RE: =Elemental Championships 2015= OOC - Competitors Assemble (Full Version)

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TormentedDragon -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2015= OOC - Competitors Assemble (8/12/2015 22:42:13)

Hey slowpokes. First post.

Get it in gear.

salene -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2015= OOC - Competitors Assemble (8/13/2015 0:00:23)

Second! Also, it seems you already have an aggressor Tormented!

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2015= OOC - Competitors Assemble (8/13/2015 22:17:38)

While I hope to have time for flavor bits during the busy time of the Paragon Phase, for the moment I am focusing on providing factual information. Please pay attention to your Arena specific OOCs, as I will add any notable questions asked to the opening posts there for every competitor's benefit.

At the very least, at some point during the Paragon Phase, I do intend to showcase the unused arenas. I like to share, and though massive changes are unlikely between this year and next (Fountain notwithstanding), minor changes and descriptive tweaks are likely which will keep you all on your toes even if I share the main surprises this year.

E: There remains 3 hours until folks who were asked to resubmit bios or otherwise contact me are cut from the competition. Please hurry! I know some of you have been waiting on this all year, and it would be a shame to not compete!

E2: Welp. I am a man of principles and must stick to my guns. I was looking forward to revised submissions from AsperStorm, ringulreith, and others so that we could get more folks into the competition. However, that deadline has now come and gone, and I am sad to say that those folks will have to wait for next year. Terrible feeling to have to say that, but out of fairness to the rest it must be done.

E3: As a general reminder, at this point you are NOT allowed to be editing your bio for any reason. At all. The next person who does so will be receiving the full penalty for their actions.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2015= OOC - Competitors Assemble (8/26/2015 4:06:31)

I went to bed extremely early last night, which was a pleasant if unexpected turn of events. It has me in a very, very pleasant state of mind at the moment. As such, Draketh, Salene and Riprose have until 9 AM server time or I will be very, very cross and tyrannical in enforcing the idle out rules.

There will be no leniency from this point forward on that rule barring advance warning. Currently, only Bastet has warned me of potential posting issues for the rest of the Paragon Phase.

E: At this point, I am not looking for excuses from those receiving this generous extension. Post or don't.

salene -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2015= OOC - Competitors Assemble (8/31/2015 19:36:48)

Is there anyway that the EC's can start later next year? It seems that a lot of people have been disqualified because of having too much to do (usually school related) and I can only assume that if we started about a month earlier it might be easier to manage

Draycos777 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2015= OOC - Competitors Assemble (8/31/2015 19:48:30)

See, the problem with that is that others are on summer vac. It's really a slippery slope when it comes to EC times.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2015= OOC - Competitors Assemble (8/31/2015 20:37:04)

And even if there wasn't a vacation there'd still be Summer terms of college for those of us college types.

Draycos777 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2015= OOC - Competitors Assemble (8/31/2015 20:53:27)

but DNW, in your situation, wouldn't starting EC earlier then be beneficial?

Tdub -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2015= OOC - Competitors Assemble (8/31/2015 20:54:53)

There is never a time in the year when no one is busy. If you know you can't enter and post consistently, don't enter. That being said, a lot of the DQs this year could have been solved with a simple remind or calendar system, not a work overload.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2015= OOC - Competitors Assemble (8/31/2015 21:44:12)


Timing either makes things inconvenient for players with school, or with work, or with juggling vacations for that matter. There is no pleasing everyone involved, and while I can be infinitely lenient with some form of advance warning, I am merciless in its absence.

The above is quoting myself back from Fountain's OOC thread. However, I suppose I am capable of elaborating in further detail since the topic of timing has been brought up. There is no ideal timing for any EC. They have been run early in the summer, they have kicked off mid-summer, and they have run akin to this one late in the summer and overlapping into the school year. No matter which start-date gets pursued, multiple individuals will have problems in terms of availability. Some of these will be foreseeable, such as vacations or orientations. Others will be sudden and unforeseeable, such as project deadlines, sudden test stress, or family emergencies. Since I cannot, by the nature of the time commitment involved, please everyone involved I choose the start time according to how I see things playing out most preferentially.

That choice is to overlap into the fall semester of schooling. Whether primary, secondary, or tertiary education, schooling provides something that is predictable and foreseeable. Class syllabi exist to help students plan out their studies and assignments, and therefore planning for post writing is something that can be done. While it is true orientations could pose problems, individuals have overcome this by the simple act of talking with Directors about alternative options - Starflame13 did so with me for posting by email and it worked wonderfully to keep her from idling out. I was more than happy to accomodate the need, because she approached me to talk about the problem. By contrast, the vacation season tends to be horribly antagonistic to planning around, and even the best intentions of an individual can be defeated by outright lack of access to the boards. Smartphones are a blessing, but I cannot count on every competitor having them - heck, I don't even own one myself!

So, while next year may start earlier, it is unlikely to be much earlier. In the case of every single idle DQ this year, the individual being disqualified made absolutely no effort to talk with me about their issues, problems, or circumstances. Other folks have, and while I cannot grant infinite extensions without being unfair to other competitors, I have been lenient. Much more so than I have to be, and decidedly more so than I was towards the end of my prior Directorship stretch.

I give competitors all the information they need to be able to plan their time accordingly. When plans fail, it is nigh effortless to give me the simple courtesy of a note explaining potential problems. If it is impossible to spare even three minutes of a contestant's time to PM me when a problem arises, then I have no mercy in disqualifying them outright. This is in fact for two very separate reasons: 1. I assume it is a dire emergency in the first place, to the point where they really shouldn't be spending time, energy, and stress writing for a competition. I dislike making this assumption, if just because that is usually ill-tidings, and I do not think anyone enjoys wishing ill on others even by assumption. 2. I am enforcing the rules as written given the total lack of courtesy in being made aware of any problems or issues. This lack extends beyond myself but to the rest of the competitors, particularly those who are having to wait on that player's character. This puts them at risk of their own idle timers, and may further inconvenience the player depending on how they have budgeted their own free time.

Neither are assumptions I like to make. It is one of the reasons I loathe making Idle Disqualifications. The nature of the competition requires them, however, and comments after the fact that "I forgot" or "I got busy" really are not valid excuses for the behavior. Write a note. Use a calendar or planner, or an app on your computer or phone for the same purpose. Make it a habit to log in regularly, if just to check for any questions via PM and OOC threads. Then, if a problem arises, it is easy to extend the habit and take a few minutes to write a post or send a PM explaining what's up, and then I can try to help solve the problem. Sometimes, that's via an extension. Other times, that might be allowing submissions via alternative methods like direct emails.

I really don't think school is that big a time-sink to prevent common courtesy, or to disallow posting. It can make things difficult, sure, but so can job assignments, projects, or work-related travels. If anything, in addition to being more predictable for planning around, it puts all generations on a more even footing to be able to make their posts. And there's the insight for the day.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2015= OOC - Competitors Assemble (9/3/2015 21:30:49)

Before I post the actual names of the Chosen Paragons moving onto the Finals, I'm going to take a moment to explain the rules for the Finals. No worries, as I will also very clearly codify them in the opening post, but it helps to mention these things immediately and in as many places as possible. They are, on the whole, mostly remaining on their traditional note. The idle timer for the Finals is reduced to 72 hours from the time of your last post, or from 4 days to 3 for those preferring those terms. These individual timers start after posting your introductory/arrival post within the Finals thread. As a point of leeway and given the weekend involved, all Finalists must have their first post up no later than 23:59:59 on Monday. That is 11:59:59 PM for non-military, and as always, will be judged according to server time. Real life has been a bit of a pest, so I am not entirely sure when the Finals thread will be posted precisely. It should be up sometime tonight so that you each can look at the field and the pillars and such, but it will be locked until noon (12:00) tomorrow or as close to it as I can physically manage. Partly to adhere to the kickoff date of the Finals that I mentioned originally way back during the applications for this competition, and partly just to give me a bit of a break before I start taking a whole new round of notes.

That said, from here on out you are all back on even footing. What you have done up until now matters, but what you do from hereon out is where you most need to shine. Keep that in mind, communicate with each other, and please do have a blast showing off that you are the best of the best. To account for the slightly longer post time for initial posts, the entire field will have 6 days before the first Cut will be made, at 20:00 server time (or 8:00 PM) on September 10. While the announcement itself may not be promptly at that moment, posts beyond that will not be included in the Decision. Real life has a habit of even getting in my way, after all. Aim to have at least two posts up by that time, or take the risk inherent in giving me less material to make a judgement call. After the first Cut, subsequent Cuts will occur every 3 days afterwards, in the traditional manner. If a competitor Idles out, then there will be no competitor Cut during that period. This lasts until the Final 3, who will have a four day period to give their last and best effort before the Champion is chosen.

Leniency in idle timers and other issues will be available if advance notice is given. There will be no more after-the-fact leniency during the Finals phase.

By now, I hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth of everyone wanting to know exactly who has been Chosen. So let's start with the simple, we do have a batch of folks who have managed to advance simply because of disqualified competition. They kept themselves clean, and participated just as strongly as anyone else, but it was largely known that they would become Finalists. Still, they deserve their place and their shot at the Championship. So! A drumroll if you please?

Micha Wiedii has been chosen as the Paragon of Fire!
Lucia Deis has been chosen as the Paragon of Light!
Sheriff Dell Wolf has been chosen as the Paragon of Ice!

Following these Chosen are the remaining categories which, by DQ or by lack of applicants, are a choice between two individuals. A special case should be noted here, as deathlord45 got in touch with me well in advance of this moment to take himself out of the running for the Finalist slot. Which is why Wind is also in this bloc of announcements, likely much to everyone's surprise. That's right, folks, not a single category came down to anything other than a metaphorical head-to-head when it came time to choose the advancing Paragons. Which both simplifies and complicates the process, as my copious notes get hashed down to try and settle it all. But, without further ado!

S.O.N.A.R. has been chosen as the Paragon of Wind!
Zane has been chosen as the Paragon of Darkness!
John the Janitor has been chosen as the Paragon of Water!
Elysia, Storm-Bringer has been chosen as the Paragon of Energy!
Shud Stoneskin has been chosen as the Paragon of Earth!

So. There you have it, but even so, we can learn from what has been chosen. Typically, the EC has one arena that winds up stacked for advancements. This year, however, has been anything but typical. Between being hit extremely hard by DQs, having a declined advance, and having two of the tightest elements in terms of the Decisions, Fountain simply had zero advances. Which is an utter shame, but not entirely without precedent. Earth was particularly difficult and tight, with both competitors matching up strengths and weaknesses very closely. However, as has happened before, the element of luck may have been involved - the quality of competition around them influencing their own work in a positive way. Not an extensive one, but when measuring differences at a hair's breadth, sometimes that is all that matters. What else could we learn from the Paragon Phase? Communications have had decided impact on the field and the quality of posts, particularly with regards to lack of sufficient communication leading to negative impact via problems and misunderstandings. It happens, but moving forward I hope such will be much less in future competitions. We also have had some really standout new blood not only in terms of Finalists, but at all stages of the competition, which is extremely reassuring to see. In any case, we have a few lessons and our Finalists for this year, so let's kickoff to a strong Finals phase!

salene -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2015= OOC - Competitors Assemble (9/3/2015 21:49:54)

Gratz to everyone who made it! Although I think all of you are amazing role players, I'm gonna have to root for Zane. Darkness homies for life!

Draysin -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2015= OOC - Competitors Assemble (9/3/2015 22:56:27)

Whoot! And we're off to the races! DNW, good luck out there! Salene, Ronin, and all others affiltiated with the fountain arena, thank you for having me and, if you're all in agreement, once you feel that the fountain melee is over, I will post about the retrieving of Ravinia, as this requires a bit of a description.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2015= OOC - Competitors Assemble (9/4/2015 1:06:55)

The Grand Finals arena has been posted. I still need to post the tidbit in the Paragon Phase Arenas for the transition for the chosen, but I'm electing to grab at least a nap tonight first.

As a general reminder for the chosen few, you are granted a full restore if you so choose to accept it. Healing, repairs, ammunition where relevant. Even Blossom will be as healthy as before the entire affair started, if you'd like. Also remember that, while the traditional spark-sprite will be the same*, the metaphysical transition to the gate behind your pillar is entirely up to you. Just remember that it is a perceived reality, as the agents behind all of this may not be who you think they are...

*As with many things this year, I intend to give things a bit of a new "wrapper" so to speak. But, given the need for sleep, this may be the one thing that I get lazy on and keep entirely traditional. We shall see!

Oh, and since I did say I would share the other arenas at some point, I have included one as a spoiler below. Enjoy, if you so choose to look into a potential future setting!


The sigils denoting the descending entrance into the familiar domains of Cellar were simple, a pair of doors opening skyward with the impression of stairs. Despite this simple sigil, the storied tales of fights in Championships past that have been held within its domain are legend. Each year, new highlights are added to the great scrolling fresco engraved into the walls of the spiral staircase, welcoming competitors on the last stage of their journey to the fight. So too did a curious scroll greet them halfway down, the ancient warning to abandon the thought of healing within while hinting at the reflective nature of its walls. It had been moved, and the most adept of competitors might feel something decidedly eldritch happening as they crossed passed the invisible threshold which that scroll represented, their journey turning truly their own…

It was a curious thing, those depths of Cellar. By courting despair, it held tight the seeds of Hope within.

Ancient gateways, relics of a bygone age pulled from the very bones of Lore, greeted each competitor as they moved past the last of the steps onto their own individual waiting areas. Tension nearly sang in the air as these imposing works of history-made-stone sat silently, until in perfect unison, they yawned open to reveal the Cellar beyond. A wave of humidity, heavy with the scent of fecundity, washes through those great doors. This is not the parched and dry Cellar all had come to expect! Creeper vines wove their way overhead through a forest of stalactites, ghostly white for the lack of sun so deep beneath the earth. They sweat dew, which lazily dripped from their rocky perches, creating puddles strewn across the smoothed stone floor. Luminous lichen cast its pale light from the four great support pillars, but the fungi was in full bloom, casting a sweet, alluring scent into the aerial mix.

This light, pale and ghostly, reflected off the smoothly curved mirrors which ringed Cellar’s walls and as the doors closed, so too were the gaps in this border. Spectators could safely watch on behind these ensorcelled walls, peering through the mirrors at the competitors, and no other arena could boast such a visceral thrill as watching a fireball coming at the face only to rebound like a master of pool to strike an unwary opponent’s back. They watched on, in rapt anticipation, as guides in each section took up the announcement in curious unison. “And we now stand witness to the challenge...of the Cellar Caverns.”

Kellehendros -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2015= OOC - Competitors Assemble (9/4/2015 7:06:40)

Slipping a quick note in here regarding my availability. Unfortunately, due to work and prior family commitments, I'm going to be hard-pressed to get a post up before Sunday evening. I've discussed the matter with Ronin, and I should be well able to get my post up before idle-timing is a concern, but I wanted to let the rest of you know as well.

If anyone needs anything from me, in terms of questions about Micha's appearance, or in regards to working out some matter of collaboration, I'll still be available via PM. I might recruit Ronin to do my answering for me, depending on access to resources at the time.

Congrats to those who advanced; I'm looking forward to working with all of you.

Starflame13 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2015= OOC - Competitors Assemble (9/4/2015 11:16:39)

Hope that you have a good weekend, then, Kell, and looking forward to hearing from Micha once you're back!

Quick question for people; during the transition between arenas I want my character to hear the names of the other competitors who are declared Paragon, and get a quick glimpse of what they looked like when they entered their first arena (this wouldn't be enough time to analyze strenghts/weakness, or tell if they'd be friendly or super affected by lightning, just meant so that Elysia can place names with faces). This would be written so that it'd be at the will of whatever elemental THING was moving her between arenas. Is this something people are ok with? If it's just one individual, I can write it as a void of noise/sight rather than hearing the name.

Apocalypse -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2015= OOC - Competitors Assemble (9/4/2015 11:38:55)

I'm cool with it. I'm just having Lucia listen in to the announcers as they mention names and Paragons. We'll see how well she does with the remembering.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2015= OOC - Competitors Assemble (9/4/2015 11:40:11)

New school "here is transition moment" post has been made in Twilight. Working on Spike's now. Fountain, for obvious reasons, will be last.

Time until impact, 20 minutes. Then the Finals *truly* start.

Apocalypse -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2015= OOC - Competitors Assemble (9/4/2015 12:08:16)

All right, boys and girls, let's look alive out there.

EDIT: @Ronin. Question/Clarification: Are the Pillars mentioned going in a clockwise or counter-clockwise order? (Assuming that they were mentioned in order that way)

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2015= OOC - Competitors Assemble (9/4/2015 12:41:53)

Clockwise order, with the Pillar of Wind serving as Cardinal North for positional reference sake.

Starflame13 -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2015= OOC - Competitors Assemble (9/4/2015 13:44:36)

And posted!

If you don't like how I portrayed your character, shoot me a PM and we'll work something out.

Glad to be here, and looking forward to working with all of you!

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2015= OOC - Competitors Assemble (9/4/2015 16:28:06)

It's a little late, but you have my permission there Starflame.

For those not in the rp irc, I'd like to just tell you that I have gotten sick.

Currently as of this moment (at 9:37 pm Friday, my time) I'm battling a 100.8 fever.

My energy levels are kinda low right now. So don't be surprised if over the course of the next few days you see my activity levels drop from 2 am to probably like 10 or 10:30 pm my time for rest.

Tdub -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2015= OOC - Competitors Assemble (9/5/2015 0:03:04)

Alright, let's get this party started. I'm looking forward to a great experience in the Finals this year!

Bastet -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2015= OOC - Competitors Assemble (9/5/2015 4:39:05)

Woah. It's the second year I've joined the EC and I already am in the finals. Whether I'm here by pure luck or not, I'll give it my best.

salene -> RE: =Elemental Championships 2015= OOC - Competitors Assemble (9/5/2015 16:26:14)

@Above It wasn't luck Bastet! You're a great RP'r, and you definitely deserve to be here!

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