RE: =OS= Ninth PVP Elemental Tournament (Full Version)

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Axel459 -> RE: =OS= Ninth PVP Elemental Tournament (7/2/2015 18:17:22)

TFP vs The Jop for finals this will be exciting.

Elite Tuga -> RE: =OS= Ninth PVP Elemental Tournament (7/2/2015 22:25:51)

Thanks to you all who have participated for the tourney, without you guys there would be no fun around here. Thanks for the support/compliments I had.. I have much to learn & hope to be a champion too, one day! [8D]

Good-luck to you TheJop "the come back, contender", you might just make this your 2nd title!

Good-luck to you T. F. P "the OS genius", you might just make this your half-dozen title!

"May the lags and freezes NOT be with you two, may it run smooth like motion of the ocean, good-luck!"

Last but not least, thanks to the "wonderful & hard-working" Kiyone, without her there would be no competition these days in OS! [:)]

God-bless you all!

Removed unnecessary caps, please do not post in all caps, as it is considered spam. For more information please read the =AE= Comprehensive Forum Rules. ~Axel

The Finnish Phoenix -> RE: =OS= Ninth PVP Elemental Tournament (7/3/2015 17:52:44)

Thanks so much Tuga and God bless you too and I'd like to extend the appreciations to Kiyone for organizing all this! [:)]

PM sent, will see if we can get it started sometime tonight!

edit: looking like it probably won't be tonight, will keep trying

Skurge -> RE: =OS= Ninth PVP Elemental Tournament (7/5/2015 17:33:07)

The Finnish Phoenix in finals again? What a surprise. [8D]

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Ninth PVP Elemental Tournament (7/5/2015 19:05:11)

TFP only lost 2 out of 6 tournaments he's been in. I'm scared. [:o]

Hope to do the fight tonight.

Well, I technically won against Dyll 2-1 in the first and second rounds and technically became the champion, but I don't buy it. TFP destroyed me with Skexis in our first match and he didn't use it at all here. TFP's the real champion in my eyes. Even if he did try his best, I think it came down to luck often and he's more skillful. Whatever! Even I wasn't rooting for myself here but I guess I'll take it. He's still one of the best OS players no matter the outcome.

The Finnish Phoenix -> RE: =OS= Ninth PVP Elemental Tournament (7/5/2015 23:31:54)

Congratulations to The Jop, winner of the Ninth PVP Elemental Tournament and thorn in my Achilles' heel!

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Ninth PVP Elemental Tournament (7/5/2015 23:39:39)

yall have to do 2 sets of matches to determine a winner though.

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Ninth PVP Elemental Tournament (7/5/2015 23:42:00)

We did the 2 matches, 2-1 each time. Closest one was me winning with only 60 health, so I at least know he was trying, though maybe not his hardest.

If it's possible, could we both get the 1st position like in the Neutral Tournament? TFP definitely deserves it more, so if I have to be 1st place we should share it.
Also, TFP requested that Gorillo be added. He would have won with GPK!

The Finnish Phoenix -> RE: =OS= Ninth PVP Elemental Tournament (7/6/2015 0:21:37)


I think this would all work out much more appropriately if The Jop received first place in accordance with what actually happened and what is merited as deemed by those results. But otherwise, hell let's just say everyone won!

Gorillo Titan -> RE: =OS= Ninth PVP Elemental Tournament (7/6/2015 14:25:10)

The latest AQW release add more to the OS story with nulgath having the chaos orb.

Kiyone -> RE: =OS= Ninth PVP Elemental Tournament (7/6/2015 16:34:07)

Alright everyone, Dual Elemental tournament is official closed! Congrads to our winner, The Jop, second place, Dylligraphy, and all our competitors for making a fun tournament.

With that, feel free to post your congrads, feedback, and thoughts of future tournament in this thread here.

=OS= Ninth PvP Tournament Feedback Thread

Archknight of OverSoul

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