RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (Full Version)

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Scakk -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (7/20/2019 22:26:53)

I live!

darkgillshadow -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (8/3/2019 3:01:03)

Guess who's back guess who's back guess who's back guess who's back

B.G.L. -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (9/12/2019 15:55:52)

Hello Everyone!

Digital X -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (12/6/2019 20:57:01)

I've been off a fairly long time and just returned a few weeks back. I have been suffering from a mysterious illness that came out the blue for the past 4 years now.

Still alive and kicking, just gotta manage with what I have.

BlacKitten25 -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (1/23/2020 8:18:36)


It's been ages since I last visited or played here. I had a little pocket of extra time and I remembered this place out of the blue.

It's very nice to think that I started playing AQ when I was in first grade. And now, I'm already almost through with my first year in medical school :) Just checking in, I don't think I remember anyone much. Hope everyone is well.

Digital X -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (1/27/2020 7:17:03)

I've levelled up in real life! :) Not sure where to put my stat points though.

sithdragon123 -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (4/3/2020 4:14:00)

A belated happy level up Digital X!

Something about the coronavirus quarantine got me thinking about this place again. It's nice to look at some names and still recognise them. Bit sad to see how empty this place is now. And a bit mortifying to read my old inbox messages and realise I used to talk as if I was a cabinet member in the British parliament.

Solar Boy -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (4/23/2020 14:21:41)

I've done the aging thing again... again. D:

If my keen gamer senses are correct, I'm here just in time to wish Zero Hex a belated birthday.

I'll also leave a "Hi!" for a future version of Puppy who will no doubt look at this thread at some point.

Enzeru -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (6/19/2020 10:21:21)

Stopping by to say hi after several years, seeing if anyone here remembers me?

Xplayer -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (6/22/2020 7:47:41)

@Enzeru: I remember you before you changed your name. I can't remember what your old name was, but I do remember you changed it forever ago. ^_^

Digital X -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (6/26/2020 18:24:51)

Name rings a bell Enzeru, welcome back!

Axios -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (10/20/2020 0:50:22)

Been MIA for a couple of years, but pleased to say that I'm finally back. Was dealing with a lot of personal and health-related issues that are now fortunately resolved. For those of you that do not know or remember me, I was an ArchKnight for the AQW Q&A and Bugs, was also a Moderator and Tester for AdventureQuest Worlds; hope everyone is staying safe during these scary times!

Rheannon -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (2/10/2021 15:37:08)

Been playing for almost 15 years, wow. Just can't quit.

Deadly the Eternal -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (3/22/2021 0:25:48)

And I'm back checking on this again after I decided to check on my AQ account information. Apparently there's now an Artix account, which somehow has an old email address that I can no longer access, so that's fun. I guess it's not a big deal if Support can't restore that one for me. I'll probably poke around my AQ account (which I can still access) a bit, but I don't expect to catch up with anything after all these years. Nostalgia is such a beast. Nowadays I'm mostly hooked on Pokemon GO anyway.

Solar Boy -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (4/23/2021 14:04:48)

Even more aging. D:

Digital X -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (4/23/2021 14:30:29)

You wanna stop that Mr ;)

Happy Bday though!

Scakk -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (10/15/2021 6:43:50)

It happened, again.

Digital X -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (10/15/2021 9:25:53)

Happy Birthday!

Of Omega Therion -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (10/28/2021 1:39:23)

Evidently it's been about 12 years since I last visited. Sucks to see that this place died but it's cool that some of the OGs are still around! Most of the old heads will remember my old username Praetor Koronis. Time certainly flies. Went around the world a few times during my military enlistment, got out and got a job as a maintenance director for a huge senior living facility, have 3 kids now and got into a hobby of breeding and selling snakes. Dealing with some gifts from the military at the moment, namely some mild PTSD but overall I'm happy with where I'm at in life.

I remember spending countless hours on here and making some great friends. Ailifr, super_ruben, and several others come to mind. We had an off-shoot forum that someone made for us to chat in once some of us started getting banned from here. When this place was popping it was the best place to get lost in for a few hours!

Shadow Spawn -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (2/19/2022 8:50:04)

I'm back after a decade. Back then, I was still a young guy but now a working adult in the terrible pandemic.

I don't think a lot of people remember me since I am not a popular user unlike the rest.
Not sure what happened during my absence but I hope the game has late game content.

Take care, people

Solar Boy -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (4/23/2022 20:12:11)

*old person noises*

Digital X -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (4/24/2022 11:32:17)

Happy Birthday Solar :)

weatherseed -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (4/25/2022 0:05:26)

I guess I'm officially back for the near future. At least until my attention is taken by something else again.

Sir Nicholas -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (7/31/2022 0:37:05)

Hello AE Forums. How long has it been? 4 years, yet I still can't stay away. It seems only yesterday that I was here in 2005, as a new member.

At long last, Sir Nicholas has come home.

The_Cuteness -> RE: Birthday / Leaving / Returning / Welcoming Thread (8/28/2022 1:41:42)

Hello all!

I just popped in to say hello since it's been 13 years since I logged in. Seems like I'm not the only one who came to reminisce. I found this forum in 2006 and we all use to have a grand old time. Still talked to a few of you for years after I left. And I still have Eliac on facebook LOL. Used to have LightningBlade too but he deleted me after a few years. Can't say I blame him. I know I used to be friends with a lot of people on here! It's nice to see a few of you even if those posts are a couple years old already. I'm turning 30 in a few months and it's kinda insane to see how much our community meant to everyone. Idk if this is even allowed, but I wouldn't mind following some of you on IG.

I didn't even play AQ and I stopped playing the dragon one way before I left the forums haha. I may pop back in to check DMs, so if you wanna reminisce, PM me!

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