RE: Gamma Bot Must Get A Fix (Full Version)

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Satafou -> RE: Gamma Bot Must Get A Fix (5/29/2015 15:06:52)

There is no point in anyone using the Gamma Bot at the moment as the Infernal Android which is also designed for damage, just does it's job much more effectively. A player in a battle with no drastic luck factors who has the IA will never lose to a gamma bot user and it's as simple as that.

Uchiha Sarada -> RE: Gamma Bot Must Get A Fix (5/30/2015 8:59:17)

TBK: Im Glad you understand and give your own suggestions for a possible buff dattebayo.

King Bling -> RE: Gamma Bot Must Get A Fix (5/30/2015 9:18:14)

You just cannot say that a gamma bot user will lose to an IA bot user, its totally wrong, anyone can win any match using any or even no bot despite the fact that hes an f5 user. While in this case, every bot is not meant to defeat the enemy, every bot is not meant to be more better than the other, after all only 1 bot can hold the 1st place. Nowadays I see the use of poison bots, where the poison dealt is over 85+ that too for 4 turns, sure its special can be healed which is a downside, and I dont get the reason behind comparing it with just one bot over and over again to get a buff. The gamma bot is doing its work fine, I have fought few times with gamma bot users which do an ample amount of damage which this bot is meant to do. Every hit you place you know it has chances to get deflected or blocked, which doesnt make the bot weak or better than the other. The simple reason behind why less amount of people use this bot is not that it is weak but only few people have it and more over only few people with this bot play epicduel now. I am pretty sure a good player can win almost any battles with this bot using it smartly, unlike IA which everyone uses and that too like a narb. IA is pretty much just prefered due to matches being long, and long = better IA. Soon there will come a time where, again the battles will be meant for shorter duration and during that time the Gamma Bot will gain the upper hand, just because it is being roosted by some random bot doesnt mean its weak, it has a huge potential, I bet if the bot is used by Var with a simple f5 build he can beat any IA user, it just needs simple tactics and no calculation what so ever.

Variation -> RE: Gamma Bot Must Get A Fix (5/30/2015 10:42:12)

Saying IA is the only reason it needs a buff is totally wrong also. The robot needs a buff because the special isn't quite "special" which I've stressed in pretty much all of my posts in this thread.

The thread is going in circles because the people against buffing the robot are presenting lackluster evidence on why it shouldn't be buffed. Once again,

If someone makes any kinda statement regarding balance he or she needs to be able to justify it. If there are arguments against that justification that have already been stated then he or she needs to examine those arguments and attempt to refute them. No one is always 100% right or 100% wrong in a good balance discussion because there are so many cases that can happen. However, the ones presenting the best hardcore evidence and comparisons make the best cases.

A lot of people are riding on the fact it has spammable E/P attacks and using that as justification to say it doesn't need a buff. Well the truth of that matter in EpicDuel where luck factors matter so much that versatility becomes laughable. The fact the special attack deals 5% extra damage and is deflectable makes the entire robot a hilarious joke in PvP's current state, and I don't ever see it from becoming anything more than that unless it's buffed. People are riding on the fact it's a "pure damage" robot and therefore it shouldn't be buffed. Well a special that does 5% extra damage and poses a risk of being deflected doesn't seem so "pure" to me. Especially when the special quite often does less than the normal basic attack that deals the standard robot damage.

I'm not quite sure why people are constantly dismissing the utilization of the robot for on-paper-theories that most of them cannot even test. Gamma Bot may look good theoretically, but in PvP all of the on-paper-theories become wasted paper. Once again this is coming from someone who has access and has extensively tested the Gamma Bot.

EDIT: Just to say, buffing the robot damage to say 180 still wouldn't make people who own it use it more often. It's the special that is holding it back compared to most of the other robots. Like I said I'm fine with Gamma Fire having less power than a one-time usage special such as Infernal Overload because it's spammable. However, the special being spammable isn't justification to leave it as is. It needs to be buffed to where it truly is special because a negligible extra 5% damage on a deflectable attack is by no means special. The impact it would have on a typical battle is about the same as anyone else using a standard attack on his or her robot. That is the problem. It has nothing to make it somewhat as useful as some other robots' special attacks besides a 5% deflectable attack. Not only is the special hitting around the same as the other player's robot, but it can deflect on top of that. That isn't even close to special and unless the robot is buffed it will continue to be nothing but trash when compared to the likes of many other robots.

The berserker killer -> RE: Gamma Bot Must Get A Fix (5/30/2015 11:54:19)

Ok, in an attempt to get this thread on track I want everyone to answer the following question:

Is Gamma Bots special, NOT THE BOT ITSELF, powerful enough to be classified as an effective special?

My answer....honestly, no. Suretheres the fact that its versatile, and the fact that its mainly used with Focus builds which means that it has a very low chance of being deflected, its strong at 105%, and that extra 5% has the potential to build up in extra long fights since its spammable.

BUT it cant be compared to any other bots special. Its incredibly weak given the fact that matches dont generally last 12-20 rounds anymore which means that your average Gamma Bot user may only use this bot one or two times per match.

If a buff is to be given, which I think one should, I suggest making it unable to deflect and increasing the damage to 107%. 110% just seems like too much with Rage.


Well the truth of that matter in EpicDuel where luck factors matter so much that versatility becomes laughable

Thats another topic that targets the luck factors of the game and their problems. I do hope that the luck factors are addressed soon though.

Edit: I may be contradicting myself alot in the previous posts but I am learning about this bot as we continue the thread so please be patient with me

Variation -> RE: Gamma Bot Must Get A Fix (5/30/2015 12:06:26)

I believe that not only is Gamma Bot's special not powerful enough to be classified as an effective special, but it also makes the robot an unwise choice in PvP's current state. That is the only reason why I'm even posting in this thread. If the team decides to buff it they can test the would-be buffs before they even roll it to live and change the buff(s) as needed if they make the robot too powerful.

Ranloth -> RE: Gamma Bot Must Get A Fix (5/30/2015 12:21:45)


Thats another topic that targets the luck factors of the game and their problems. I do hope that the luck factors are addressed soon though.

They have been addressed already; 0% chance to block/crit/deflect and longer battles do decrease the impact of luck on battles - but the latter seems to be bad because battles take longer, despite decreasing luck's impact over the course of a battle. Will one block/crit/deflection have bigger impact in a 4-turn fight, or 10-turn fight? Yes, 10-turn may have more of these effects but they are also spread out over the battle and generally have lesser impact.

There is literally no other luck, really. Everything works off stats now, or cores can boost your chances - but cannot exceed cap, not more. No RNG is involved in these calculations now. The only thing we can do to address luck factors, is nerf their effects / probability - but then we'll get told that everything is being nerfed and limiting variety.

The berserker killer -> RE: Gamma Bot Must Get A Fix (5/30/2015 12:31:22)

I kinda loved the fact that cores could exceed the Cap.

I Underlord I -> RE: Gamma Bot Must Get A Fix (5/30/2015 14:26:48)

I would like to apologize for the late response, as well as in advance in case I did not respond to everything to at least some extent. In addition, my tone is not meant to be argumentative in any way. ^^


Variation wrote:

Yep its rarity surely shouldn't be the deciding factor on whether or not it gets buffed. That doesn't change the fact when compared to pretty much all robots in the game it's lagging far behind in terms of utilization. Just the robot having both a physical and energy(does an additional 5% damage) spammable attack isn't enough justification to say the robot is fine regardless of how many people claim they'd love a robot like that. The truth of the matter is most of the players who do in fact have access to this robot hardly ever use it.

I’d like to address, firstly, that while I do not have access to Gamma Bot, mathematical stimulations and use of formulae do the job well, inclusive repeated trials to mimic repeated usage. In this way, I’ve analyzed multiple items, including other Robots; my results have always been consistent with how they’ve played out when I did use eventually them in-game. In addition, I have a good friend who still plays EpicDuel and has access to GB; he has corroborated my analyses, tested it for me, and has even explicitly pointed out how much he enjoys using it for its versatility. Nevertheless, I completely understand if you may not find this sufficient; I’m simply pointing out the truth of the matter.

With respect to rarity, it was in no way the basis for my argument against GB’s nerf; I apologize if it seemed as much. I was addressing this wholly from a perspective of balance (particularly in PvP), as I always attempt to do. :}

I would have to respectfully disagree with a repeatable Physical and Energy attack not justifying Gamma Bot as it currently is. The 5% extra damage is not even a factor here; the fact is that such versatility is greatly desirable and a good option to have. I will further address this below.
You also seem to think that Gamma Bot should somehow be exemplary or a first-choice to make it viable as an option; however, almost all Robots are nothing more than potential cores, and people with multiple Robots often tend to switch them around unless their current build essentially relies on a particular special move.

Incidentally, players having access to something but neglecting to use it purports lack of usability, but this is rarely the case (or at least rarely the entire case). People simply may not use it because they prefer their other options; this does not mean the Robot is not viable, but rather that (even one-time) utility may be perceived as superior to pure damage.


Now I will go on to address why most hardly use it:

Minor reason: Its damage. In this game a 180+(its damage +10+) damage robot alone will not make you have some huge edge on your opponent.

Major reason: Huge dislike of the special. Yes it's great the special is spammable, however 5% more damage on a deflectable attack is laughable for a robot special. It doesn't matter how much times one could manage to use Gamma Fire -- there are robot specials such as Armor Annihilator, Infernal Overload, Curse of Kartherax, Necrosis, Spore Bombardment, and even Chomp that can only be used one time in the fight while generally being a lot more beneficial than Gamma Fire.

Like most other Robots, it is (170 + [Focus * 40] + [Technology Bonus]). :} And since it through necessity follows the same Focus and Technology scaling, and has the standard base damage, there is no reason why a buff is necessary -- the special may be underwhelming in your eyes, but it was never intended to turn battles around on its own merit (its “utility” is sheer damage and it is repeatable) and fulfills its objective quite well.

The 5% extra damage is a nice boost, and it does add up over the course of battle (even more so if stacked with Rage). Even ten -- indeed, sometimes even less than ten -- damage can and often does literally mean the difference between victory and defeat.

The special is not “laughable” because the likes of Infernal Android, Blood Hawk, Black Abyss Bot, Kartherax’s Darkspawn, and Cyber Yeti see more use. If this were the case, every other Robot in the game would be “tailing” as well, so to speak. The aforementioned Robots tend to be easier to utilize and offer greater utility even with less strategic or tactical element involved in the specials’ respective uses; this does not in any way mean they are inherently superior. The only Robot for which such a case can be made is Infernal Android, as it is the only one truly comparable (due to being it being a pure-damage Robot). Even so, Infernal Overload’s also deflectable and single-use nature does not render it superior to Gamma Fire. Nor is IA always used at its capped damage; it’s sometimes used even at 100% or 105% damage, which, if you think is laughable for the repeatable Gamma Fire, is much worse for the single-use Infernal Overload (on which the Robot is completely reliant).


Even for example if Infernal Overload were to be deflected if the person it was used against was any good they would've prepped for it(as in Infernal Overload) and when I'm using Infernal Android that always works in my favor deflected or not.

Spore Bombardment gives one a non-deflectable multi-attack (so it has uses in 2v2) and many EpicDuel strategists that do own a Gamma Bot would use any of the Botanical Borgs over it. They don't care about an energy based robot attack that does an additional 5% damage with a chance to deflect, why would they? The Botanical Borgs' standard attack are deflectable and they offer a special that is not only a 100%(as in not deflectable) hit, but is also applicable to both 2v2 opponents.

Armor Annihilator and Necrosis offer the same amount of damage as Gamma Bot's normal attack, however their specials generally pierce through your opponent's defenses. Why in this game where most battles are typically short should one even need to worry about spamming the specials on the Black Abyss Robots and Blood Hakws?

It doesn’t matter if one “prepares” for preparation against or response to their Robot’s special move; the effect on the battle is often comparatively minimal. Armor Annihilator and Necrosis are usually rendered useless by Hybrid Armor, for instance, which lasts for four turns and completely shuts down the strategy; if Infernal Overload, as another example, is deflected and/or buffed against, there goes the “nuke” around which IA is centered.

You seem to forget that Spore Bombardment cannot be controlled (it will deal 90% damage to both opponents, or 100% damage to a single opponent) and that it is single-use (I believe -- if this is not the case, I apologize). It is also the same damage type as the normal attack; Gamma Bot’s worth lies in its ability to adapt.

Piercing defenses might be a viable tactic and a desirable ability, but very few players fail to respond to such debuffs, and most can adapt even if one (or both!) defenses types are not appropriately buffed. It might force one’s opponent to make certain moves, but no Robot other than Gamma Bot continuously poses the threat of damage of either type from the opponent’s (presumably) most powerful weapon. I am in no way stating the specials of Black Abyss Bot and Blood Hawk are poor -- they are great -- but they are single-use because of their utility, regardless of average and median battle duration (which is not nearly so short so as to minimize GB’s flexibility).


In fact it's blatantly obvious that most robots' special attack aren't spammable because they offer an immense amount of utility if in the right hands. What does Gamma Bot offer? A deflectable special that does 5% extra damage. In this game against a good player that special will make such a little difference versus his or her say Infernal Android or Blood Hawk. The special needs to stand out like a real special should. At the time it's only special in regards to being spammable and offering 5% extra damage -- both of which in the special's current state, in my sincere opinion are laughable. There is a reason why so little people (who do own it) are using it. The question that needs to be answered and addressed is why? The answer is very obvious to those who have access to the robot. The fact of it being rare matters little to me, and like I stated earlier it shouldn't be a deciding factor on a possible buff for it. The fact it offers very little in terms of today's PvP in EpicDuel should be the deciding factor.

Agreed. Gamma’s Bot “utility” (as it is a Robot intended for damage) lies in its ability to shift damage type, and 105% damage for the deflectable (and thus less worrisome than blockable) Energy option isn’t bad; the ability to reuse the special is part of the utility, not something thrown onto the Robot because it was deemed bad.

Frankly, you may not find Gamma Bot useful in PvP, but other people do; this is true of all but the most desirable cores (e.g. Azrael’s Will, Armor Annihilator, etc.) -- and even in such cases people have differing opinions. With all due respect, it does not require a buff because you or even a majority of players with access to it don’t use it; it is not underwhelming and so should not be unnecessarily buffed.


I could go on to elaborate on the other robots' specials, but I just don't see a breakdown on all of their specials an absolute necessity.

Neither do I, especially as most of them are not properly comparable due to their utility specials, and we’re bound to get off topic discussing other Robots anyways. :P


Variation wrote:

This. I find it extremely odd how some people are also riding on the fact it can use both damage types and therefore it's extremely viable. That theory applied is hugely laughable in most cases considering most builds have around the same amount of defense and resistance. For the times they don't have around the same amount of defense and resistance one might be in situations where they would still need to attack the higher defense. If for example, you're against a strength build with high dexterity and lower defense than resistance it would be stupid to use Gamma Punch and risk a block. There are so much factors that come into play with the ability to use both damage types and the amusing part is just because Gamma Bot has that doesn't make it viable.

Most builds may have the same amounts of Defense and Resistance nowadays, but things do change -- particularly in 2v2. Additionally, though a small thing, by far the most likely situations are people with higher Dexterity having higher Defense and people with higher Technology having higher Resistance, relatively speaking; this means the blockable Physical attack and deflectable Energy attack are actually generally to the benefit of the user. And even so, builds that rely on Armor to cover one type of defense are usually lacking in the corresponding stat, so once again the utility in this regard is not something that should be ignored.

I don’t find Gamma’s Bot versatility amusing; in fact, I find it outstanding. It’s far from bad in 1v1, and honestly nothing short of amazing in 2v2 or Juggernaut. One might argue that a Robot’s performance shouldn’t be assessed through battle mode -- but, as I said, it isn’t “bad” by any means in 1v1, and Robots such as Lionhart’s Avatar do exist anyways.


The robot special is what needs to be addressed. Some people should really look beyond the fact it's spammable and I surely hope they can look beyond the extra 5% damage it does which is extremely negligible. The problem is the special isn't really so special when compared to pretty much all of the other robot specials. I mean if someone asks one, "Why are you using Gamma Bot?" Would one say "So I can rock that 5% deflectable attack!" Seriously, the special is so laughable especially when you have robots that can literally destroy the game for the opposition if those robots are in the right hands.

No Robot can inherently “destroy” the game if one is fighting a standard opponent or opponents, and the fact that most specials are single-use mean that reliance on them is often brought into play, especially in extended 2v2 (and even 1v1) battles.

Again, the extra 5% damage is not negligible over the course of a battle, especially when used with Rage (most Focus builds Rage with their Robot when they can, and many [particularly those using pure-damage Robots] also have high Tech and so higher Robot damage and lower chance to be deflected).


I'm not asking for the robot to have the power of one time usage specials such as Armor Annihilator, Necrosis, Infernal Overload, etc. because I do believe the special should remain spammable. The robot special simply needs to become special. If that means making it undeflectable which will not overpower it, or when it's used the cooldown on the normal attack becomes two instead of three, stuff like that. I'm personally for making it undeflectable, which will absolutely not overpower it. The thing so many people seem to overlook when it comes to 100% successful hits (in the case of having synergy with technology) is that it now becomes slightly counterproductive dumping loads of points into technology (slightly because robot damage improves with technology). So many people take on paper theories out of context when it comes to balancing in general. In the case of Gamma Bot which I have access to it's clear that yet again players are taking what it can do out of context with respect to balance. One cannot argue that it has both P/E attacks and therefore it's balanced without proper justification. One cannot argue that it's simply a "pure damage" robot and therefore it's balanced without proper justification. One cannot argue since it's rare it should or shouldn't be buffed period. One cannot pose all of these balance theories that they cannot even test and expect that they're even right. This is a balance thread and some of us are here to treat it as such.

Honestly, it is difficult to argue that granting a Robot an auto-hit attack that deals 105% damage (or even 100% damage), that can be used with Rage, and that is repeatable, is not overpowering it. This is already a concern with Technology abusers (who at least do by definition use many skill points in Tech, and do have some chance to be deflected), and should not be an issue with anyone who uses the Robot due solely to that. Nor will your suggestion minimize Technology abuse, as you seemed to suggest; if anything, people will continue to have high Technology to take advantage of Technology bonus, but perhaps also somewhat higher Dexterity to increase their chance to block and decrease their chance to be blocked.

I mean the following with all due respect; I sincerely apologize if any of this is offensive, as such is assuredly not my intention.
I expect you to treat this like a balance thread as well; in so doing, perhaps you’ll refrain from misinterpreting people and engaging in argumentum ad hominem, and instead engage in respectful discourse. You are most certainly free to have your opinion and to supplement it with evidence, but the argument rather than credibility of opponents should be assessed and attacked (note this has nothing to do with me and I don’t mind if I’m attacked, but it is rather a general concern).

Gamma Bot is fine as is; I personally would not suggest a buff. However, if people honestly believe it isn’t up to par, a bump up to 180 damage might not be so bad; it should be a fine buff (especially for a Robot that many agree does not need a buff) that does not overpower it.

Lord Machaar -> RE: Gamma Bot Must Get A Fix (5/30/2015 14:49:39)

Just wanted to give a "recapitulation" of what we've reached in terms of conclusions to avoid members starting up the conversation from zero everytime we reach a new page.

Some mathematical facts:

The bot won't get buffed because of its rarity, it will get buffed because it is not up to the challenge with other bots, and so no one gets me wrong here golden yetis normal attack ~ equals gamma bots special attack, to do the math:
- Golden yetis normal attack has 170 + 10 (180) base damage + X amount of tech = 600 + 10 = 610 actual robot damage (for example)
- Gamma bots special attack is 105% the normal attack doing the math again:
Normal attack of gamma bot is 170 base damage + X amount of tech = 600 actual robot damage.
The special attack would be 105% the actual damage, doing the math, 600 x 105% = 630 damage.
Addition (isn't mentioned in the original reply): this was a comparison between gamma fire and normal attack of golden yeti, a comparison with a normal attack of any bot will be: gamma fire deals 30 more damage than a normal attack of any bot, 30 more damage, just so nobody thinks that 5% means 200 damage.

A comparison between gamma bot and any other bot, so once again, the buff won't be based on a comparison between gamma bot and IA, nor it will be based on gamma bot's rarity.

The difference between X bot and gamma bot is, for example, when a rank 1 (uses gamma bot) faces a rank 30 (uses X bot*), when rank 30 player uses 10 legendary points on his bot damage = +40 damage, voila, normal attack of rank 30's bot now deals more damage than gamma fire, the special attack of gamma bot. And gamma fire goes unnoticed in the battle, and the problem doesn't stop here, because your opponent still has his bots' special attack, entering with gamma bot to the battle is like entering with a bot without its special attack and this is a fact we can't deny.**
*X bot: can be frankly any bot, since all bots have normal attacks that deal damage.

The problem: gamma fire isn't unique, it is achieveable, unlike other bots special attacks, example**: IA overload, which remains unique at any level (where 5 focus is possible), and it will be noticed in the battle, even game deciding move. Evén if the rank 30 player puts all his legendary points on robot damage or whatever, he would never reach infernal overload's damage , not even in his dreams.
IA is just an example, take any other bot, simply you can't just have the special attack of that bot without having the bot itself, it's not the case with gamma fire.

Concerning the fact that gamma fire is spammable. Reasons why this isn't really a "special kinda of thing".

Concerning the fact that gamma fire is spammable, gamma bot does give you the possibility to do both types of damage, in most cases you will need one making the other attack useless whether it's the normal or special one, and that could be for various reasons:
- Armor can give you the possibility to play with your defense/resistance. This will result in:
- In case resistance is superior than defense by 5%, this means both special and normal attacks will deal the same damage, where in other bots, this won't be a problem, since the special attack will have a special effect that will still do a signicant "thing".
- Gamma fire goes unnoticeable when your opponent is a bit tanky, where it is not the case when it come to infernal overload, IA's special attack is something noticeable, it does a significant amount of damage no matter how much your opponents' resistance. It is not the case for gamma fire.
- Someone has "brought" RNG, I almost totally have forgotten about it, the damage interval dealt by any bot varies between (X and X+40) + the resistance interval (depends on your tech + many other factors but generally varies between 70 - 50), this means the damage interval is so huge, 5% is nothing, as it can go unnoticeable once again. This doesn't apply to infernal overload as 25% is superior than the damage interval.
- Taking the example of support builds now, support builds are case sensitive builds, they can finish you off within 2 turns if you don't play the right moves, epecially when they rage multi, infernal overload is the thing here, it does a significant amount of damage which grants you the ability to force your opponent to whether heal or you might even finish the battle before your opponent gets to rage. Gamma fire once again goes useless as once again you won't survive to use it again.
Simply, a special attack means it will be effective at any circumstances, well, gamma fire won't.

Example: From actually testing the bot and not asking my friend to do so, or doing calculations in my head without having the bot actually.

In such cases, nor the fact that gamma fire is spammable nor the 5% more damage it grants is "special". And here are some screen shots just in case you didn't understand what I said.
Gamma Punch:
Gamma Fire:

@Underlord: I've read what you said and you can find the answer (or a reply) to everything you said in the quotes above.

Just to do another smaller conclusion for lazy people like @King Bling who doesn't read them, and if you read his reply in the 1/2/3/4 page you will find that he is only copy/pasting his replies just to disturb the community as every time he brings nothing new. I mean here is a conclusion with simple facts.
1- Damage: Gamma fire deals 30 more damage than normal bot attacks and 20 more damage than golden yeti's normal attack (5% = 30 damage.).
2- When low rank player faces a higher rank player, if the lower rank player is using gamma bot (example: 630 damage for gamma fire and 600 for gamma punch), and the higher rank player is using any bot with +10 legendary points on his robot damage, his bot will have 640 damage (10 damage more than gamma fire and 40 more than gamma punch.)
3- If you are using gamma bot against any player that has 5% more defense than resistance, gamma fire then is useless.
4- RNG: The damage interval and the resistance interval, is bigger than 5% more damage given by gamma fire. (Example you can do a damage between 200 and 250 with your bot).
5- RNG in fact is also why the gamma fire goes unnoticeable even the number 3 condition isn't there, for example when the resistance = defense or even when defense is slightly higher than resistance, gamma fire can deal the same or less damage as gamma punch and therefore any other normal attack of any bot.
6- Ofcourse Variation have given some great arguments such as gamma fire being deflectable, the attack already deals a minor damage, almost an equal damage to normal attacks of any bot. Reading his posts will give you a better idea of what he wants to say.

The berserker killer -> RE: Gamma Bot Must Get A Fix (5/30/2015 15:33:08)

I dont think ranks should be in the discussion, along with rarity. We should focus solely on the bot itself

Variation -> RE: Gamma Bot Must Get A Fix (5/30/2015 15:49:15)

@I Underlord I: The irony of this entire discussion is that the many(not all) who do agree the Gamma Bot "does not need a buff" are the same ones who cannot even apply the on-paper-theories on why it "does not need a buff." I'm not trying to oppress their arguments because they've been addressed. That doesn't mean I'm not gonna take notice to the apparent -- especially with the mass exaggeration of players implying a buff to Gamma Bot will break balance. The team can test whatever changes are made to the robot if they feel it's deserving of a buff before applying the patch to the live servers.

The robot really does look good on paper, but for those who actually get to test the Gamma Bot the paper becomes wasted in a sense. Now I will address the major points you've stated:

I would have to respectfully disagree with a repeatable Physical and Energy attack not justifying Gamma Bot as it currently is.

Which like I've implied is hardly justification for anything because there are so much factors that come into play with two damage types and for one to use that as a basis to not buff a skill/core is silly. You're right in a sense that it does offer some versatility, but not everyone is running around with huge gaps in his technology/dexterity(or defense/resistance) and for the people who imply that Gamma Bot isn't deserving of a buff because of the cases where they do get opponents with such gaps needs to stop with the "x and y case destroys the others" mentality. There is a reason why a skill like Static Smash became unblockable because the Mercenaries who weren't running around with high dexterity (most of them) weren't getting the benefit they deserved (with respect to the other energy gainers that the other classes have). What is the difference in this case (look at the comparisons in the context of this discussion)? The robot is not justified in its current state because it sometimes offers a 100% P or 100% E attack and or a high P attack or high E attack(Static Smash sometimes worked very well before the buff, but the team surely didn't use the cases where it was great as an excuse to do nothing). Which is also funny because those cases are really low and generally are suicidal based builds that you'd really hope one could beat without a robot. The reason why most players are running around with close to the same defense and resistance is because of the fact their opponents have a combination of energy and physical attacks. One's opponent(s) having a Gamma Bot or not is not gonna somehow change how one sets his defense/resistance. That alone makes whatever versatility Gamma Bot may have in PvP's current state a laugh fest for the strategists period. No strategist is gonna worry about some player with an arbitrarily high amount of a defensive stat when compared to the other. The preceding statements do show the Gamma Bot can be versatile, however it does show it also isn't very versatile in most PvP cases. That is why one cannot have the mentality that implies "x and y case destroys the others", and that is why the spammable E/P attacks don't justify the Gamma Bot in its current state.


No Robot can inherently “destroy” the game if one is fighting a standard opponent or opponents, and the fact that most specials are single-use mean that reliance on them is often brought into play, especially in extended 2v2 (and even 1v1) battles.

While I can state that statement on my behalf was pretty weak in general it does hold some merits in regards to other robot specials. It goes back to the point that Gamma Fire in general versus a good opponent brings nothing to the table (in general). While the likes of most other robots even with one-time usage specials can make you wince if the holders of those robots are good. Especially when one considers the fact that Gamma Bot's hardcoded damage (170) is the same as its opposition (which as I said is a pretty minor reason even if it brought 180 damage to the table).


Honestly, it is difficult to argue that granting a Robot an auto-hit attack that deals 105% damage (or even 100% damage), that can be used with Rage, and that is repeatable, is not overpowering it. This is already a concern with Technology abusers (who at least do by definition use many skill points in Tech, and do have some chance to be deflected), and should not be an issue with anyone who uses the Robot due solely to that. Nor will your suggestion minimize Technology abuse, as you seemed to suggest; if anything, people will continue to have high Technology to take advantage of Technology bonus, but perhaps also somewhat higher Dexterity to increase their chance to block and decrease their chance to be blocked.

I'm sure it wouldn't overpower it considering we're at the point in EpicDuel now where one can almost always use a 100% hit attack at each rage if they plan accordingly. Also I'm aware we'd still see users with very high technology spamming a 100% hit robot, I just needed to point out it is in fact counterproductive in a sense. Also the five focus Gamma Bot user getting higher dexterity is a semi-point of why I suggest Gamma Fire becoming undeflectable. I just feel that it needs something better to bring to the table. It doesn't have to be a must have or a must use robot, just a robot that brings something better to the table. It's at the point now where like I've implied Gamma Bot brings more laughter to a fight than actual assistance. It's nowhere near as good in PvP as it is on paper. Sure there are some Gamma Bot users who don't agree with me, and I respect their opinions, but I know far more players with access to the robot on some of their accounts(such as myself) who beg to differ.

EDIT: To address,

I expect you to treat this like a balance thread as well; in so doing, perhaps you’ll refrain from misinterpreting people and engaging in argumentum ad hominem, and instead engage in respectful discourse. You are most certainly free to have your opinion and to supplement it with evidence, but the argument rather than credibility of opponents should be assessed and attacked (note this has nothing to do with me and I don’t mind if I’m attacked, but it is rather a general concern).

I've been addressing those arguments and I don't find my responses to them in the slightest sense personal attacks. There is a such thing known as context and if some people take my posts out of context and believe I'm trying to personally offend them, let me say I'm not. When ever I write a reply or a logical refutation to post(s) my intent is never and I mean never to cause emotional harm to the intended recipients. I've been an EpicDuel player since 2009 and I completely understand that attacking players rather than their ideas just leads to more negativity. In the context of your comment which has somewhat been addressed in my main reply is that the players who have direct access to testing the Gamma Bot can really take the on-paper-theories and apply them to PvP. The arguments the people who don't have direct access to the Gamma Bot have proposed have simply been on paper, and as we know sometimes in real life something that appears to look good on paper isn't so applicable in the real world. That is the only message I'm implicitly conveying, it has nothing to do with discrediting their arguments because they can't directly test the Gamma Bot. If that were the case I wouldn't have even taken my time giving thoughtful responses. There are people with direct access to the Gamma Bot that believe it's fine also as you've brought up, that doesn't mean I would somehow see them above the players who don't have direct access to Gamma Bot. I try to be as diplomatic as possible and I can admit that sometimes I'm overly general which can lead to others believing I'm trying to oppress them, but I can sincerely state that isn't my intention.

Lord Machaar -> RE: Gamma Bot Must Get A Fix (5/30/2015 16:05:30)

Ranks actually should be brought up to the discussion for various reasons:
- Ranks do affect normal attacks all bots.

- Ranks do not affect special attacks of most bots. Except for gamma bot, IA and botonical borg.

- Ranks affect gamma bot more greater than they affect IA for various reasons, the first one is, infernal overload can reach 120% more damage, saying that a rank 1 and rank 40 players using infernal android doesn't mean necessarily that rank 40 will outrun rank 1 in terms of damage (ofcourse talking about special attack, not the normal since normal attack is already affected). The reason why I say so, infernal overload whether it is used by the rank 1 player or rank 40, it will do same damage since it already deals a huge damage, the bigger the damage, the more less the 40 damage given by ranks affect it. It's not however the case for gamma bot, since both of it attacks are affected. In matter fact, without even taking infernal android as an example, if we consider a rank 1 player using gamma bot facing a rank 40 player using any bot, the +40 damage given by legendary points will make the normal attack of any bot used by the rank 40 player better than gamma punch and gamma fire.*
*I've already explained this. (calculations are also given.)

shadow.bane -> RE: Gamma Bot Must Get A Fix (5/30/2015 16:12:56)


Everything works off stats now, or cores can boost your chances - but cannot exceed cap, not more. No RNG is involved in these calculations now


0% chance to block/crit/deflect and longer battles do decrease the impact of luck on battles

@ ranloth u say nothing work by luck now ? really ? then how come i get blocked a lot by support builders with 19 + 14 dex ??? isn't that luck or smart skill arrangement ? i mean oh he is so smart that he put 18 + 14 dex so he block someone with 52 + 35 dex !!! that's a smart move , lol ? 0 % really ? there is one word for it only LUCK ...

Ranloth -> RE: Gamma Bot Must Get A Fix (5/30/2015 16:16:28)

Ninja Reflexes increase your base chances and these cannot be lowered (otherwise the core wouldn't work as advertised). You should re-read the Patch Notes where the change was mentioned, because not only battle mechanics have changed, you also didn't even provide any additional information. On that note, if you provide enough proof, report it as a bug (this is a balance topic) - preferably with a screenshot of the said block, your and your opponent's stats, or a video. Thanks.

shadow.bane -> RE: Gamma Bot Must Get A Fix (5/30/2015 16:18:58)

^it happened to me twice today and i assure u that the enemy didn't have a ninja core in his armor am not blind ... was 100 % luck not stats or core am not dumb xD

sorry for the language .

King Bling -> RE: Gamma Bot Must Get A Fix (5/31/2015 5:26:02)

Ya I too believe they havnt made it 0% cuz low tech users defl a lot and low dex users block a lot.

shadow.bane -> RE: Gamma Bot Must Get A Fix (5/31/2015 8:01:34)

^ ikr , tell ranloth that ! he have to much faith in his developers ...

AQWorldsFarmer -> RE: Gamma Bot Must Get A Fix (5/31/2015 13:21:42)

On the point of Gamma Bot, let me bring some math into the debate.

If we base the bots (gamma bot vs infernal android) at 600 damage...
IA: 600x1.2= 720 MAXIMUM 1 time damage.
Gamma Bot: 600x1.05= 630 repeatable damage. (every 3 turns.)

Now, if we take it on to the subject of just the added bonus damage..
Infernal Android- 120 max bonus damage.
Gamma Bot- 30 bonus damage
Now, 120/30=4; Therefor using gamma bot 4 times leads to an equal amount of BONUS DAMAGE.
Since Gamma Bot has a 3 turn cool down (from the last time i checked) It would take 12 rounds
for it to reach the same amount of bonus damage. While most matches last atleast 15 rounds.

Now this next scenario is considering someone has the exact same def/res; which is part of the reason people ask of gamma bot to be buffed.

Damage Sequence...
Gamma Bot 630 dmg -> 630 dmg -> 630 dmg -> 630 dmg
Infernal Android 600 dmg -> 600 dmg -> 600 dmg -> 720 dmg

After 4 uses (12 rounds):
Infernal Android- 2520
Gamma Bot: 2520
So after 12 rounds, both bots do the same amount of damage. From that point forward, Gamma Bot does MORE damage. Because Infernal Android will continue to hit 600 while Gamma Bot will hit 630.

Gamma Bot DOES NOT need a buff.

Edit: Also, "Not everyone has huge gaps in their def/res builds" is not a valid argument. Robots are not meant to be useful in EVERY SITUATION. Nothing is. Infernal android does not do well against tech-abuse. Yeti doesnt do good against dex abuse or, now, strength abuse. Ect.

Uchiha Sarada -> RE: Gamma Bot Must Get A Fix (5/31/2015 13:45:46)

AQW: Someone already said the same thing you just posted:


For Gamma Fire to be better than Infernal Overload in terms of damage , you need to use it more than 5 times , which means 21+ Rounds ( First Turn + 3 Turn Cooldown + follow-up use ) . Lasting that long where getting sprayed with a plethora of deadly colors is pretty much a dream to any build that isn't focusing on abusing the flawed numbering calculations of defenses . Now , i don't own the bot , but perhaps the so called "Special" needs a rework ( I could suggest one , but it might end up becoming an absurd hybrid of "Damage" and "Utility" )

Also , another reason that IA is more favored is that its special is burst and it quickly builds up compared to Gamma Bot's secondary attack , which is also the reason why both versions of the Cannon skills ( Plasma Cannon and Bunker Buster ) were nerfed ; they were capable of forcing stall builds to go to their deathbeds swiftly , and longer battles results in nasty comebacks of either side.

And lastly , it isn't guaranteed that one would be able to use the attack more than 5 times in a row without spending of Field Medic looping and not getting other effects that greatly affect its progression . Numbers about damage comparisons are already provided so there's no need for me to go deeper .


You don't necessarily have to use gamma fire five times, because using it twice already does more damage than Infernal Overload. ( it does 210% damage if you use it twice).


If you were to add up the 100% , yes it does , but the 5% isn't something that'll make up it's game changing lacking potential compared to the +20% bonus damage offer of Infernal Android on your later turns . Plus , what made IA favorable in the first place is its potential to force strategy on its special ( quickly ending the chances of your opponent is more convenient than just having higher DPS in later turns anyway ) , the DPS of IA is just the same with Gamma ( the normal attacks , not the secondary ones ) where the +5% or +10% can be ignored easily compared to instant 120% Total Damage on the second use .

And what you said is not really a good explanation and I suggest to read all the Quotes Machaar and Variation posted on the last pages and On this same page.

Satafou -> RE: Gamma Bot Must Get A Fix (5/31/2015 14:06:01)

Infernal Android does work well against tech abuse because not only does it have a spamable physical attack, but also there's something called rage!!! Which in case you didn't know, ignores mass amounts of defense/resistance, to further show how IA does work well against tech abuse, these IA users also have very high tech so the deflection rate isn't that high.

Lord Machaar -> RE: Gamma Bot Must Get A Fix (5/31/2015 14:15:08)

I suggest you to read my conclusion post, I'm sure you will find an answer to your mathematical calculations and why they aren't correct. But just to do a brief reminder. 630 damage dealt by gamma fire doesn't mean gamma fire will do more damage than gamma punch or any other normal attack for various reasons:

2- When low rank player faces a higher rank player, if the lower rank player is using gamma bot (example: 630 damage for gamma fire and 600 for gamma punch), and the higher rank player is using any bot with +10 legendary points on his robot damage, his bot will have 640 damage (10 damage more than gamma fire and 40 more than gamma punch.)
3- If you are using gamma bot against any player that has 5% more defense than resistance, gamma fire then is useless.
4- RNG: The damage interval and the resistance interval, is bigger than 5% more damage given by gamma fire. (Example you can do a damage between 200 and 250 with your bot).
5- RNG in fact is also why the gamma fire goes unnoticeable even the number 3 condition isn't there, for example when the resistance = defense or even when defense is slightly higher than resistance, gamma fire can deal the same or less damage as gamma punch and therefore any other normal attack of any bot.

The reason why the following reasons concern gamma fire only and not infernal overload, it is simply because infernal overload deals a huge damage that nor RNG nor ranks nor defense/resistance affect it.

Variation -> RE: Gamma Bot Must Get A Fix (5/31/2015 14:22:13)

@AQWorldsFarmer: Actually it's a pretty solid argument. Your cliche like response didn't even touch on the foundations of the argument. It's completely apparent to most that yes robots aren't supposed to be useful in every situation, however Gamma Bot is useless in most situations in EpicDuel's current state. The above point has already been argued extensively in this thread, and cliches aren't a counter to them.

Gamma Bot's strategic value it currently adds to PvP are access to a blockable/deflectable attack and a possible 100% hit based on the opponent's dexterity/technology. So yeah Gamma Bot is perfect for those running around with an arbitrarily high defensive stat with respect to the other. The issue now that needs to be addressed is most people really do have around the same defense and resistance. I've addressed why here,

The reason why most players are running around with close to the same defense and resistance is because of the fact their opponents have a combination of energy and physical attacks. One's opponent(s) having a Gamma Bot or not is not gonna somehow change how one sets his defense/resistance. That alone makes whatever versatility Gamma Bot may have in PvP's current state a laugh fest for the strategists period. No strategist is gonna worry about some player with an arbitrarily high amount of a defensive stat when compared to the other.

That being stated the fundamental value of Gamma Bot is now most useful in cases where you'd literally hope one can beat his or her opponent without even having a robot. That is the issue, and I will go on to say in your typical 5-focus versus 5-focus match Gamma Bot brings nothing to the table. The very fact its special is not only deflectable, but will do around the same damage as the opposition's robot's normal attack is problematic.

Also your argument regarding Infernal Android is hugely flawed because one shouldn't have to spam his robot special in order for his robot to somehow be equivalent to another robot (which isn't even very likely to happen in a typical battle). It would also go against the fundamental strategic value of Gamma Fire(though laughable it shouldn't be dereferenced in attempts to justify its standings against other robots) when against Infernal Android. It's also important to note although not extremely relevant the 5% extra damage Gamma Fire does offer isn't enough to pressure a typical smart opponent, as say Infernal Overload could later on in the battle.

EDIT: (To adress more points)
@I Underlord I: You stated,

The special is not “laughable” because the likes of Infernal Android, Blood Hawk, Black Abyss Bot, Kartherax’s Darkspawn, and Cyber Yeti see more use. If this were the case, every other Robot in the game would be “tailing” as well, so to speak. The aforementioned Robots tend to be easier to utilize and offer greater utility even with less strategic or tactical element involved in the specials’ respective uses; this does not in any way mean they are inherently superior. The only Robot for which such a case can be made is Infernal Android, as it is the only one truly comparable (due to being it being a pure-damage Robot). Even so, Infernal Overload’s also deflectable and single-use nature does not render it superior to Gamma Fire. Nor is IA always used at its capped damage; it’s sometimes used even at 100% or 105% damage, which, if you think is laughable for the repeatable Gamma Fire, is much worse for the single-use Infernal Overload (on which the Robot is completely reliant).

This is also where you're hugely wrong in the context of my contributions to the discussion (as many others are). Infernal Android is not the only robot that is truly comparable to Gamma Bot even with both of them being pure-damage robots. All robots minus the ones that are also lagging behind in terms of today's PvP (which I do support buffing, but I will not get too far into that topic in a thread about Gamma Bot) should be compared to Gamma Bot. The reason being in my opinion is blatantly obvious, you have Gamma Fire which yes is a spammable special attack that deals around the same damage and even sometimes less(on a per hit basis) than the normal of attack of other robots. What does that mean from a logical standpoint? Those robots are bringing game changing specials to the match, while their normal attack is dealing around the same as Gamma Fire. That is a huge point being made and I honestly haven't seen a strong refutation for that point. I've already went and stated the general absolute best cases for the Gamma Bot and in today's PvP I was not exaggerating when I said,

Which is also funny because those cases are really low and generally are suicidal based builds that you'd really hope one could beat without a robot.

Gamma Bot minus the 5% extra damage on Gamma Fire at its absolute best doesn't give the common EpicDuel strategist access to something they don't already have -- that access being a physical blockable attack and access to a deflectable energy attack or vice-versa.

The common strategists almost always takes the fact that good players will have access to both E/P attacks regardless of whether or not their opposition may have Gamma Bot equipped. This is why I'm finding it extremely odd why so much people are riding on Gamma Bot's E/P capabilities. Pretty much every fight I enter on my accounts the opposition already does a pretty good job covering both damage types. While more often than not, rocking a robot that not only does around the same damage on a per hit basis as Gamma Fire, but has access to specials that have the capabilities of bringing pure devastation to the table. Gamma Fire doesn't bring pure devastation to the table, and I did address the common argument that is riding on the summation of Gamma Fire's raw damage. The entire thought that one would need to use Gamma Fire n times and completely neglect the RNG defensive factors an opponent may have is pretty weak justification for Gamma Bot in its current state.

King Bling -> RE: Gamma Bot Must Get A Fix (6/1/2015 9:26:06)

At this stage long battles is the new trend thats the only reason IA is better to use over Gamma bot plus not everyone can have access to gamma bot, gimme access to it and I will use Gamma bot over IA anyways I prefer poison bot as well

Lord Machaar -> RE: Gamma Bot Must Get A Fix (6/1/2015 9:32:57)

^ Some say they want to give up their ranks, and others say they want to replace IA with gamma bot, I wish I had the possibility to make your wishes come true with zero chance to get back your original stuff/ranks.

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