebayo, well that's my case, because i still used to crush the low ranks with all the stats cores which is way more than underdog.

Stone-hawk: Its OK, its just that what you said was very funny but its all good now.

Also what rank are you? and against the ranks 100 you say you're facing, whats the underdog Lvl you get? thank you, dattebayo.

And TBK: Do you like Ponies? I really do like Ponies And Unicorns maybe they can create a PonyUnicorn Boss?

The berserker killer -> RE: Underdog Mode Really? (5/25/2015 8:01:22)

Im offering the same idea of UnderDog Mode,but instead you wont be able to stack 2 passive armor cores. I don't find it as a silly idea, I actually think its a great idea.

Sidenote: I don't really like ponies, I always thought they were too short and I wouldn't fight that boss because I can't stand the thought of injuring an animal. Even if it's just a game.

Rayman -> RE: Underdog Mode Really? (5/25/2015 8:39:15)

Tbk: but yetis are animals and I'm sure you killed a lot of them for some yeti burgers

The berserker killer -> RE: Underdog Mode Really? (5/25/2015 8:44:15)

Maybe the elite yeti=(

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: Underdog Mode Really? (5/25/2015 12:10:28)

@Lord Machaar You're the Male version of @Daph Duck, always trolling us with lies. Stop posting, no one wants you to. All we read is a guy who is finally happy to win battles because he started later and thinks that he should have an advantage.
And yes: UNDERDOG MODE IS OP. My friend got down to 20(hes rank 50) to a level 38. That's not OP, then IDK what is

Uchiha Sarada -> RE: Underdog Mode Really? (5/25/2015 12:42:47)

Ginger Cookie[sm=cow03.gif]:

Whats a Daph Duck? You Mean Donald the Duck GirlFriend?

Why say Stop posting? The forums are free Mr Cookie.

And Im happy that I can use my low rank again, All the High ranks used treat him like a city guard Dattebayo.

Underdog Mode is not OP with my High rank I used to Kill all the low ranks with +6 Stats cores on everything way easy and underdog is weaker than that.

If your friend almost lost to a 38 he must learn how to battle before doing a battle because if he is rank 50 he must of spent all his gaming life into killing big tuna, So I suggest you to teach your friend how to battle in real pvp and tell him to stop playing against players like he were fighting a Dumb NPC, Players are not Dumb Dattebayo, Thank You and Have a nice day Mr Cookie [sm=cow03.gif]

.Lord Ginger. -> RE: Underdog Mode Really? (5/25/2015 16:11:26)

I don't like you insulting my friends, and he doesn't NPC.
@Machaar: I'm glad you can finally win battles at rank 11.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Underdog Mode Really? (5/25/2015 16:52:55)

Is underdog mode OP because you are losing to what used to be free wins or because the game is forcing you to be competitive with everyone instead of the small pool of players on your rank?

King Bling -> RE: Underdog Mode Really? (5/25/2015 17:03:32)

Noob then why did ED introduce ranking system if they were going to introduce undedog more later? Such dumbness

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Underdog Mode Really? (5/25/2015 17:17:41)

The Dev's introduced ranks at the players request to give them something to do at the cap. Legendary Mode didn't present it self fully as a problem until it was too late to fix the problems it created without pissing off every last person at level 40 so Underdog mode was created.

Underdog mode even addresses problems we aren't yet facing but that will come. As the player pool decreases we can expand on the match making ranges to prevent search times from becoming terrible because players will be given a boost to compete on roughly equal terms with whoever they run into. At levels you are missing out on skill points, health, and energy and at ranks the skill points aren't a 1-1 ratio with legendary points.

It isn't a perfect solution but it sure as anything makes it so you don't walk into a match where you just stomp the enemy into the ground or are stomped into the ground

Lord Machaar -> RE: Underdog Mode Really? (5/25/2015 17:20:14)

@king bling: why they introduced enhancements when in the end they removed them? Time changes, circumstances change.

Underdog mode is already here, many low rank players like it, many high rank players say it is balanced, with time you will get used to your new necessary losses. I can't lower my standards even more for you to understand the simple idea of the underdog mode and its necessity.

Targetting me won't get the underdog removed or nerfed, I don't give a flying potato about what you are saying, nor do I feel sorry for you, nor I will tell you the underdog mode will get fixed because it is not broken to get fixed in the first place.

If AKs like how you are talking well I don't, and since we aren't treating arguments here concerning the underdog mode, I don't think we should continue our discussing in a repsected place like forums, if you wish to talk to me personally send PM, because I don't always control the way I talk when it comes to personel matters.

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