.Shadow// -> RE: =AQ3D= Wiki Suggestions & Discussion Thread (11/24/2015 17:55:09)
Hey all. I'm Shadow, one of the AQW Wiki Mods who is also working on setting up the AQ3D Wiki. quote:
I'm not sure how the wiki for AQ3D will work but if it's anything like the one for AQW, one thing I dislike about that one is that it's not as organized as I'd like it to be. Throughout the years, there have been questions about certain items or asking to list items with certain specifications. Maybe a better way to create lists with certain specifications using the wiki could be a thing. I guess a better tagging system would be useful for this. I don't think I fully understand how the whole wiki works at this time but this is one thing that frustrates me at times. I'm not sure if I'm interpreting this suggestion right, but we already have the capability to do this with the AQW Wiki. Using page modules we can sort by tags, so for example we can have pages that show "Color Custom Non-Seasonal Hoods" or "Human NPC Vendors and Questgivers" and so on, there is actually a lot of options for customisation here. We normally create these list pages for players on request, but we can create a guide to show anyone how to do this if it would be helpful. quote:
please do not use that global spinning tag thing. im fairly certain it is Destroyer of Flash Interesting, I haven't heard anybody else have issues with this. I'll ask around and if other people are experiencing similar problems, we can disable it. quote:
The only thing I really want is for an AQ3D bible of some kind on the wiki. One thing that always rubbed me the wrong way was how on the AQW wiki the pages for characters was all substance and no filler. And that's fine, it's good to know exactly how many rock monsters Sir Perfulous wants murdured before he lets you buy his nans old Ford Mustang, but they really didn't provide much else than that. When I read the wiki pages I want to know more about the characters and the world. Why are we killing so many rock monsters? Who exactly is Sir Perfulous? Does the car still have that old people smell to it? It's the little things that really add up. We are definitely going to be looking at expanding the way we display lore, story and character information. However we cannot start this until AQ3D begins to have a proper storyline, so this suggestion will be worked on a bit further down the track. We really appreciate all the feedback so far, thanks everyone. :)