Ashes (Full Version)

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Occavatra -> Ashes (3/18/2016 22:13:21)


Location: Castle Valtrith (Town) -> Symone -> Calamity Saga -> Caitiff's Studies -> Ashes
Requirements: Completion of Shattered
Release Date: March 18th, 2016

Objective: The Darkness is determined to find out the secret of the hero the secret of why you have defeated the odds time and time again. The more that Caitiff learns the more its wrath grows!
Objective completed: The smoldering wrath of revenge!

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

(16) Smoke Elemental
(1) Bassault - Boss

Pyre Spy

Shadowheart Bracer

Primary Frost Devil
Secondary Frost Devil
Tertiary Frost Devil
Quaternary Frost Devil
Quinary Frost Devil
Senary Frost Devil
Septenary Frost Devil
Octonary Frost Devil
Novenary Frost Devil

Primary Frost Spectre
Secondary Frost Spectre
Tertiary Frost Spectre
Quaternary Frost Spectre
Quinary Frost Spectre
Senary Frost Spectre
Septenary Frost Spectre
Octonary Frost Spectre
Novenary Frost Spectre

Primary Frost Giant
Secondary Frost Giant
Tertiary Frost Giant
Quaternary Frost Giant
Quinary Frost Giant
Senary Frost Giant
Septenary Frost Giant
Octonary Frost Giant
Novenary Frost Giant

Access to Ashes DC and Amity.

*An establishing shot of a forest near Falconreach at board daylight is shown. Cuts down into the forest where Caitiff is scouring for more answers. It finds a cave partially blocked by wooden planks. Caitiff obliterates them with ease and enters the cavern. A burning piece of wood remains of this former blockage. It then lifts its hand and a Fire Elemental gem levitates and floats to Caitiff. There, its spirit touches it and has a vision that begins with Fire Elementals marching below Xan and Drakath and it catches a glimpse of a scorched Falconreach. The vision then cuts to Xan after he depletes your life.*

Pyre Spy: *whisper whisper whisper*
Xan: Oh? Warlic, you say? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! What a wonderful day!
Xan: Too bad for you hero. I was going to finish you quickly, but now I leave you to a slow death.
Xan: Farewell <Character>. I've got a meeting with an old friend. HAHAHHAH! See you in the afterlife!

*The vision cuts to the crowd of the Falconreach townsfolk before it ends.*

Caitiff: Show me.

*It conjures a dark fireball on the gem before it ventures into the charred cave. Loads Caitiff.*

*Caitiff is further enraged by what it has learned in the cave.*

Caitiff: Revenge.
Caitiff: Distractions... It could have ended there.

*Its eyes and mouth glow furiously.*

Caitiff: It should have ended there.

*Caitiff's arm continues to shatter, enlarging the crack into a noticeable hole.*

  • Complete Quest
  • DC Drops - opens Ashes DC.
  • Amity - opens Amity.

    Pop-up headline if you try leaving the quest:

  • You haven't learned anything yet.

  • Next Up: Madness

  • Page: [1]

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