=AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (Full Version)

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Melissa4Bella -> =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/5/2015 17:29:16)

Welcome to the AQ3D (Dis)Accomplishments thread!

Have you beaten a monster lately? Have you lost when the monster had 1 hp left? Bought a cool new item today?

Anything and everything about AQ3D that makes you proud or extremely grumpy belongs in here! This is not a place for conversations but rather for declaring to the world you accomplishment or dis-accomplishment as the case may be. Here are a few ground rules to set up so that we are all on the same page!

Thread Rules
  • All Universal Forum Rules apply.
  • Please no extended conversations.
  • No "woot! first post!!11" type entries
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  • flashbang -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/5/2015 19:08:31)

    ACC: I made friends
    ACC: I got the Trollurk Mace.

    ShioriAQ3D -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/5/2015 19:12:08)

    Accomplishment. Kind of.
    "The Assassins Guild is one step closer to finding the Krabby Patchy recipe. Don't laugh. Very serious mission. "

    EDIT: We're making progress! http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=289701petshopcrabblue2.png

    GuardMouse -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/5/2015 22:15:24)

    ACC: Got everything I wanted from the shops.
    ACC: Got 10k Gold (in anticipation for a rare 10,000 gold weapon that I hope will be released)
    DIS: Got nothing to spend all my moneys on. :[

    Azan -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/5/2015 22:57:16)

    ACC: Have an account!
    ACC: Hit level 3!
    ACC: Explored all the areas!
    DIS: Got lured into an unescapable pit. *facepalm*
    DIS: And no teleporting out of it since I'm on a Mac. :P

    I can definitely say this game is very fun so far and I'm eagerly awaiting the Doomwood area!

    Arachnid -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/5/2015 23:01:24)

    ACC: First AE game where i'm going to have alpha and founder!
    DIS: Founder isn't here yet :(
    DIS: Neither is that sexy Alpha Knight armor

    mattkuk1120 -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/6/2015 22:33:32)

    ACC: Spotted Artix during the first day of Alpha the moment I first logged in
    ACC: I don't lag at all! (besides server related situations)
    ACC: Made it to level 3 after an hour
    ACC: Got all the gear in the game
    DIS: Ran out of things to do until new content comes out
    DIS: The Alpha Knight armor needs to come out sooner!

    flashbang -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/6/2015 23:12:28)

    ACC: Talked to Cy.
    DIS: Didn't see Cy though.

    Silver Sol Los -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/7/2015 11:14:49)

    ACC: Made some new friends.
    ACC: Level 3 bby
    ACC: Got dat Swag golden armor and big mace
    DIS/ACC: Found a hole in an invisible wall in Greenguard south
    DIS/ACC: Falling for daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays

    Battle Elf -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/7/2015 11:57:47)

    ACC: Almost level 2!
    DIS: Still haven't gotten hang of the controls

    David the Wanderer -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/7/2015 14:14:48)

    ACC: Got Smash Mash the Trolluk to drop Goldie Sword on my third try! [:D]

    Shadowhunt -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/7/2015 15:06:42)

    ACC: Level 3
    ACC: Goldie, Crimzun, and Bluebert swords
    DIS: Didn't get the Emereldo one
    ACC: Currently going for a nice swim in the swimming pit
    DIS: Sort of bored with the game, the most fun I've had so far is probably jumping around and seeing what sorts of holes and invisible steps and whatnot exist

    Second Silver TH -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/7/2015 16:47:49)

    ACC: Level 3.
    ACC: Crimzun, Goldie, Emereldo and Bluebert swords acquired.
    ACC: 7K gold siting there waiting to be used at some point.

    Wind -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/8/2015 3:33:25)

    ACC: 10k gold.
    DIS: haven't got 1million yet
    ACC: found lots of glitches and secret spots
    DIS: probably will be patched soon

    GuardMouse -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/8/2015 4:22:05)

    ACC: Got all 4 of the new weapons dropped by Trolluk
    ACC: Got around 10k Gold in the process so I'm creeping up on 20k
    DIS: I might hit the gold cap (I think its 35k) and I will have nothing to spend it on D:

    Darius -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/8/2015 11:16:59)

    Acc: Lv.3!
    Acc: Goldie Sword!
    Acc: Full set of Golden Armor!

    Xcv2011 -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/12/2015 14:25:06)

    Acc; Reached level 3
    Acc: 'Discovered' Super Cool Secret


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    Space Robin -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/12/2015 19:55:18)

    ACC: Level 3 as well!
    ACC: Goldie Sword. Got all of the swords from Smash Mash Trolluk.
    DIS: Can't talk. See cool people, can't speak. I communicate by running around them. Works well some of the time though!
    DIS: Keep dying on Smash Mash Trolluk.

    MegaACC: Finally jumped on the posts in Yulgar.

    ACC: Found this tiny cave in Doomwood covered by branches. Managed to jump in. It is now my private place to hide. But I'm pretty sure it'll be a secret area or something. Caves are there for a reason.

    LambO -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/12/2015 20:30:03)

    ACC: Tech demo player.
    ACC: Alpha player.
    ACC: Level 3 for the second time.
    ACC: 3/4 swords. Don't need to try for the forth, since I have Goldie. Also, trolluk's weapon.

    Darius -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/14/2015 11:50:11)

    Acc: Made an alt yesterday with my alt AQW char's info.
    Acc: Made her stronger than my main within 8 hours of her creation.
    Acc: Made her richer too, breaching the 10k mark faster than I thought I would.
    Dis: Not to be outdone by a noob, my main had to go back to gold farming.
    Acc: Now they're both over 11k gold, give or take a few hundred and change.
    Acc: My main's stat build is defense-based, while my alt's is a blitz offense.
    Acc: Excited for Doomwood part 1 and revamped Greenguard North tonight!

    Dis: Greenguard North revamp wasn't this week.
    Dis: People keep getting Undead Terror stuck in trees so people can't farm him.
    Acc: Found a good group on my main, and got Dark Knight within a couple of hours!
    Dis: The group my alt was with went full-bore troll and intentionally got him stuck.
    Dis: Can no longer find an instance where Undead Terror isn't stuck. I give up![:@]

    Acc: Got Dark Knight on my alt, finally!
    Acc: It dropped fairly quickly, too!
    Dis: Had to wait until Zhoom fixed UT.
    Acc: Ran into Cysero in Yulgar's last week. He took some time to answer mine and some other peoples' questions before getting overwhelmed with spam and bailing.
    Acc: Greenguard revamp soon! Finally!

    Feralun -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/15/2015 3:41:35)

    ACC: First game I became an alpha tester in
    ACC: First game I started streaming on Twitch
    ACC: Made plenty of new friends
    ACC: Got 2 of each of the 4 Trolluk swords within 1 hour
    ACC: Got all 5 swords from the huge skeleton in Doomwood within 12 hours of release

    Takedashi -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/17/2015 18:23:34)

    Dis: Still no golden sword

    ernitis -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (12/8/2015 5:46:27)

    acc: Got the dark knight in like 10 minutes.
    Acc: lvl 3

    Misty_kitty -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (12/13/2015 23:21:42)

    ACC: First time playing and I like it :) Well done, AE!

    megakyle777 -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (12/28/2015 23:50:03)

    ACC: Soloed Slime Lord AND The Boss at the Bridge. Slime soloed at full health, The Warlord was harder and I almost died.
    DIS: Was using Brutal Helm and Deathly Zed since I don't think it possible otherwise.

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