RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (Full Version)

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Noldor Numbwit -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (12/30/2015 13:17:55)

Acc: Reported 27 bug reports with images attached showing the bugs.


DragonUltraMaster -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (1/6/2016 0:41:51)

Level 12 ACC: It took me some hours of farming, but I did it.
Gold ACC: I also earned quite a bit of gold. ^^


*Nova* -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (1/9/2016 23:50:50)

ACC: I'm ready to be wiped. :)
Memory bag

fxmybrute13 -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (1/14/2016 21:45:05)

Is it just me, or can I not talk in chat? Where can I verify my account to be able to talk if that's supposed to be a feature?

The Jop -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (1/30/2016 8:38:26)

ACC: I forgot I used ads to buy dragoncoins a while ago, so I finally got to play AQ3D! Hype!

Inigo Montoya -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (2/15/2016 21:26:04)

ACC: Close to 100K gold
DIS: New 0.0.61 patch came out and I still can't chat in-game due to Mac bug

ShadowScythe Valen -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (3/10/2016 0:15:09)

ACC: Finally got to DL and play AQ3D on Steam!
DIS: After brainstorming for 30 minutes, I decided to use the name Sepulchure; he's cool as hell. NPC names are off limits... :/
ACC: Named char ShadowScythe Valen instead, which is pretty much the same thing and still sounds pretty cool.

Milhound -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (3/11/2016 9:33:58)

Got to chat with:
Yoshino - (AQ3D new Tester),
Staff(Name Change soon) - (AQ3D new Tester),
Blue - Ultimate money hoarder of AQ3D,
Chaos - New player who defeated Evil?,
Sly - The creator of the soon to be introduced Erebus -

And basically had a good chat for the first time in AQ3D.

Battle Elf -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (3/20/2016 20:31:55)

ACC: Almost level 3!
DIS: Still don't have very much gold

SonicTbear -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (3/26/2016 22:34:49)

ACC: Level 12.
DIS: 2 more areas to clear.
DISACC: 0123/5 pieces of the Alpha Knight set.
DIS: Shoulder's been hurting all day. Couldn't finish the quests, let alone pick up my DS to play Pokemon Yellow.
ACC: Getting Steam Link in two weeks. Now I won't have to hop on my computer nor leave my bedroom to play this game. [:D]

ACC: Shoulder's feeling much better.

ACC: A little more that 10K Gold left until I can get the Horn.

Wish List:
  • Alpha Knight Armor
  • Alpha Knight Belt II
  • Alpha Knight Boots II
  • 30,000 Gold
  • Horn of Generosity
  • Alpha Knight Gloves II
  • Alpha Knight Shoulderplates II
  • Alpha Knight Helm II
  • The Bridge Keeper's Axe
  • Deathly Zed Sword
  • Brutal Horn
  • Dried Crust (x99)
  • Brain Slime

LadyYennifer -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (3/27/2016 16:46:34)

ACC: Level 12!
ACC: Inquisitor's Robe drop!
DIS: Met a few incredibly rude people in the Doomwood Tower map :(

SonicTbear -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (4/3/2016 7:34:51)

ACC: Finally got help with attempting to get the Alpha Knight Helm II.
DIS: Couldn't kill Gathmor once because he kept resetting after one guy attacked him enough to get him to damage that person and ended up resetting because the person he attempted to attack KEPT STANDING ON THE DAMN LEDGE!!!
ACC: I usually hate to look at the positives in screwed up moments like these, but the good thing that came out of this was that I got close enough to getting a party to help me fight Gathmor... -_-

overdead -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (4/3/2016 14:53:32)

ACC: Levelled up from 2 to 12 in 6 hours.
ACC: I'm starting to like the game.

SonicTbear -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (4/4/2016 17:15:10)

ACC: Managed to get the Alpha Knight Helm II.

ACC: Finished obtaining the complete Alpha Knight set. 6/6 items at their current highest version.
DIS: One area left in the game to finish.

Wish List:
  • Alpha Knight Armor
  • Alpha Knight Belt II
  • Alpha Knight Boots II
  • 30,000 Gold
  • Horn of Generosity
  • Alpha Knight Gloves II
  • Alpha Knight Shoulderplates II
  • Alpha Knight Helm II
  • The Bridge Keeper's Axe
  • Deathly Zed Sword
  • Brutal Horn
  • Dried Crust (x99)
  • Brain Slime
  • Crown of Twigs

BalDrakoFountAQ3D -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (4/14/2016 21:11:40)

Well here are the accomplishments I have achieved
over 500k gold (currently 536,201 gold)
got the Serpent Fighter Scales March 15 2016
got the Serpent Fighter Boots March 15 2016
got the Deathly Zed Sword March 9 2016
got the Brain Slime-March 23 2016
got the Crown of Twigs-April 1 2016
got the Dricken Feathered Robe-April 1 2016
hit level cap-March 7 2016

BalDrakoFountAQ3D -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (4/27/2016 23:00:54)

I currently have 863,818 gold
Got the Founder Package March 20 2016
Hit 102k in 14 hours only doing doomwood tower farming on March 27 2016
Nothing Else

DragonUltraMaster -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (7/20/2016 18:04:34)

DragonUltraMaster Shovel ACC:
After 100+ attempts to get the shovel blade, I finally got it. It feels so good to NEVER enter that dungeon again :P


SonicTbear -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/6/2016 9:22:53)

ACC: Loving the Guardian Rider Morph.
???: Named my horse Aoshima. [sm=cow03.gif]

BalDrakoFountAQ3D -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/7/2016 12:21:48)

Well It has been quite a while since I have seen you guys, I have hit 1 million gold on June 19, Got Royal Talon on July 19, I am Level 15 in Closed Beta, I have Nightlocke, Now I am chasing after items that may never drop

Agart -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/7/2016 18:54:27)

ACC: Solo'd Crypt of the Scytheblade

HeroKae -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/11/2016 14:21:42)

ACC: Got all 7 obtainable epic items (Deathly Zed Sword, Brutal Horn, Brain Slime, Nightlocke Scytheblade / War Axe / War Staff, The Bridge Keeper's Axe)
DIS: Missed Crown of Twiggs on pre-beta... i really hope it returns

Oliver Bell -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (8/15/2016 0:29:36)

ACC: Finally got the time to try out the closed beta version. Seen some nice improvements from Alpha.

Vypie -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (9/13/2016 17:02:07)

Four days ago, I managed to complete every piece of crafting equipment there is right now, excluding the stat variants. (Since I'm farming them for the looks)

This took lots and lots of dungeon runs, but even after getting all the items available since the update, I'm still not level 15!
Gotta be grateful for crafting inventory, otherwise all this would probably not fit in my bag. :D

Phantasmia -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (10/25/2016 13:32:14)

ACC: Level 15 =D
ACC: Got everything from Artix's craft shop in /skulltower

AAzami -> RE: =AQ3D= (Dis)Accomplishments Thread (11/7/2016 1:36:59)

ACC: Reached Level 15.
ACC: Dealt 913 Damage.
ACC: Released my first YouTube video for AQ3D. :D
ACC: I killed a Dricken to reach level 15!!!

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