=AQ3D= Wiki Suggestions & Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Rickyb20 -> =AQ3D= Wiki Suggestions & Discussion Thread (11/16/2015 21:27:22)

Update: Wiki is now live, and can be found here.

Hello there everyone! For those of you who don't know who I am, I'm the current head of the AQW Wiki.

Me and the rest of the AQW Wiki mods are currently in the process of creating the AQ3D Wiki, and we announced earlier today on our new Twitter account that the wiki is scheduled to go live next week.

We want to try and get the players involved with the creation of the wiki as much as possible, so what we've decided to do is create a thread looking for wiki suggestions from you guys.

Please feel free to discuss and post any suggestions you would like to see on the AQ3D Wiki. Make sure to be constructive, and please mention why your suggestion would be beneficial to the AQ3D Wiki. Do note that we may not be able to implement every suggestion posted here onto the wiki.

Also, I would like to clarify right now that this thread is not for suggestions about the game itself; this thread is for wiki suggestions only. As far as I'm aware, the AQ3D team is currently not taking any suggestions at this time. (Edit: They are now accepting suggestions for the game itself, that thread can be found here.)

Alright guys, post away! If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me.

SlyCooperFan1 -> RE: =AQ3D= Wiki Suggestions & Discussion Thread (11/16/2015 21:40:31)

Just for clarification, will the AQ3D Wiki be on Wikidot, the same service used for the AQW Wiki? Or will it be on a new service, or here on the BattleOn Forums? Its location may influence suggestions.

Rickyb20 -> RE: =AQ3D= Wiki Suggestions & Discussion Thread (11/16/2015 21:41:22)

Yes, I apologize for not clarifying that.

The AQ3D Wiki will be on Wikidot.

SlyCooperFan1 -> RE: =AQ3D= Wiki Suggestions & Discussion Thread (11/16/2015 21:57:28)

Roger, thanks :D

I think a major change the AQ3D Wiki should have is the exclusion of "Thanks to" lines. After running my own wiki (unrelated to AE), I've come to think that if people want to see who made contributions to the page, they can just look at the page's history. The "Thanks" thing has been a major issue for the AQW Wiki from what I can tell, and barring them 100% would ease a lot of headaches and get rid of a lot of trash edits or "races to the finish line". In my opinion, that line at the bottom of the pages is not worth it at all.

That's all I've got for now but if I think of any more I'll make sure to post again!

Christophoses -> RE: =AQ3D= Wiki Suggestions & Discussion Thread (11/16/2015 22:09:01)

I would suggest adding every single item that appears in any inventory. Even all mod items should be listed on the website so people don't loose their mind trying to find out how to get them (like Drakath's character page items).



LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Wiki Suggestions & Discussion Thread (11/17/2015 14:56:57)

Make a lore section. Make it pretty and all.

It can include previous game lore that fits into AQ3D as backstory.
Then a timeline of current game.

Have characters, sides, villains etc have their own page that details their history.

I don't mind plots
I don't mind holes
But when the plots have holes.
I suffe- no that doesn't rhyme.

But yeah you get the basic idea.

So when the game has story updates the devs don't have to memorize everything by thought, they can check up on the lore and make future stories plot hole free!

Christophoses -> RE: =AQ3D= Wiki Suggestions & Discussion Thread (11/19/2015 21:32:19)


Great idea!

The Lore section should also list the events in chronological order, so we know what occurred when.

Rickyb20 -> RE: =AQ3D= Wiki Suggestions & Discussion Thread (11/23/2015 19:29:28)

@SlyCooperFan1: Me and the other staff have actually discussed this before and we have all agreed that it would be a good idea for the "thanks" system to be removed from the AQ3D wiki. It would save us a lot of hassle and headaches.

@Christophisis: We have no plans to record anything unreleased on this wiki, only stuff that's been released to the public. If it's not recorded on the wiki then it's safe to assume that it's unreleased. I also imagine that's something the devs wouldn't like too much.

@LyRein: Me and the other staff agree with this suggestion, and we will try to implement one further down the road when AQ3D releases an actual storyline.

Thank you all for the suggestions, and we encourage you all to try and post anymore that you can think of.

Rezilia -> RE: =AQ3D= Wiki Suggestions & Discussion Thread (11/24/2015 0:25:42)

If possible, make it so that item images are gimp'd. It really ruins the immersion when an item is stuck with a background, even if you're showing the full body of someone.

Showing all variants of armors and items with male and female characters and all races is just something that's necessary nowadays. Putting them in tabs will decrease any loading struggles.

Make pages more in-depth and put in spoiler compressions if necessary.

All stories need to be in-depth with pictures and everything.

At the top of every page with spoilers, state that it's spoilers and at what point it stops being spoilers.

When you list an item, don't only state how much it costs. State how to get it and the path to do so. For example, an item bought in Valencia's Shop would have alt text over the term Valencia's Shop which would read "/join battleon -> courtyard -> Valencia" or something similar.

Have a /join list.

I hope these help. :)

Rickyb20 -> RE: =AQ3D= Wiki Suggestions & Discussion Thread (11/24/2015 13:17:01)



If possible, make it so that item images are gimp'd. It really ruins the immersion when an item is stuck with a background, even if you're showing the full body of someone.

Not really sure what you mean by this. If you're talking about removing the background using an image-editor (i.e. GIMP), this isn't going to be possible since we have a general rule (for the AQW Wiki and for the upcoming AQ3D Wiki) that we do not allow editing images for the wiki aside from cropping. Also, images majority of the time are not about the background. They are about the item itself so the background should not matter (unless the background colors don't blend well with the item making the item impossible to see).

If I'm incorrect, then please clarify for me what you actually mean.


Showing all variants of armors and items with male and female characters and all races is just something that's necessary nowadays. Putting them in tabs will decrease any loading struggles.

We can do this with armors since there's an actual difference between male/female armors. That being said, I don't see the point in doing it for other items since there isn't going to be that much of a difference with the item itself.


Make pages more in-depth and put in spoiler compressions if necessary.

This depends on the what the wiki page is about. We can definitely consider this though.


All stories need to be in-depth with pictures and everything.

We can look at this suggestion later on when an actual storyline in AQ3D is released. I would imagine we could just use the AQW Wiki's story pages and find a way to improve them.


At the top of every page with spoilers, state that it's spoilers and at what point it stops being spoilers.

We've done this before on the AQW Wiki, so we can definitely do it for this wiki as well.


When you list an item, don't only state how much it costs. State how to get it and the path to do so. For example, an item bought in Valencia's Shop would have alt text over the term Valencia's Shop which would read "/join battleon -> courtyard -> Valencia" or something similar.

We can definitely do this for shop pages. We could try and state where the exact location is using words and images. AQ3D is a lot different from AQW in the sense that it's a 3D world, and not separate screens for a location. So it would make sense to do something like this.


Have a /join list.

If you're talking about a list of locations, we can do this. If you talking about just listing all the location /join commands, this won't be necessary since we can just make a page listing all the locations, with each /join function being on its respective wiki page.

Thank you for providing suggestions!

Aura Knight -> RE: =AQ3D= Wiki Suggestions & Discussion Thread (11/24/2015 14:11:20)

I'm not sure how the wiki for AQ3D will work but if it's anything like the one for AQW, one thing I dislike about that one is that it's not as organized as I'd like it to be. Throughout the years, there have been questions about certain items or asking to list items with certain specifications. Maybe a better way to create lists with certain specifications using the wiki could be a thing. I guess a better tagging system would be useful for this. I don't think I fully understand how the whole wiki works at this time but this is one thing that frustrates me at times.

kaziboca -> RE: =AQ3D= Wiki Suggestions & Discussion Thread (11/24/2015 14:23:04)

please do not use that global spinning tag thing. im fairly certain it is Destroyer of Flash

Thade -> RE: =AQ3D= Wiki Suggestions & Discussion Thread (11/24/2015 14:26:15)

The only thing I really want is for an AQ3D bible of some kind on the wiki. One thing that always rubbed me the wrong way was how on the AQW wiki the pages for characters was all substance and no filler. And that's fine, it's good to know exactly how many rock monsters Sir Perfulous wants murdured before he lets you buy his nans old Ford Mustang, but they really didn't provide much else than that.

When I read the wiki pages I want to know more about the characters and the world. Why are we killing so many rock monsters? Who exactly is Sir Perfulous? Does the car still have that old people smell to it?

It's the little things that really add up.

.Shadow// -> RE: =AQ3D= Wiki Suggestions & Discussion Thread (11/24/2015 17:55:09)

Hey all. I'm Shadow, one of the AQW Wiki Mods who is also working on setting up the AQ3D Wiki.


I'm not sure how the wiki for AQ3D will work but if it's anything like the one for AQW, one thing I dislike about that one is that it's not as organized as I'd like it to be. Throughout the years, there have been questions about certain items or asking to list items with certain specifications. Maybe a better way to create lists with certain specifications using the wiki could be a thing. I guess a better tagging system would be useful for this. I don't think I fully understand how the whole wiki works at this time but this is one thing that frustrates me at times.

I'm not sure if I'm interpreting this suggestion right, but we already have the capability to do this with the AQW Wiki. Using page modules we can sort by tags, so for example we can have pages that show "Color Custom Non-Seasonal Hoods" or "Human NPC Vendors and Questgivers" and so on, there is actually a lot of options for customisation here. We normally create these list pages for players on request, but we can create a guide to show anyone how to do this if it would be helpful.


please do not use that global spinning tag thing. im fairly certain it is Destroyer of Flash

Interesting, I haven't heard anybody else have issues with this. I'll ask around and if other people are experiencing similar problems, we can disable it.


The only thing I really want is for an AQ3D bible of some kind on the wiki. One thing that always rubbed me the wrong way was how on the AQW wiki the pages for characters was all substance and no filler. And that's fine, it's good to know exactly how many rock monsters Sir Perfulous wants murdured before he lets you buy his nans old Ford Mustang, but they really didn't provide much else than that.

When I read the wiki pages I want to know more about the characters and the world. Why are we killing so many rock monsters? Who exactly is Sir Perfulous? Does the car still have that old people smell to it?

It's the little things that really add up.

We are definitely going to be looking at expanding the way we display lore, story and character information. However we cannot start this until AQ3D begins to have a proper storyline, so this suggestion will be worked on a bit further down the track.

We really appreciate all the feedback so far, thanks everyone. :)

Aura Knight -> RE: =AQ3D= Wiki Suggestions & Discussion Thread (11/24/2015 18:51:40)


I'm not sure if I'm interpreting this suggestion right, but we already have the capability to do this with the AQW Wiki. Using page modules we can sort by tags, so for example we can have pages that show "Color Custom Non-Seasonal Hoods" or "Human NPC Vendors and Questgivers" and so on, there is actually a lot of options for customisation here. We normally create these list pages for players on request, but we can create a guide to show anyone how to do this if it would be helpful.

I wasn't aware of this. The problem I have is not being sure what to write in the search bar to get to certain pages. I know there's the list of tags and all, but sometimes that doesn't help when I'm trying to find something really specific. The current system isn't bad but confusing for someone who has no idea how to properly search through tags. A guide on how to create specific lists would be nice.

Alright then, this is something we'll look into setting up! :) ~.Shadow//

LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Wiki Suggestions & Discussion Thread (11/25/2015 11:17:23)

You know how to solve all the problems?

Make lists like other Wikis i.e

City Names.

Clicking on a major country/city name would lead you to the following

Shops, NPC, Story (which could lead to the game timeline i was talking about, except it only takes you to that cities timeline), etc etc.

Clicking on Shops for example would lead you to

Common, Rare, Seasonal, etc.

Clicking on NPCs

will show you a list of names of NPCs (each with their own respective pages).

They could have A, B, C to shorten the search even more.

I feel while this could take time, it also pays off a lot in the end.
As for rare event or seasonal events, just have the first categories like this

Map (with major cities)
Events (with event areas using same formula as Maps (above)
Classes (self-explanatory).
etc etc.

hope u understood that.

kaziboca -> RE: =AQ3D= Wiki Suggestions & Discussion Thread (11/29/2015 15:03:30)

one thing i always thought the aqw wiki needed was a date added/date modified kind of thing. sometimes its very relevant when things happened

speedmeteor101 -> RE: =AQ3D= Wiki Suggestions & Discussion Thread (11/29/2015 16:40:08)

http://aq3d.wikia.com/wiki/AQ3D_Wikia is a representation of how i'd imagine a wiki and probably how you were already thinking (or not)... Obviously it's gonna abandoned once the official is up, but yeah

kaziboca -> RE: =AQ3D= Wiki Suggestions & Discussion Thread (11/29/2015 16:54:48)

what did that wikia offer in terms of organization and function that the aqw wiki doesnt

speedmeteor101 -> RE: =AQ3D= Wiki Suggestions & Discussion Thread (11/29/2015 19:20:34)

nothing, really... that's why i say that's probably what they were doing.

Evangel -> RE: =AQ3D= Wiki Suggestions & Discussion Thread (11/30/2015 17:20:14)

Is it possible to embed some sort of 3D viewer into the AQ3D Wiki page? Instead of static images/multiple static images of items, have some sort of rotatable 3D viewer of the items? Or maybe short animations such as gifs or WebMs that do a 360 view of most items?

Rickyb20 -> RE: =AQ3D= Wiki Suggestions & Discussion Thread (1/17/2016 17:43:49)

Hello again everyone. The AQ3D Wiki is now live! You can find it here: http://aq-3d.wikidot.com/

Please feel free to continue posting suggestions here if you wish. If you guys have any questions/issues with the wiki, please feel free to PM me.


LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Wiki Suggestions & Discussion Thread (1/17/2016 17:51:39)


was hoping for a background that's like pictures of landscapes in AQ3D instead of the main cast tbh

and that type of wiki is really messy (or can get messy, looking at AQW)

hopefully you'll implement a yearly system so when looking for an item you click on a year number and month instead of scrolling through thousands of pages of text to find it.

Rickyb20 -> RE: =AQ3D= Wiki Suggestions & Discussion Thread (1/17/2016 18:42:59)



hopefully you'll implement a yearly system so when looking for an item you click on a year number and month instead of scrolling through thousands of pages of text to find it.

We do have something like that called the Chronicle of Releases.

We currently don't have anything on past releases, although they will be coming eventually. Any new releases that come will be recorded onto the Chronicle of Releases.

LyRein -> RE: =AQ3D= Wiki Suggestions & Discussion Thread (1/17/2016 18:54:09)


oh i think that was my idea, thanks for implementing it

but i was talking more about items like weapons/armours in general

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